[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation is the need of the time

2013-06-16 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation  is the need of the time


[FairfieldLife] ...david lynch foundation life...

2013-06-16 Thread merlin

...david lynch foundation life...



[FairfieldLife] An Afternoon with the Best of India

2013-06-16 Thread merlin

An Afternoon
with the Best of India:


[FairfieldLife] THE BEAUTY OF ...

2013-06-15 Thread merlin






2013-06-15 Thread merlin


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation boosts student graduation rates

2013-06-12 Thread merlin

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation positively impacts student graduation rates

2013-06-12 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation positively impacts student graduation rates, new 
research shows
A new study published in the June 2013 issue of 
the journal Education (Vol. 133, No. 4)* shows practice of the 
Transcendental Meditation® technique was associated with higher 
graduation rates, compared to controls.
Higher graduation rates affect not only the academic and personal 
life of the individual students, but also society as a whole. Graduation 
(versus dropping out) from high school translates into higher earning 
potential, less crime and incarceration, and less dependence on 
government assistance programs. 

read more ...


[FairfieldLife] McCartney, Jr: meditation and vegetarianism

2013-06-12 Thread merlin
McCartney, Jr: 

meditation and vegetarianism




[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation positively impacts student graduation rates

2013-06-11 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation positively impacts student graduation rates



[FairfieldLife] alliance of women scientists FOR A BETTER WORLD 2013

2013-06-09 Thread merlin
alliance of women scientists


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation: Famous people who meditate

2013-06-08 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation:
Famous people who meditate




[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation,

2013-06-05 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation, 

high blood pressure and diabetes 


[FairfieldLife] TM

2013-06-02 Thread merlin


[FairfieldLife] School of Thought

2013-06-02 Thread merlin
with Paul McCartney, Ringo and David Lynch


School of Thought Documentary featuring David Lynch 

[FairfieldLife] Course on Organic Gardening in the light of Maharishi Vedic Science

2013-06-02 Thread merlin

Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
May 28, 2013

Next course on Organic Gardening in the light of
Maharishi Vedic Science starting at MUM on 8 June.
Raja Luis reports on a continuing tsunami of
achievements and upcoming projects

Dr Swan reported 

on the great success of recent courses on gardening and agriculture in light of 
Maharishi Vedic Science at the Peace Palace in Erfurt at the centre of Germany, 
and at the Brahmasthan of Italy.

The courses were enjoyed for the knowledge, for the practical insights and 
methods, and for the inspiration, fun and laughter in the group. In Erfurt the 
group enjoyed hands-on experience making the garden of the Peace Palace.

The centre point (Brahmasthan) of Italy is in Umbria, one of the most beautiful 
parts of Italy. All the course participants wanted practical knowledge of 
vegetable gardening, as in Italy everyone has an 'orto' (vegetable garden), and 
loves to produce fresh, delicious tomatoes, eggplants and herbs at home.

One aspect of knowledge that everyone finds fascinating is ‘agreeing with the 
culturing intelligence’, Maharishi’s profound play on ‘agriculture’, or 
‘agree-culture’. The culturing intelligence of natural law is expressed 
throughout nature, and Dr Swan gave compelling examples from modern research 
showing how the great majority of organisms work together in a grand 
cooperation that creates ever-increasing productivity.

The next course will be held at Maharishi University of Management for the many 
people who were unable to join last year. The course schedule is structured to 
be convenient for faculty, students and Invincible America participants. The 
first lecture (overview of the course) is free for everyone.


Raja Luis reported,
that as consciousness is rising, nations are responding with a continual 
tsunami of achievements and demands for upcoming projects.
The city of Ciudad Juarez (in northern Mexico) has been known as the most 
violent city in the world for decades. Suddenly in the last few months it has 
become peaceful. Journalists are writing about it: no-one knows why there is 
peace, least of all the police and military. 

Raja Luis explained that a few months ago a large school in northern Mexico 
implemented Consciousness-Based Education, with many students practicing Yogic 
Flying and creating harmony in the collective consciousness. This week a 
further 3,000 Mexican students will be receiving the Yogic Flying technique – 
in addition to the 8,000 already practising.

In Peru a presentation by the local Governors to 200 school directors became so 
full of bliss and filled with the joy of life, that the feeling became ‘viral’, 
and resulted in the directors requesting Consciousness-Based Education for 
another 300,000 students in their areas.

Further large groups of students practicing Yogic Flying are coming up quickly, 
and it is now expected that four crucial countries will soon join the list of 
invincible countries of Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. 
In some of these countries the groups are coming up in the military schools.
Raja Luis now has many approaches to maintain national coherence during school 
holidays with groups that do not disperse: orphanages, prisons, security 
forces, companies, and groups of traditional people. Another new angle is 
‘People for Coherence’—groups practising together every day as a professional 

© 2013 Global Country of World Peace   

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation / Dilma Russeff

2013-06-01 Thread merlin


Transcendental Meditation /

Dilma Russeff:
I do Transcendental Meditation.


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation / DILMA RUSSEFF

2013-06-01 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation / DILMA RUSSEFF
I do Transcendental Meditation.


[FairfieldLife] DILMA RUSSEFF

2013-06-01 Thread merlin


I do Transcendental Meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation (TM)

2013-06-01 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Oprah's Meditation Practice: 

Why Did She Learn TM? 



[FairfieldLife] James McCartney to host David Lynch meditation film

2013-06-01 Thread merlin
The David Lynch Foundation announced Friday that Paul McCartney's son James 
McCartney will take up one of his dad's causes and host a screening of a 
meditation documentary at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival June 15...



[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation & Creativity

2013-05-27 Thread merlin

Film Student Chelsea Richer on Creativity and Meditation 



[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation benefits for Women Professionals

2013-05-25 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation 

benefits for Women Professionals 


[FairfieldLife] NBC NEWS: Transcendental Meditation /High Blood Pressure

2013-05-24 Thread merlin


Transcendental Meditation 

/High Blood Pressure 

Clinical Trial 


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation (TM) Helps Access Creativity

2013-05-20 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation (TM)

Helps Access Creativity


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation Clip

2013-05-20 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation Clip



Introduccion a la Meditacion Trascendental subt español

[FairfieldLife] Great progress in Nepal

2013-05-20 Thread merlin

Great progress in Nepal, Israel, Ukraine, South Korea and Georgia reported by 
Raja Kingsley  

Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
May 18, 2013

This report by Raja Kingsley 

was so wide-ranging and contained news of so very many significant projects, 
presentations, meetings and breakthroughs that we can only offer a small 
selection to give a flavour from one country – Nepal.

Dr Bevan Morris spoke with former Prime Minister Chand, 

at a celebration honouring Maharishi.

Raja Dr John Hagelin addressed leading thinkers, academics and intelligentsia 
at the Nepal Academy for Science and Technology.

Fours schools, including the Military Academy High School, have started 
Transcendental Meditation and are implementing Consciousness-Based Education, 
and there is a rising tide of interest from many more.

Twenty-two schoolteachers travelled to Thailand to attend the Transcendental 
Meditation Teacher Training Course, after which they will return to implement 
Consciousness-Based Education in their schools.

