"Holy Hell" is a totally valuable book, because how often do we get an insider 
view from someone who was actually the personal assistant of such a big-name 
guru, and for two long decades? So often these gurus are two-faced hypocrites, 
presenting a smiling, benevolent persona to the general public, then changing 
into their true colors in private behind closed doors. People like Sathya Sai 
Baba (much of my two decades inside Indian ashrams were spent at his ashram in 
Puttaparthi) and Mata Amritanandamayi no doubt inspire their devotees through 
their idealistic teachings, but part of that inspiration always lines the 
guru's pockets with more wealth. 

The fact is, as revealed in Gail's book and backed by a number of others who 
were close to the 'Hugging Amma', Amritanandamayi is violent with 
uncontrollable anger and harshly beats her attendants, she has sex with some of 
her top Swamis (who control the finances of the ashram empire - and who are 
also rapists), she orders murders of various people who come in her way - 
including her own brother (several police cases were halted by the powerful 
ashram authorities), she has made her family members multimillionaires (and 
then goes on record to say she gave them nothing and it is all due to the 
success of their local fishing business!). So many details backing Gail's 
experiences in her book, are available online - including financial reports 
that show less than 10% of donations help the poor.

So many parallels between these reports and what I personally experienced in 
sai baba's ashram! They are greedy rotten apples, preying on our naive 
devotion. :-(

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