    © 2013 

Global Country of World Peace

[FairfieldLife] Mobile radiation

2013-05-19 Thread merlin

 Mobile radiation

>>Experiment with cress in 9th grade schoolclass awaken international atten-tion
>>Research scientiest from several countries are very exited about a 
>>biologyproject from five 9th grade girls in Denmark. KL. 17:07Researchers 
>>from both England, Holland and Sweden have shown great interest for the 
>>biologyexperiment made by the five girls. Photo: By the girls from 9.b 
>>ByMathias Bohn 
>>Tace 400 cressseeds and distribute them in 12 trays. Then you place 6 trays 
>>in 2 rooms with the same temperature. You give the trays the same amount of 
>>water and sunlight over 12 days and remember that the 6 trays in one room is 
>>also exposed to mobile radiation. 
>>This is the recipy for a biologyexperiment så genious, that it has created 
>>international sensation among recognised biologists and radiation experts. 
>>Behind the experiment are five girls from 9.b in Hjallerup school in northern 
>>Jutland in Denmark and it all started with these girls noticing that they had 
>>problems with focus and concentration in the school: 
>>- We all felt that we had experienced concentration problems in the school if 
>>we had been sleeping with the mobile phone next to our heads and sometimes it 
>>was difficult to sleep, explains Lea Nielsen, who is one of the 'sprouting' 
>>The experiment
>>The school did not have equipment to test the effect of mobile radiation on 
>>themselves, but that was probably good as the girls had to find an 
>>alternative. And the answer was cress seeds. 
>>Six trays with seeds were put in a room without radiation and six trays were 
>>put in another room next to two routers. Such a device emits just about the 
>>same type of radiation as a completely normal mobile telephone. The "healthy" 
>>cress without the influence of the router. Photo: By the girls from 9.b  
>>And then it was just a matter of waiting 12 days, observe, measure, weigh and 
>>take pictures along the way. And the result spoke its clear language: The 
>>cress seeds next to the router had not grown, and some had even mutated or 
>>- It is really frightening that there is such a big influence, so we 
>>ourselves were very much incluenced by the result, explains Lea Nielsen.The 
>>"sick" cress exposed to the influence from the router. Photo: By the girls 
>>from 9.b  
>>The reactions
>>The experiment gave the girls a place in the final of the competition "Young 
>>Researchers", but this was only the beginning. Renowned researchers from both 
>>England, Holland and Sweden has since shown great interest in the girls 
>>project so far. From left to right: Lea Nielsen, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe 
>>Nielsen, Sisse Coltau og Rikke Holm. Photo: Kim Horsevad  
>>The renowned professor from 'Karolinska Instituttet' in Stockholm, Olle 
>>Johanson, is one of the impressed researchers. He will now repeat the 
>>experiment with a research colleague from Belgium, professor Marie-Claire 
>>Cammaert from 'Université libre de Bruxelles', because he thinks the 
>>experiment in genious:
>>- The girls have, within there framework of knowledge and abilities completed 
>>and prepared a very elegant job. The big amount of details and precision is 
>>exemplary, the choice of the right cress is very intelligent and I could go 
>>on, he says. 
>>And he does not hesitate in sending the girls an invitation along the way:
>>- I really hope that they will use their future worklife in the area of 
>>research, because I certainly think that they have a natural talent for doing 
>>research. Personally I would love to see these people in my team!
>>No mobile near the bed
>>The five girls from Northern Jutland has not yet decided anything about their 
>>futures carriers. They are still much surprised by all this attention. 
>>- It gives such a constant buzz in the stomack. I just can't understand all 
>>that is happening now, says Lea Nielsen.
>>And Mathilde Nielsen cuts in:
>>- It is so overwhelming and exiting. This is not something you experience 
>>every day. 
>>But there has also been other consequences of the cress experiment of more 
>>lowpractical character. 
>>- None of us sleeps with the mobile near our beds anymore. Either we put far 
>>away or we put it in another room. And we always remember to shut down the 
>>computer, says Lea Nielsen.

[FairfieldLife] Mother-Baby_Programme

2013-05-18 Thread merlin


[FairfieldLife] Coherent Times Magazine

2013-05-15 Thread merlin

Coherent Times Magazine




[FairfieldLife] Learning Transcendental Meditation 'best investment I will ever make'

2013-05-13 Thread merlin

Learning Transcendental Meditation 

'best investment I will ever make'

Transcendental Meditation News - UK   
2 April 2013

When John McHale learnt Transcendental Meditation a year ago, it was quite by 
chance. Being naturally a contented person, and with a successful career as the 
Project Manager for a commercial 
property development company in the UK, he was feeling more than 
satisfied with the way his life was going. 

''Having always 
been a happy person, I wasn't particularly searching for something that 
would bring more to my enjoyment of life. In fact I found out about 
Transcendental Meditation by accident whilst watching some videos of 
Russell Brand stand up [comedy] on YouTube. I came across another video 
that mentioned his practice of Transcendental Meditation. Watching this 
video and subsequent ones led me to go for my 30 minute introductory 
talk in Cambridge.'' 

Despite considerable doubts, he decided to go ahead and learn. 

''My teacher Jonathan Hinde was the perfect instructor for my sceptical
 mind. He answered my questions with a combination of experience, 
knowledge, and patience, and was not at all fazed by my probing into the
 benefits that all seemed too good to be true at the time.'' 

John also mentions that the course fee was initially a concern. ''Now I 
am in no doubt that it was the best investment I will ever make in terms
 of the health and life benefits. If a tablet could provide the same 
benefits I am sure that the cost over a lifetime would be hundreds or 
thousands of times more. In addition Jonathan's time, which he continues
 to give generously a year on, seems incredible value when compared with
 the charges made by others, such as life coaches or health 

Experiencing the good effects of the technique
 first-hand, John went on to inspire several of his family and friends 
to learn as well. 

''Some of my family and close friends are 
now benefitting from the increased sense of well-being and happiness 
that meditating brings. The knowledge that my friends and family are 
getting these benefits is the greatest gift that Transcendental 
Meditation has given me.'' 

Global Good News will continue to 
feature this profile of John McHale, in which he goes on to describe how
 practising Transcendental Meditation has helped him become more healthy
 and more resistant to the stresses of a very demanding career. 

Source: Transcendental Meditation News (UK)

[FairfieldLife] TRANSCENDENTAL Meditation (TM) Lowers Blood Pressure

2013-05-13 Thread merlin

New American Heart Association Report Informs Doctors:
(TM) Lowers Blood Pressure._


[FairfieldLife] treating PTSD with TM

2013-05-13 Thread merlin
US: New York City event focuses on treating PTSD with Transcendental Meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    
12 May 2013

An event at the New York Athletics Club in February aimed to raise awareness of 
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its effective treatment with 
Transcendental Meditation. 

A newly released video features the event—'Overcoming PTSD and 
Preventing Suicides: An Evidence-based Approach through Meditation in 
the Military'—hosted by the David Lynch Foundation and Operation Warrior 
Wellness, which was designed to raise support for veterans and active-duty 
military personnel to get help dealing with PTSD. 

This issue has come to the forefront in recent years, with suicide 
among veterans and active-duty service members at an all-time high. 

According to Ed Schloeman, CMS (Ret.) NYANG (New York Air National 
Guard) and the National Co-Chair of Operation Warrior Wellness, PTSD is 
'a subject that the leadership in our military and in our government 
have called an epidemic'. 

He added that there were a record number of suicides in 2011, but that number 
increased in 2012, surpassing combat deaths. 

Robert Cancro, MD, Professor and Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at New
 York University Langone Medical Center, added that Post-Traumatic 
Stress, though its cause is psychological, has far-reaching effects. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 'is as real as a physical injury in terms of the 
neurological consequences', Dr Cancro said. 

Rear Admiral (Ret.) Richard W. Schneider, President of America's first private 
military college, Norwich 
University, agreed that PTSD deserves more scrutiny and dedication to 
finding effective treatments. 

He said, 'I think we should 
change the name of Post-Traumatic Stress ''Disorder'' to ''Injury'' 
because [patients] are injured.' 

Marguerite Meyer, EdD, 
Director of the Academic Achievement Center at Norwich University, 
thinks Transcendental Meditation might be the most effective treatment 
available and she says the research backs her up. 

Dr Meyer 
cited a study that found a quick increase in resilience amongst soldiers
 in the United States and Scandinavia who practise Transcendental 
Meditation. She pointed out that a higher score on the resiliency scale 
is known to predict the success of Army Special Ops. 

'This is a really stunning example,' Dr Meyer said, 'of how TM after a brief 
amount of time has made a huge difference.' 

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

[FairfieldLife] Interview with Paul McCartney and other celebrities on huffingtonpost

2013-05-12 Thread merlin

Interview with Paul McCartney
and other celebrities 

on huffingtonpost.com >>>

Congressman Mark Sanford Opens Up About Meditation Practice ...



[FairfieldLife] Youth Conference 16 - 20 May 2013, MERU, Holland

2013-05-09 Thread merlin

web page 
Youth Weekend at MERU in Holland 
16 - 20 May 2013
Theme: Experiencing Maharishi’s International Home 
Now also available live online



2013-05-08 Thread merlin


[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation Research

2013-05-08 Thread merlin

Norman Rosenthal, MD, celebrated psychiatrist and researcher; On Transcendental 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Meditation goes Internet Radio

2013-05-07 Thread merlin
did you ever taste the maharishi
vedic organic honey ???
its one of the best ever made >>



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I hope they play the rancid honey advertisement song.
> ____
>  From: merlin 
> To: "fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com"  
> Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2013 5:18 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation goes Internet Radio
> Transcendental Meditation 
> goes Internet Radio >>
> Live365 Partners With Transcendental Music to Launch Custom Internet Radio 
> Stations Increasing Awareness of Transcendental Meditation 
> __.___
> http://online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20130501-909565.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation in the Medias

2013-05-06 Thread merlin

Success without Stress - Transcendental Meditation at work 



[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation in the Middle East

2013-05-05 Thread merlin

Transcendental Meditation 

in the Middle East 

... really excellent clip,

please forward it to all your friends for peace 

in middle east and everywhere...




[FairfieldLife] “Why I love the Maharishi Institute”

2013-05-05 Thread merlin

“Why I love the Maharishi Institute”





[FairfieldLife] Daily Video “Why I love the Maharishi Institute”

2013-05-05 Thread merlin
Daily Video >>

“Why I love the Maharishi Institute”





[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation goes Internet Radio

2013-05-05 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation 
goes Internet Radio >>

Live365 Partners With Transcendental Music to Launch Custom Internet Radio 
Stations Increasing Awareness of Transcendental Meditation 



[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation Lowers Blood Pressure

2013-05-05 Thread merlin

New Report of
American Heart Association  Informs Doctors that Transcendental Meditation 
Lowers Blood Pressure 



[FairfieldLife] A Scientific Introduction to Transcendental Meditation (TM) by Dr John Hagelin

2013-05-03 Thread merlin

A Scientific Introduction to Transcendental Meditation (TM) 

by Dr John Hagelin



[FairfieldLife] AHA REPORT: Transcendental Meditation (R) Lowers Blood Pressure

2013-05-02 Thread merlin

 New American Heart Association Report Informs Doctors that Transcendental 
Meditation (R) Lowers Blood Pressure 


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course

2013-05-01 Thread merlin
Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course 
20 - 25 May 2013, MERU, Holland 
Also available as a Webinar 


[FairfieldLife] TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (TM) for at-risk Youth . . .

2013-04-29 Thread merlin

David Lynch and Russell Brand 
to at-risk Youth



[FairfieldLife] David Lynch and Russell Brand Join Forces to Bring TM to 1M at-risk Youth

2013-04-28 Thread merlin

David Lynch and Russell Brand 
to at-risk Youth




2013-04-26 Thread merlin



+ DR. Normann Rosenthal
+ DR. Oz
+ Bob Jones

  Former CIO,Goldmann Sachs
+ Jeffrey Abramson
  Partner Tower Companies

+ Ray Dalio
  Bridgewater  Associates
+ Oprah Winfrey
  Media Proprietor




Normann Rosenthal:
How Meditation Can Help Your

[FairfieldLife] New papers on Transcendental Meditation (TM)

2013-04-25 Thread merlin
New papers onTranscendental Meditation (TM)for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms




Dear Colleagues,  
Here is a newly reported scientific statement from the American Heart Association recommending TM practice for hypertension, and a new paper reporting that the practice is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees. 
1. TM recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association. 
An estimated 29% of American adults suffer from hypertension and it is projected to affect >1.5 billion people by 2025. It accounts for 13.5% of all deaths and half of all strokes and ischemic heart disease. The global hypertension-related public health burden is enormous.1 
The American Heart Association just published a scientific statement on alternative approaches to reducing blood pressure, which included a critical evaluation of research on meditation techniques, including the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM). 1 Here is what they said about the TM technique and other meditation practices: 
·   “TM may be considered in clinical practice to lower BP. 
·   Because of many negative studies or mixed results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques (including MBSR) received a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C recommendation . 
·   Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in clinical practice to lower BP at this time.” 
MBSR refers to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Here is a link to the full report. 
2. TM reduces PTSD symptoms in Congolese refugees.  
The Second Congo War killed 5.4 million people and forced an estimated 80,000 refugees to flee. A new controlled study published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress of Congolese refugees in a camp near Kampala, Uganda found that TM practice markedly reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms from the severe level to the normal level at the one month and 4.5 month posttests.2  
Abstract: This matched single-blind pilot study tested the effect of Transcendental Meditation R [1] (TM) practice on symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTS) in Congolese refugees. Urban refugees (N = 102) staying around Kampala, Uganda attended introductory meetings. After initial random assignment to the TM group, 30 refugees who revealed that they were unable to attend all meetings were eliminated from the study. The remaining 21 TM group participants were then instructed in TM and matched with refugees in the control group on age, sex, and baseline scores on the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist–Civilian (PCL-C). All participants completed the PCL-C measure of PTS symptoms at baseline, and 30-day and 135-day posttests. The PCL-C scores in the control group trended upward. In contrast, the PCL-C scores in the TM group went from 65 on average at baseline
 indicating severe PTS symptoms to below 30 on average after 30 days of TM practice, and remained low at 135 days. Effect size was high (d > 1.0). Compliance with TM practice was good; most reported regular practice throughout the study. There were no adverse events. All refugees who learned TM completed the study and were able to practice TM successfully, with subsequent substantial reduction in PTS symptoms. 
1.   Brook RD, Appel LJ, Rubenfire M, et al. Beyond medications and diet: Alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure : A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association. 2013(61). 
2.   Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reduction in post traumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2013:1-14. 
All the best, 
David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD 
From October to April 
191 Dalton Dr., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 
From May to September 

1100 University Manor Dr., # 15B, Fairfield, Iowa, 52556 
(850) 231-2866 (Home) 
(850) 830-5847 (Mobile) 
Skype: davidoj108 

[FairfieldLife] Oprah & more stars who do Transcendental Meditation

2013-04-24 Thread merlin
Oprah & more stars who do Transcendental Meditation



[FairfieldLife] Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

2013-04-23 Thread merlin
Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

Murdoch joins a long list of business leaders who have taken up transcendental 
meditation. Among them:
* Ray Dalio, CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge 
fund, is a 
longtime practitioner and says, “TM is the single most important reason 
for whatever success I’ve had” (pdf). He offers Bridgewater employees free 
meditation training.
* Rick Goings, chairman and CEO of Tupperware, says he learned 
meditation directly from the Maharishi, who died in 2008. “It’s a 
practice that not only burns off stress but gives me fresh eyes to 
clarify what’s really going on and what really matters,” says Goings (paywall).
* Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam, the hip-hop record label, 
says transcendental mediation “has changed my experiences in meditation and 
therefore my experiences in life.”
* Vidal Sassoon, founder of Sassoon, who died last year, called 
transcendental meditation the “simple key” to self-awareness.





2013-04-22 Thread merlin


+ DR. OZ,






[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation: Creativity

2013-04-20 Thread merlin
Transcendental Meditation: Creativity
***_The College of Creative Studies: Detroit art school 
offers students 
Transcendental Meditation to reduce stress and facilitate creativity


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course 20 - 25 May 2013, MERU, Holland

2013-04-18 Thread merlin


Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course 20 - 25 May 2013, MERU, Holland  
web page 
Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course 
20 - 25 May 2013, MERU, Holland 
Also available as a Webinar
>(live broadcast online and archived)
>“Align your awareness with the intelligence expressed throughout the cosmos, 
>align your physiology with the physiology of the universe and gain the 
>evolving quality of the ever-expanding universe in your individual awareness.” 
>—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The Maharishi Vedic Observatory allows one to gain the benefit of Nature’s 
intelligence: a life lived in accord with all the Laws of Nature.
The instruments of the Maharishi Vedic Observatory express all values of space 
and direction by first locating the North Star, and then deriving all 
directions—north, south, east, and west—from there.
This 10 lesson course is based on many profound talks by Maharishi. The course 
has been structured by Dr. Carl Stone under Maharishi’s guidance. Dr. Stone has 
spent many years with Maharishi on structuring the Maharishi Vedic 
Observatories as we appreciate them today all over the world.
“Open your awareness to the inner value of life to know the mechanics of 
functioning of the outer value of life. Even the different relationships of the 
planets and the stars can be located inside one’s Self. Knowing the outer from 
within is the Vedic theme of knowledge.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Course Fee
Course fee in residence: 225 Euro
Housing at MERU in St. Odilienberg:
Single room: 175 Euro
Double room: 112.50 Euro per person
The course fees for the Webinar version of the course are available HERE.
Select the option ONLINE PARTICIPATION (WEBINAR) in the registration form.
The course will be broadcast live online and archived for one month
on the same site.
Reservation and Payment
To make your reservation: www.merucourses.com
For assistance please email cour...@maharishi.net
For payment by Paypal or Credit card: You will receive a Paypal payment button 
by email after  your application has been processed. You will then be able to 
pay using your favourite credit card or your Paypal account if you have one.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer  use the bank details below. Please wait 
to have received the confirmation from MERU course office before making your 
For payment by bank transfer, use the following MERU account:
Beneficiary: MERU, Station 24, 6063 NP 
Vlodrop, The Netherlands
Bank Name: ING Bank, Roermond,
The Netherlands
Swift Code (BIC): INGBNL2A 
IBAN: NL48INGB0676710344 
Bank account number: 67.67.10344
Please include a reference with your transfer stating your name, country, dates 
of the course
and the words ‘Maharishi Vedic Observatory Course’.
web page 
© 2012 Global Country of World Peace 

[FairfieldLife] Teaser: "Meditation, Creativity, Peace"

2013-04-17 Thread merlin

"Meditation, Creativity, Peace" - David Lynch 16 Country Tour Documentary 


[FairfieldLife] 8 Celebrities On How They De-Stress...

2013-04-15 Thread merlin
8 Celebrities 

On How They



[FairfieldLife] peru-bans-monsanto-gmos

2013-04-14 Thread merlin




[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Music

2013-04-08 Thread merlin
Transcendental Music 


[FairfieldLife] Trinity College Women's Squash on Transcendental Meditation

2013-04-07 Thread merlin
This is an absolutely outstanding clip, 

please forward it to all your friends.

Trinity College Women's Squash 

on Transcendental Meditation:



If you have any comments or questions,
please contact me directly by this email >>>

[FairfieldLife] innumerable stars

2013-04-05 Thread merlin

innumerable stars ...

... and the Jyotishi



[FairfieldLife] 1,331 Pandits Chant at the Brahmasthan of India

2013-04-04 Thread merlin
1,331 Pandits Chant at the Brahmasthan of India 

1,331 Pandits Chant at the Brahmasthan of India 


[FairfieldLife] Development of Total Brain Courses Live Webinars Broadcast from MERU

2013-04-03 Thread merlin

Updated Individual is Cosmic and Development of Total Brain Courses Live 
Webinars Broadcast from MERU 
web page
Development of Total Brain Potential 
Understanding and Experiencing the growth of
One’s Cosmic Potential through the
Science and Technology of consciousness
Experience of the Beautiful Electronic Model of Vedic Physiology
Live Webinar 4 - 9 April 2013, MERU, Holland 
Live Webinars Broadcast
with Dr Alarik and Dr Cynthia Arenander
You can now watch this course in a comfortable schedule
over a month period.
We are very happy to announce that live webinar broadcasts will be available 
for“Develop Your Total Brain” courses which will be held in MERU Holland during 
the Spring Assembly.
This means that your Governors, Sidhas and Meditators will be able to take 
these courses at home over their computer, or if the Centre would like to host 
the courses then many can watch it together and also have the advantage of 
translation.  This is a great opportunity for anyone in our meditating family 
to be able to enjoy these special courses from the comfort of their own home. 
Here are two of the many beautiful experiences that have been reported.
‘If you are looking for something good to do for your brain and body this 
course is it! It is very powerful to put your attention on your brain and 
understand how it works in a Vedic way. And, then to combine that with watching 
the Model of Vedic Physiology to re-set and re-establish Vedic sequence is a 
profound tool to establish brain and body health. I went from a Vata brain to a 
Vedic brain during this course. What a great gift of Maharishi’s Pure Knowledge 
that we all need to take advantage of!’ —J. S. USA
>‘I am very appreciative of this opportunity to bring Maharishi's knowledge 
>into my own home. There really aren’t words to express how rewarding it has 
>been on so many levels. My physiology and the walls of my house are 
>reverberating with Veda and there is a golden silence permeating everything. 
>Even though, I am in a remote area of the world, I felt a wonderful 
>connectedness with Maharishi's World Family. This gave my heart a feeling of 
>togetherness. Please continue offering these webinars on a regular basis.’ – 
>L. R., Latin America
Everyone is encouraged to watch the courses live, while the courses are being 
given, for best experience. During these meetings there will be opportunities 
to ask questions and make comments to the Course Leaders via Skype. However for 
those who have to work during the day, the afternoon meetings will be archived 
for one month after the course ends so that everyone will have time to see all 
the meetings.

Development of Total Brain Potential 4 - 8 April
Understand and experience the growth of your Cosmic potential through Maharishi 
Science and Technology of Consciousness
Course Fee: EUR 150, or 125, or 100 depending on your country.
(click to see your country fee). 
For a detailed course description and to register
  please click the following link:
Development of Total Brain Potential

The live course schedule will be (times are Holland time):
Afternoon meeting: 14.00 - 16.30 Knowledge and experience 
Evening meeting: 20.30 - 21.10 Viewing the Model of Vedic Physiology in the 
archives  (for online viewers they will be viewing the Model from the video 
archives on the web site).
Each course participant would need to be registered prior to taking the course. 
If you are viewing the course in a group at the Centre, then we encourage the 
Centre leader to send us the list of course participants so that we can confirm 
that their registration is completed.

There are three  payment options (after your application has been confirmed): 
Bank transfer; online with PayPal or credit card.
Payment by bank transfer: Beneficiary: MERU, Station 24, 6063 NP Vlodrop, The 
Bank Name: ING Bank, Roermond, The Netherlands 
Bank account number: 67.67.10344 
Swift Code (BIC): INGBNL2A 
IBAN: NL48INGB0676710344 
Please include a reference with your transfer stating your name, country, and 
course title:
“Online Development of Total Brain Potential.” 
web page 
NOTE: You have received this email because you have applied to receive the Main 
Points of Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
of the Maharishi Channel 3. Click here if you want to manage your subscription.
© 2013 Global Country of World Peace 

[FairfieldLife] Youth Conference 16 - 20 May 2013, MERU, Holland

2013-04-03 Thread merlin


Youth Conference 16 - 20 May 2013, MERU, Holland  

web page 
Youth Weekend at MERU in Holland 
16 - 20 May 2013
Theme: Experiencing Maharishi’s International Home 
MERU warmly invites you to:
* Dive briefly into history and get a real feeling of what it was like 
to live and work here at MERU with Maharishi.
* Enjoy knowledge and meetings in the beautiful, profoundly silent, 
all-wood Vastu home  that Maharishi lived in.

* Have a personal and intimate experience of deep rounding and daily 
life in the soft atmosphere that Maharishi created at MERU. 

* Gain a profound insight into why this location was so ideal for 
Maharishi's international administration. 
* Hear how Maharishi described his international administration, and 
the impressions of some of those who worked closely with him.
* See Maharishi’s plans and dreams for  the MERU Campus being built and 
fulfilled—dynamic presentations and tours. 
Conference highlights
* Overview of the MERU Campus
* Living and working for the enlightened Master—stories and knowledge
* Experience live Vedic recitations as revived by Maharishi
* Exploring the environment and having fun
We welcome every young Meditator, TM-Sidha, and Governor  around the age of 18 
- 35 to come and enjoy a unique weekend experience at Maharishi’s home—MERU, 
16 - 20 May. Thursday to Monday.
Course fee including Housing at MERU in St. Odilienberg:
Single room: 220.00 Euro
Double room: 170.00 Euro per person 
To make your reservation and pay online: www.merucourses.com
For assistance please email cour...@maharishi.net
For payment by bank transfer, use the following MERU account:
Beneficiary: MERU, Station 24, 6063 NP 
Vlodrop, The Netherlands
Bank Name: ING Bank, Roermond,
The Netherlands
Swift Code (BIC): INGBNL2A 
IBAN: NL48INGB0676710344 
Bank account number: 67.67.10344
Please include a reference with your transfer stating your name, country, dates 
of the course
and the words ‘MERU Youth Conference’. 
Young Meditators and Sidhas are also invited to attend the annual European 
Young Meditators Conference, organised by Maharishi’s organisation and the 
David Lynch Foundation. Following the successful conferences in Barcelona and 
Hvar in the past two years, this year the plan is to hold it from 9-23 August 
at a beautiful hotel in Italy, not far from Bologna and Florence. Details will 
be announced shortly. 
web page 
© 2012 Global Country of World Peace 

[FairfieldLife] Highlights from Jazz at Lincoln Center Benefit for David Lynch Foundation

2013-04-01 Thread merlin

Jazz legends Raise Funds to Bring TM to At-risk Children and Adults
__ o __

First see this excellent clip:
The highlights of this benefit fundraising >>>




2013-03-24 Thread merlin


and heavenly singing kids :


[FairfieldLife] MGF Chat 20 March 2013 - The Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme

2013-03-23 Thread merlin

Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
March 20, 2013

The Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme:
Bringing fulfillment to the goals of every religion and culture 
through the enlivenment of Total Natural Law.

In this Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr. Chris Crowell, Minister of Religion 
and Culture for the Global Country of World Peace, presented the understanding 
of how the knowledge and application of Maharishi Yoga and Maharishi Yagya can 
systematically create a more heavenly time of peace and progress for all 

The presentation began with a short video clip of Maharishi beautifully 
describing the Vedic Pandits and their ability to transform the trends of life. 
He explained how these Vedic Experts experience and function from the Unified 
Field of Nature’s intelligence, utilizing the reverberations of Natural Law—the 
sounds of the Veda—to neutralize negative influences for individuals and 

Using charts from modern science, and animation, Dr. Crowell then illustrated 
the mechanics of Vedic technologies that maintain the connection of the vast 
infinite range of diversity of life with that holistic value of Total Natural 
Law, harmonizing differences between religions and cultures. 

Yoga and Yagya:
Maharishi Vedic Pandits, established in the Atma, the field of pure 
consciousness, are able to enliven the supreme governing intelligence of 
Natural Law so that a universal influence of peace is created for the people of 
every tradition in every land. 

Dr. Crowell explained that many cultures around the world have traditions of 
sound and ceremony to enliven Natural Law in specific ways. But it is only with 
Maharishi’s restoration of Vedic technologies to deepen the experience of the 
performance from a more fundamental level of life, to awaken individual and 
collective consciousness, that these ceremonies and recitations can regain 
their alliance with Natural Law and produce the desired results of abundance, 
progress and peace.


The presentation ended with a slide show of the history of the Maharishi Vedic 
Pandit programme from the first global Mahayagya performance in modern times, 
organized by Maharishi’s Guru Dev, Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of 
Jyotir Math, in February 1944, through the inauguration in June 1982 of the 
education wing of the Movement that specifically trains Maharishi Vedic 
Pandits, to the expansion of the first large groups of Yogic Flying Vedic 
Pandits in the mid to late 1980s, to finally, the present establishment of the 
Global Capital of Raam Raj in the Brahmasthan of India.
A Historic Vision of the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme: 

Decade after decade, the world’s greatest peace-creating group has guided the 
trends of time. 
Dr. Crowell ended by thanking all those well-wishers throughout our world 
family, from every religion and culture, who have contributed to the 
preservation and expansion of the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Programme for World 

“One really feels the great purity of the life of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits 
who have been trained to safeguard the destiny of the world. Thank you very 
much to every single individual around the globe who is supporting this 
historic peace initiative.” 

Four Levels of Speech: 

In a short video, Dr. John Hagelin described the necessity for Vedic Pandits to 
perform from all four levels of speech—from the expressed sound, through mental 
and feeling levels to the transcendental level—must be engaged in order to 
enliven the total potential of Natural Law and produce the desired effect from 
any distance. 


To Support the Maharishi Vedic Pandit Group in India, please visit: 


© 2013 Global Country of World Peace  

[FairfieldLife] Microsoft matches donations to DLF

2013-03-20 Thread merlin

 Microsoft matches donations to DLF

March 2013  
MARCH 2013 Follow us:   
The demand for TM programs is growing exponentially among at-risk populations. 
Even with the increasing number of foundations and philanthropists that are 
offering to help, the need continues to outpace our available resources. Please 
help. Your gift can save lives. Thank you!   
The David Lynch Foundation has been selected as one of 20 organizations to have 
its projects featured on “Give For Youth,” a crowd-raising platform hosted by 
Microsoft Corporation. 
Now you can support the DLF Quiet Time program at New Village Charter High 
School in Los Angeles on Give For Youth by Wednesday, March 27, and your gift 
of up to $1,000 will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, by Microsoft.  Since this 
is a limited offering from Microsoft and matching funds are running out fast, 
we encourage you to give today. 
Prominent foundations and
businesses support DLF outreaches 
“When I meditate, I feel like I have a key that opens me up to a whole new 
world,” reported a 12-year-old boy with ADHD who attends the Aspire middle 
A session of “Quiet Time”
at a Los Angeles school 
Aileen Getty Foundation
supports Quiet Time in
Los Angeles schools
An “Aspire” middle school in Los Angeles is now able to deliver the DLF’s Quiet 
Time program to more than 90 at-risk students, thanks to a generous donation 
from the Aileen Getty Foundation. Several of the students struggle with 
learning disabilities and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
The Getty Foundation donation also enabled DLF to continue its ongoing 
partnerships with New Village Charter High School, an innovative school 
offering personalized education for girls in a small class setting; Children of 
the Night, an internationally-respected teen shelter offering rehabilitation 
and high school education to victims of human-trafficking; and an LA-based 
charter school offering over 500 indigenous students a rigorous course of study 
and knowledge of their native cultural values. 
“When I meditate, I feel like I have a key that opens me up to a whole new 
world,” reported a 12-year-old boy with ADHD who attends the Aspire middle 
About the Aileen Getty Foundation: The Aileen Getty Foundation, founded by 
Aileen Getty in 2012, is committed to finding innovative and sustainable 
solutions that advance quality of life for the entire community. The Foundation 
serves as a leader and a catalyst, funding innovative projects that address the 
most pressing needs in the community. The Foundation has supported a range of 
projects, with an emphasis on environmental conservation and poverty 
alleviation in order to instill a sense of belonging among all community 
members. Follow the Aileen Getty Foundation on Twitter @AileenGettyFdn 
interdealer broking
firm donates to 
DLF outreaches 
to veterans who 
are suffering from
PTSD in New 
York City 
Tel: 866-962-0108
Liv Tyler at ICAP’s 20th
Annual Global  Charity Day 
UK-based interdealer
broker donates to DLF
veteran outreaches
Operation Warrior Wellness, the veterans and armed services division of the 
David Lynch Foundation, was a beneficiary of a worldwide charity event hosted 
by leading interdealer broking firm, ICAP. Held in December 2012, the Charity 
Day featured a star-studded cast, including actress and model Liv Tyler, who 
attended in support of the David Lynch Foundation to help raise funds to 
provide instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique to veterans in 
New York City who are suffering from PTSD, substance abuse and homelessness. 
DLF Quiet Time Program receives
support from Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP
“goop,” a digital media and e-commerce company founded by Gwyneth Paltrow, 
selected the David Lynch Foundation as one of the three charities of the year 
for its support. Goop recently held a “Charity Closet Sale,” selling items from 
Ms. Paltrow’s personal wardrobe and donating all proceeds directly to the 
charities. Funds raised from the event will support the Foundation’s Quiet Time 
Programs for underserved children in the United States and Great Britain. Goop 
also supports Alice Water’s Edible Schoolyard Project and global educational 
charity Pencils of Promise. View the GOOP issue   
Copyright 2013, David Lynch Foundation. All rights reserved. 

This message was sent to vedamer...@yahoo.de from:
David Lynch Foundation | 654 Madison Avenue - Suite 806 | New York, NY 10065 
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[FairfieldLife] Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Helped by Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-20 Thread merlin

Children with 

Autism Spectrum Disorder 

Helped by Transcendental Meditation




2013-03-16 Thread merlin





[FairfieldLife] David Lynch and Brandon Boyd Discuss Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-15 Thread merlin

GREAT lecture of David Lynch


David Lynch and Brandon Boyd Discuss Transcendental Meditation  



[FairfieldLife] Autism Spectrum Disorder: Can Transcendental Meditation help these children?

2013-03-14 Thread merlin

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Can Transcendental
Meditation help these children?


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Ayur-Veda Family Healh Series Course One: 22-29 March 2013

2013-03-13 Thread merlin

Course One: 

22-29 March 2013  



[FairfieldLife] Celebrities Who Meditate

2013-03-13 Thread merlin

15 Celebrities Who Meditate 

Meditation and practices related to it have taken the world by storm. 
There have been all sorts of benefits linked to meditation, including 
relieving stress, improving concentration, and becoming more patient. 
Since meditation has become so popular, it’s no surprise that 
celebrities have jumped on the band wagon as well. 

Here are 15 celebs who practice some form of meditation >>>

Katy Perry

Though her marriage to Russell Brand didn’t exactly go as planned, Katy 
Perry was able to take at least one good thing away from the marriage: 
transcendental meditation. While the marriage is long over, Katy still 
meditates on a daily basis, a practice that Russell Brand encouraged her to do. 
She now supports the David Lynch Foundation and continues to 
mediate to stay creative and centered.



Stevie Wonder 

is another celebrity who practices transcendental 
meditation. In fact, he enjoys it so much that he wrote a song about it. As 
said in his song “transcendental meditation gives you peace of mind.”


find out 5 more stars who


[FairfieldLife] Conference at the Harvard Club - Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-12 Thread merlin

Conference at the Harvard Club - Transcendental Meditation in the Educational 



[FairfieldLife] mav-seelisberg

2013-03-10 Thread merlin

[FairfieldLife] Students of an Detroit art school speak on Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-07 Thread merlin
Students of an Detroit 

artschool speak on 

Transcendental Meditation


[FairfieldLife] Nancy Cooke de Herrera

2013-03-06 Thread merlin

Pioneering meditation teacher Nancy Cooke de Herrera has died. She was 90.
Maria Luisa de Herrera says her mother died Feb. 28.
Madonna, Sheryl Crow, Judd Apatow and Paula Abdul were among the students who 
learned Transcendental Meditation techniques at de Herrera's home in 
Beverly Hills, Calif.



[FairfieldLife] MUM Student Jason Aviles talks about Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-05 Thread merlin

MUM Student Jason Aviles talks about Transcendental Meditation  





[FairfieldLife] Katy Perry on Transcendental Meditation

2013-03-05 Thread merlin
A message from Katy Perry on 
Transcendental Meditation >>>




[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation – becoming popular again

2013-03-03 Thread merlin

By kennethwestlee on February 28, 2013 • ( 0 ) 
Sometime into my awakening I began looking into meditation. A great 
friend of mine and a mentor of mine both told me that they practice 
meditation routinely. I’ve heard of wild psychedelic meditations as well as 
spiritual atonement meditations. I tried following some basic 
meditation guidelines online but quickly became frustrated from not 
having a worldly meditative experience or spiritual hallucinations.
Then I discovered TM (Transcendental Meditation). The first thing I 
learned was, The Beatles did it. Then I learned Jim Carey, Russell 
Brand, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Russell Simmons, Clint Eastwood, 
Dr. Oz, and lots of CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies practice and advocate like 
mad for TM.
What’s the big deal? Is it a placebo movement or is there real 
science to this meditation technique? Am I going to need to spend a 
month in a mountain cave learning this technique 24/7. Turns out, the 
answers were more incredible than I could ever hope for.
TM is the most scientifically researched meditation technique to date. Why? 
Well because it is the most effective and immediate form of meditation ever 
considered, with mindfulness coming in second but far behind in the numbers. 
See the main scientific benefits and facts right here, click the most 
intriguing subjects and dive deeper for 30 seconds.
I dove real deep, watched this 23 minute crash course on TM. Now I can preach 
So, TM works instantly. Great. What’s the secret to trying it out? The 
difficult thing to learn about TM is to not try at it, let it happen naturally. 
The ironic thing is that’s tougher than it 
sounds because we typically assume sitting down and meditating is making an 
effort towards meditation. Do you make a big effort to take a nap in the middle 
of the day when you really need one? The catch is, TM is 
something your body and mind have been wanting to do since you were born (like 
always needing a nap but never knowing a simple nap was the 
available solution). So if you can have someone show you how to use the 
mantra correctly (or really let the mantra use you), and teach you how 
to let it just happen naturally, your first time trying it you’re 
guaranteed to have a life changing experience.
Have a quick 4 minutes to have your mind blown? Watch this video. This is the 
most impactful video I came across.
The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we 
are for what we can become. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Meditation Research Conference

2013-02-28 Thread merlin

Meditation Research Conference Hosted by 
NY Academy of Sciences 


[FairfieldLife] Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences by Christine Schrum on February 26, 2013 - See more at: http://www.tm.org/blog/research/meditation-research-conference/

2013-02-28 Thread merlin
Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences - See more at: 
Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences - See more at: 
Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences
by Christine Schrum on February 26, 2013
- See more at: 

Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences
by Christine Schrum on February 26, 2013
- See more at: 
Meditation Research Conference Hosted by NY Academy of Sciences
by Christine Schrum on February 26, 2013
- See more at: 

[FairfieldLife] MERU Programme Catalogue 2013 available

2013-02-27 Thread merlin


MERU Programme Catalogue 2013 available  

MERU Programme Catalogue 2013
Now available as a downloadable PDF or online flipbook 
Dear Members of Maharishi’s worldwide family,
It is a joy to offer you the MERU Programme Catalogue for 2013. The increasing 
numbers of participants in MERU programmes during the past year has been an 
inspiration to everyone. This year we added even more courses and assemblies 
and look forward to welcoming everyone.
Some of the additional courses are the 16-lesson courses developed by the 
Maharishi College of Perfect Health under Maharishi’s guidance.
These courses include:
* Maharishi Yoga Asanas; Self-Pulse Reading for Good Health; Diet, 
Digestion and Nutrition; and Good Health through Prevention.
* We have also included courses in Maharishi Gandharva Veda and 
Ayur-Vedic Cooking.
* We also look forward to hosting a ‘Conference for the Young 
Generation of Meditators and Sidha’.
* We will continue with our well-attended assemblies in the spring, the 
summer assembly at Guru Purnima time, and during autumn the Navaratri and 
Deepavali assemblies.
* We will also have our most successful courses such as the Training To 
Be an Expert in Bringing Consciousness-Based Education Programmes to Your 
Nation, the Maharishi Vastu Builder Seminar and the course on Maharishi Vedic 
Gardening and Agriculture.
* We are delighted to again have courses based on Maharaja Adhiraj 
Rajaraam's discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in Human Physiology utilizing 
the electronic model of Vedic Physiology. 
* A new course that we think will interest all Governors working full 
time for the Movement is a course to be trained as a ‘Maharishi Ayur-Veda 
Health Coach’.
We look forward to seeing you here at MERU often in the coming year.
There is also a request form on the catalogue web page if you need printed 
Wishing you some inspiring things, with best regards from MERU Holland,
Jai Guru Dev
Your MERU TeamSee all courses and apply online at: www.merucourses.com 

Click here to visit the MERU catalogue page
(also available from ‘MERU Programme 2013’ menu on the merucourses.com web site)
or this icon on the top left of the page:

Online version

[FairfieldLife] B~E~A~U~T~I~F~U~L~L Video-Clips

2013-02-26 Thread merlin


Video-Clips von Raja Felix >



[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Gandharva Veda Courses at MERU--Date limit to apply: 22th February 2013 for the first block 1

2013-02-20 Thread merlin

Maharishi Gandharva Veda Courses  
web page
Maharishi Gandharva Veda Courses
Please apply by the 22th of February for the first block 1 
Block 1: 11 – 17 March 2013
Block 1: 21 – 27 September 2013
Block 2: 28 September – 4 October 2013 
The course is conducted by
Reshma Shrivastava
Acclaimed sitarist and  Gandharva Veda musician 
‘Gandharva Veda music is universal. It is at home with every land, 
>with every man, with every society. It is the language of bliss,
>the science and art of bliss, the song of Nature.’ —Maharishi
Course Description
The course is taught in light of Maharishi’s Science of Consciousness, 
connecting all key principles of Maharishi Gandharva Veda to the development of 
higher states of consciousness. During the course, in addition to the knowledge 
and practice of Maharishi Gandharva Veda, you will enjoy extended group 
practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme.
The course will provide a fulfilling taste of Maharishi Gandharva Veda to 
promote health, happiness and development of higher states of consciousness. 
We invite all Meditators, Sidhas and Governors to enliven inner silence, and 
draw that silence out to be expressed in dynamic waves of bliss through the 
sounds and melodies of Maharishi Gandharva Veda. No previous musical training 
is necessary. 
Course Dates:
Block 1: 11 – 17 March 2013
Block 1: 21 – 27 September 2013
Block 2: 28 September – 4 October 2013
* * * Please apply by the 22th of February 2013 for the first Block 1 * * *
Course Location: MERU, St. Odilienberg, The Netherlands:

Course Content
Part 1
Understanding and practical experience of singing and playing Maharishi 
Gandharva Veda music; introduction to instruments: Sitar, Tanpura, and Tabla 
Part 2
Advanced knowledge and personal instruction in Maharishi Gandharva Veda: Sitar, 
Tanpura, Tabla, and Vocal
Special Features
* Introduction to Maharishi Gandharva Veda Ragas (melodic 
compositions), the time of day they are played, and their influence
* Understanding the balancing effects of Maharishi Gandharva Veda on 
physiology, mind and emotions
* Playing and singing the notes and scales of Maharishi Gandharva Veda
* Introduction on how to play Gandharva instruments—Sitar, Tanpura and 
* Discovering the structure of music: Learning the cycles of 
beats—Taal—used in Maharishi Gandharva Veda
* Understanding the steps for composing a Raga
* Group Maharishi Gandharva Veda performance to integrate the skills 
learned during the course and to stir the bliss
* Performances of Maharishi Gandharva Veda by the course instructor 
Reshma Shrivastava
* Course participants will receive a practice DVD to continue 
practising at home.
Theme: Maharishi Gandharva Veda music—melodies of nature to promote balance, 
peace and harmony in the individual and environment
This 12-lesson course is a continuation of the basic  Maharishi Gandharva Veda 
course. Having gained the basic knowledge of Gandharva Veda, the course 
participants now have the possibility to proceed in gaining deeper knowledge 
and experience in performing Gandharva Veda Music, choosing from different 
instruments. All course participants will learn to play the same Raga, so by 
the end of the course, they can perform together.
Flute, special features:
* History of wind instruments and bamboo flute
* Fundamentals of flute playing
* Practice of elementary Alankaras 
* Memorization and singing of Raga Bilawal
* Practice and group performance of Raga Bilawal with sitar and tabla
Sitar, special features:
* Introduction to sitar
* Fundamentals of sitar Playing
* Tuning of sitar, and introduction to Alankaras
* Memorization and singing of Raga Bilawal
* Practice and group performance of Raga Bilawal with flute and tabla
Tabla, special features: 
* Introduction to tabla
* Demonstration of main Talas in Gandharva Veda Music
* Learning the techniques of playing Tala, Dadra, Keharwa, Jhaptal and 
Rela in many variations, and practice
* Practice and group performance of Raga Bilawal with flute and sitar
For each instrument maximum 10 participants
Click HERE to see a beautiful video clip of Reshma Shrivastava in concert
Course Accommodations and Fees for each Block
Course fee including meals: 
  Euro 270- 
Housing cost at the facility in St. Odilienberg:
* 210 Euro for single room
* 135 Euro per person in double occupancy
To make your reservation online please go to:
Block 1: 11 – 17 March 2013: www.meruevents.com
Block 1: 21 – 27 September 2013: www.meruevents.com
Block 2: 28 September - 4 October 2013: www.meruevents.com
For assistance please email: cour...@maharishi.net
For payment by bank transfer, use the following MERU account:
Beneficiary: MERU, Station 24, 6063 NP 
Vlodrop, The Netherlands
Bank Na

[FairfieldLife] Updates on veterans and women's outreaches

2013-02-15 Thread merlin
transcendental meditation goes mainstream >>>


David Lynch Foundation 
216 E. 45TH STREET 12TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017  |  212-644-9880
On Monday, February 4th, Operation Warrior Wellness hosted a luncheon 
conference on “Overcoming PTSD and Preventing Suicide: An Evidence-based 
Approach through Meditation in the Military” at the New York Athletic Club in 
New York City. The conference followed new reports that 22 veterans die from 
suicide every day. 
At the conference, combat veterans—P-51 fighter pilot Jerry Yellin, CMS (Ret.) 
Ed Schloeman and Afghanistan War veteran Luke Jensen—shared moving accounts of 
their personal battles with PTSD and, in Mr. Jensen’s case, close brushes with 
suicide. These men were able to triumph over terrible invisible wounds through 
twice daily practice of Transcendental Meditation.
Norwich University President Richard W. Schneider presents on TM and 
Compelling testimony from a panel of experts that included Rear Admiral (Ret.) 
Richard Schneider, President of Norwich University; Marguerite Meyer, Ed.D., 
Director of Norwich University's Academic Achievement Center;  Robert Cancro, 
M.D., Chairman Emeritus of NYU Langone Medical Center; and Gary Kaplan, M.D., 
Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurology at Hofstra University confirmed that 
the experiences of these courageous men are not unique. In fact, two studies 
performed on OEF/OIF and Vietnam War veterans found that PTSD symptoms dropped 
by nearly half in both populations. 
Further, preliminary results from ongoing research at Norwich University finds 
that TM increases constructive thinking, improves emotional health and develops 
greater resilience in future officers.
The compelling data and moving accounts presented at the conference have 
inspired several national publications to help raise awareness about TM for 
veterans. For example, see the Bloomberg Businessweek account of the February 4 
Donate today! Share the healing benefits of TM with 
veterans and military personnel in need  
The David Lynch Foundation has forged an exciting new partnership with the 
Somaly Mam Foundation, an organization combating human trafficking in Southeast 
Asia and worldwide.
Somaly Mam was sold at a young age and endured years of exploitation and abuse 
in the brothels of Cambodia. But she escaped, and vowed never to forget those 
she left behind. Since 1996, Somaly has aided tens of thousands of victims in 
knowing their rights and having a voice in their lives, and her holistic 
shelters for recovery and skills training support hundreds of women and 
children each year in building new lives of emotional and economic strength. In 
2007, two young Americans founded the Somaly Mam Foundation to support these 
shelters, empower survivors as agents of next-generation change, and engage 
governments, corporations, and individuals in the fight to end slavery.
Over the past six months, the David Lynch Foundation has worked closely with 
the Somaly Mam Foundation to provide Transcendental Meditation to 200 
residents, staff, and administrators in Somaly's three Cambodian shelters. 
Since learning the technique, the girls report significant reductions in 
stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts; increased calm, happiness, and peace of 
mind; and improved memory, clarity of thinking, and focus.
Over the coming months, DLF will continue to provide TM instruction to more 
young women as they are rescued from the brothels and begin their new lives 
through the shelter’s support and care. 
Donate today! Share the healing benefits of TM
women and girls worldwide
Copyright 2013, David Lynch Foundation. All rights reserved. 


[FairfieldLife] b~a~l~a~n~c~e

2013-02-11 Thread merlin



~if you would like to make some comment,
please send me a personal
email >>>

[FairfieldLife] Dr. Schneider begins Total Health World Tour 2013

2013-02-10 Thread merlin

Maharishi’s Global Family Chat
January 28, 2013
Dr. Schneider
begins Total Health World Tour

Dr Robert Schneider, dean of Maharishi University of Management’s Maharishi 
College of Perfect Health, visited India, Nepal, and Greece in the first 
section of a world tour to spread the knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Medicine.
The World Ayurveda Congress on public health in India, held in Bhopal, was 
attended by a number of Maharishi Ayurveda leaders, including Dr Oliver Werner, 
seen here addressing the congress. 

Dr Schneider presented on Maharishi Ayurveda, explaining the three areas of 
this approach to health:
1. the mind/body connection,
2. physiological approaches such as herbs, diet, purification 
procedures, and lifestyle, and
3. environmental approaches such as Maharishi Vedic architecture and 
Maharishi Vedic astrology.
“The second area was the most familiar to the hundreds of Ayurvedic doctors in 
attendance,” Dr. Schneider said. “I think my presentation expanded their 
boundaries about what Ayurvedic medicine really is — beyond herbs to the inner 
and outer universes.”
The group also visited the beautiful new Maharishi Vedic Health Centre 
including Panchakarma clinic while they were in Bhopal.

In Delhi Dr Schneider presented a graduate and faculty seminar on the role of 
Maharishi Vedic Medicine and its verification by modern science at Apeejay 
University. The MAV group also attended the 25th anniversary celebration of 
Maharishi Ayurveda Products.

Dr. Schneider then traveled to Nepal, where he spoke to several hundred 
students, faculty, and deans from the Ayurveda and the modern medicine colleges 
at Tribhuvan University.
The presentation led to a discussion of partnering to create a college of 
integrative medicine and hospital in Nepal that would have an international 
student body and bring together the best of science-based natural medicine and 
modern medicine.

The next stop was the University of Athens medical school, where he was a 
visiting professor for a graduate program in stress management. Again there was 
enthusiasm for developing an integrative medical school and health center for 
students worldwide.
About his world tour, Dr. Schneider said, “It’s time to bring our University’s 
knowledge to the rest of the world.”
He plans to continue the tour, targeting top-level decision-makers, such as 
academics, medical schools, and government agencies on every continent. He 
invites any National Directors who feel they could contribute, to contact him 
at rschnei...@maharishi.net. 
Dr Schneider can help locate the right people in each country, and he is also 
happy to address the Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators while he is in your 
country. This is a great opportunity to inform and delight your brightest 
meditators with Dr Schneider’s brilliant presentations on all aspects of 

[FairfieldLife] Can Transcendental Meditation Help Military Rape Victims?

2013-02-10 Thread merlin

Can Transcendental Meditation Help 
Military Rape Victims?


with 2  short clips 

[FairfieldLife] Sarina Grosswald, Ed.D., TM Conference at the Harvard Club

2013-02-06 Thread merlin

Great lecture of 
Sarina Grosswald, Ed.D., 

TM Conference at the Harvard Club >>


[FairfieldLife] Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, is practicing Transcendental Meditation

2013-02-03 Thread merlin
Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia,
is practicing Transcendental Meditation

Claves De Gestion Gubernamental
23. Dezember 2011   
“Practico la Meditación Trascendental y hago harto ejercicio.
  Soy de los que piensa que no sólo se necesita tener paciencia,
  hay que perseverar. Si haces lo correcto verás resultados”. -
  Juan Manuel Santos, Presidente de Colombia.

PUBLIMETRO, Santiago de Chile, 24 de Octubre 2011.-

"I practice Transcendental Meditation and I had enough exercise. I am one who 
thinks that not only need to have patience, we must persevere. If you do it 
right you'll see results. "- Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Smarak Inauguration Live Online 15 February 2013

2013-02-01 Thread merlin

Maharishi Smarak Inauguration Live Online
15 February 2013 
from Allahabad, India





Maharishi Smarak Inauguration Live Online 15 February 2013  
Maharishi Smarak Inauguration Live Online
15 February 2013 from Allahabad, India

Inauguration of the Maharishi Smarak

The Maharishi Smarak is being inaugurated on 15 February 2013, during the 
auspicious Maha Kumbha Mela in Prayag (Allahabad), India, to celebrate the 
eternal Vedic Wisdom of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Transcendental 
Meditation Programme and the Global Country of World Peace, for thousands of 
generations to come.
The Maharishi Smarak, a memorial of Total Knowledge, will be a spectacular 
sight on the banks of the auspicious Triven¡ Sangam (the confluence of the 
three holy rivers: Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati).
The Maharishi Smarak architecture is the best and most advanced construction, 
being fully carved inside and outside, without any iron, completely built with 
interlocking stones and beams.
Enjoy this unique event online! Your registration will allow you to view the 
archives of the inauguration after the event for those in different time zones.

Click here to register and watch the Inauguration online

Note: The Inauguration will be broadcast live from Allahabad via a satellite 
connection. Due to the high cost of the satellite connection there is a small 
fee of 20 Euros per person to watch the Inauguration online. If a group is 
coming to one place to view the Inauguration, the organizer  of the event 
should make sure that everyone has registered on the site and paid the fee.
There is also an option on the Paypal web page to pay for more than 1 ticket by 
changing the quantity then click the “Update” button provided, in case someone 
wants to make a payment for a group.
YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL account to pay the fee. You can also pay with your 
favourite credit card.

Online version
NOTE: You have received this email because you have applied to receive the Main 
Points of Maharishi’s Global Family Chat. Click here to manage your 

[FairfieldLife] can transcendental meditation end school violence

2013-01-29 Thread merlin



TM End School Violence

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture expert's lecture

2013-01-26 Thread merlin

Understanding the basics of genetically modified organisms: 

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture 

expert's lecture

Global Good News    
24 January 2013

What is genetic modification and how does it affect our lives? 

In a recent indepth lecture Dr Peter Swan, an expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture, emphasized the importance of understanding this topic, as well as 
learning about other, healthier alternatives. He began by explaining 
what genetic modification is. 

Please see Part I of this article: Expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture describes dangers of genetically modified food, presents solutions 

Dr Swan is the creator of an acclaimed course on Maharishi Vedic Organic 
Agriculture that he has taught in many countries: 'Maharishi Vedic Science in 
Agriculture and Environment: Key to Personal Enlightenment, Global Affluence, 
and Sustainability'. 

To understand genetic modification, Dr Swan said, we must first 
understand what a gene is and the role it plays in a plant's life. He 
described inspecting a leaf with a microscope and first seeing its tiny 
cells. Looking inside the cell one sees the nucleus; within the nucleus 
one sees chromosomes. 

Each chromosome is made up of 
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), molecules encoded with genetic instructions
that are used in the development and functioning of living organisms. A
gene is a section, or piece, of the DNA that codes for a protein that 
produces ribonucleic acid (RNA)—and becomes a particular part of our 

>From this simple analysis we can see, Dr Swan said, the important role DNA 
>plays as basic building blocks for our body. 

Genetic modification, also called genetic engineering, is the process 
of extracting DNA from the cell of one organism and, using a 'gene gun',
firing it into the DNA of another organism. According to researchers, 
one of the dangers of the genetic modification process is that it is not
considered to be a precise science, and often combines different 
species that give rise to completely new organisms that have no 
evolutionary history.* 

Polls show that 90 per cent of Americans
want GM foods to be labeled. Although they want transparency, a 
'revolving door' phenomenon between the biotech industry and US 
governmental agencies responsible for food safety prevents this from 
developing. Senior people move back and forth working for the biotech 
industry and the federal government; former executives of Monsanto and 
other large chemical companies have been appointed to leadership 
positions in the very agencies that control the release of food safety 
studies and food policy. 

Although Monsanto, one of the largest
biotech companies in the world, has extensively tested the safety of 
glyphosate, the main ingredient in their product Roundup, of the 180 
different studies conducted over a period of time, results from 150 were
never published or subjected to peer review. Monsanto and Dow Chemical 
base their claims of glyphosate's safety on selected industry research 
and assessments by some regulators taking into account only industry 

Use of Monsanto's Roundup has led to the creation of 
over 350 'superweeds' covering millions of acres in the US, which are 
resistant even to very large applications of pesticides. Weeds treated 
with 16 times the normal concentration of Roundup could not be 
eliminated; yet although it has not proven useful, farmers continue to 
use the product. 

Chemical companies, including Dow, now offer 
farmers a new mixture of many different herbicides, including one 
(2,4-D) that was an ingredient in the defoliant Agent Orange in the Vietnam 

See recent related article from the Global Good News Positive Trends page: 
∙ US: Dow's controversial new GMO corn delayed amid protests 

Global Good News will continue to feature Dr Swan's lecture, in which 
he went on to discuss research findings of detrimental side-effects of 
genetically modified organisms. 

* More information on many of 
the issues referred to by Dr Swan in his lecture, including analysis of 
scientific research conducted by both industry and independent 
researchers, as well as regulatory aspects, may be found on the website 
of the British science organization EarthOpenSource.org. 

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

[FairfieldLife] Online MA in Maharishi Vedic Science from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA

2013-01-25 Thread merlin

Maharishi Vedic Science Through Distance Education

Science and Technology of Consciousness:
Introduction to Maharishi Vedic Science


[FairfieldLife] The difference between Transcendental Meditation and the other practices

2013-01-23 Thread merlin

The difference between Transcendental Meditation and the other practices:



[FairfieldLife] Why is the Transcendental Meditation technique trademarked?

2013-01-22 Thread merlin
Why is the Transcendental Meditation technique trademarked? 


[FairfieldLife] Expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture describes dangers of genetically modified food, and presents solutions

2013-01-20 Thread merlin
Expert in Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture 

describes dangers of genetically modified food, 

and presents solutions
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    
18 January 2013

The creator of an acclaimed course on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture that 
he has taught in many countries recently gave an indepth lecture on genetically 
modified food at MERU in Holland. 

Dr Peter Swan, an expert in the application of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's 
knowledge and technologies in agriculture, emphasized the importance of 
understanding what genetic modification is and how it affects our 

Much of Dr Swan's lecture was devoted to 
systematically bringing out details of numerous studies showing the 
potential for seriously damaging effects of genetically modified (GM) 
food for human consumption. 

He detailed claims made by 
Monsanto and other large biotech companies about GM foods, including 
promises of their safety, higher crop yields, bigger profits, and 
improved nutrition—contrasting these with test results from an 
ever-widening body of research. 

In the talk Dr Swan showed a short clip from a recently released video, Genetic 
Roulette, that reports the practises of some biotech executives. It includes 
interviews, reports, research studies, and the 'monumental exposé' after a 
lawsuit forced the release by a US federal agency of over 40,000 
secret memos on genetically modified organisms. 

Dr Swan cited 
reports from the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization 
(WHO) that straightforwardly acknowledge 'ecological agricultural 
methods' as the solution to the global food shortage problem. 

With this, the last one-third of Dr Swan's lecture shifted to a brighter
 picture, giving examples of traditional methods and solutions; although
 currently not favoured by conventional agriculture, they have been in 
operation around the world for centuries and are beginning to be 
implemented more widely again. 

He presents evidence that these
 methods of organic farming are far more efficient and cost-effective 
than those of conventional agriculture, as well as more supportive of 
the health and vitality of the soil, the plants, the farmer, and the 
general population. 

Dr Swan left his listeners on a positive 
note, taking the topic of solutions to the global problems plaguing 
agriculture to the deepest level of life, the unified field identified by 
modern quantum physics as the source of all natural law. 
>From the perspective of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, he 
explained, ultimately our food has its source in the fluctuations of 
sound within this field of pure intelligence which gives rise to every 
level of agriculture. 

This is Maharishi's gift to the field 
of agriculture, Dr Swan concluded—development of consciousness of the 
farmer and the consumer through Transcendental Meditation, and enlivenment of 
total natural law at every stage of growth of the crop. 

Further articles will feature more about the topics covered in Dr Swan's talk. 

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

[FairfieldLife] IAEA shifts 47 Japanese reactors . . .

2013-01-20 Thread merlin

Historic move: 

IAEA shifts 47 Japanese reactors into 'long-term shutdown' category

On 19 January 2013 

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 

wrote : 

In an unprecedented move, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 
has shifted 47 Japanese nuclear reactors from the category 'In 
Operation' to the category 'Long-term Shutdown' (LTS) in its web-based 
Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). The number of nuclear reactors 
listed as 'In Operation' in the world thus drops from 437 on 15 January 
to 390 on 16 January, a level last seen in 1986 and a dramatic step of 
the IAEA's official statistics in recognizing industrial reality in 
Japan. This is without doubt a unique revision of world operational 
nuclear data. 

Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity 
in the field of government, documenting the growth of life-supporting, 
evolutionary trends. 


To read the entire article check here >>>



Every day Global Good News documents 
the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the 
need for introducing Natural Law based—Total 
Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every 
individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a 
lasting state of world peace.

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