From: "Ed Rubenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Nov 14, 2005  3:03 am
Subject: [Kundalini_Reiki]:Comparing Yogic Kundalini and Reiki Tummo 

I would like to share my understanding about kundalini since I have 
of kundalini from both the perspective of the ancient traditional 
Yogic approach
and Reiki Tummo. I practiced kundalini from an ancient yogic 
approach for over
15 years, and that included 3 years in Nepal and India.

Awakening of kundalini by Yogic Guru or representative of the Guru 
is referred
to as shaktipat or initiation. A typical way this occurs is through 
repetition of a siddha mantra while focusing on a particular chakra. 
activates kundalini, breaks the knot it the base chakra and can open 
the ida
channel. The teachings explain this as the most blessed gift and the 
of the real journey of life because Kundalini begins its spiritual
journey home. The problem is that even the great Yogic Spiritual 
Masters who
disciples view as fully self-realized beings or deities in human 
form do not
claim to be able to open up the other chakra knots that block 
kundalini from
being able to flow up the core channel (sushumna). The Yogic 
Spiritual Masters
say that the widening of the sushumna and opening of the chakra 
knots can not
instantly occur because tremendous amounts of samskara (karma) would 
be released
and a disciple could not survive the personal trauma and turmoil 
that would
occur from the ripening of the karma. So in addition to using a 
siddha mantra
to meditate and arouse kundalini, there are other yogic practices 
that are
taught. For example, there is pranayam breathing to purify the ida 
and pingla
energy channels, asana postures for developing glands, meditation on 
the chakras
using the acoustic sound of that particular chakra along with the 
color and
shape relevant to that chakra, fasting, pure vegetarian diet, and 
spiritual practices. The goal of these practices is to purify the 
energetic body layers referred to as the Kosas, open energy channels 
and the
chakra knots, and widen the sushumna so that kundalini can complete 
its journey.
I spent many months in the Himalayas engaging in these practices for 
hours a day. I was able to experience the space between my thoughts 
and the
space between my breaths, which is traditionally considered to be an 
passage, but my sushumna and all of my chakra knots did not open. I 
kundalini energetic sensations, though after many years of practice 
I concluded
that my efforts had long ago stagnated and I did not experience any 
significant spiritual progress. As I observed friends and yogic 
monks and nuns
from different yogic traditions, who engaged in extensive yogic 
practices for many years, I felt that they were not making the big 
breakthroughs that I once believed would occur if we just meditated 
long enough
or more diligently. My dream of kundalini reaching the crown chakra 
achieving the highest Samadhi states was broken and I became 
disillusioned with
the ancient system of Yoga.

>From my experience, the traditional ancient yogic path has 
limitations that are
often not understood by spiritual seekers when they are beginning 
the yogic
path. I share these not to be disrespectful to the honored ancient 
but to help spiritual seekers realize that there is a difference 
between the
old school yogic approach and Reiki Tummo which is available to us 
in the
present and supporting us to fulfill our ultimate spiritual destiny. 
This is
available to us now due to the shifts in existence that have 
occurred since the
year 2000.

Below are the limitations of the ancient yogic path that I have come 
1: Students frequently become top heavy, like a tree that grows wide 
on the top
but does not have a root system to support its top growth. Asana 
postures are
used as the main spiritual practice to accomplish grounding. The 
problem is
that during the initiation or shaktipat with the Yogic teacher, the 
channel is not opened to the core of the earth. Proper rooted 
grounding is not
achieved, and it is common that students may become spacey, 
ungrounded, or
develops health problems because they are not properly connected to 

2: The initiation or shaktipat does not open all of the chakra 
knots, the core
channel (sushumna) is not opened and the chakras are not opened. 
Hundreds and
hundreds of hours of practice with the best Yogic techniques, even 
those not
found in books and only passed down from teacher to student, does 
not result in
the opening of chakra knots and widening of the sushumna. The 
opening and
widening of the sushumna represents exhausting lifetimes of negative 
This is viewed as very difficult to achieve or to live through, 
since ones life
would fall apart due to the excessive negative karma that ripened.

3: Ancient Yogic Systems are mostly based on worship of a Guru or 
worship of a
lineage, which is supposed to represent the highest embodiment of 
God. Surrender
or worship to the Guru as the embodiment of the Divine, is the 
vehicle to take
the spiritual seeker from illusion to Yoga. The Guru is set up to be 
the divine
bridge. The problem with this approach is that it creates a boundary 
our Spirit and our direct connection to the True Source which can 
only take
place in the core of our Heart. A picture of the spiritual master is 
placed on the puja (alter) table. Devotional offerings are directed 
to the Guru
or the lineage which are viewed as the sacred representative that was
responsible for awakening the seekers kundalini. Through the Guru or 
worship approach, transcendent experiences can occur such as meeting 
of the Guru
or other teachers on the subtle dimensional realms. The student can 
hold onto
these experiences as if they are major divine occurrences. The 
problem is that
this can become a limitation, because the goal of Yoga has nothing 
to do with
the experience of visiting the learning dimensions. The true goal of 
Yoga, no
matter what tradition in which it is being practiced, is nothing 
less than
complete union with the Creator. When we offer our devotional energy 
to any
being in human form or to a being on a higher dimension, we limit 
ourselves and
our spiritual potential. Any time we seek to open our heart to 
anything other
than to the direct connection of the Love of the True Source, we 
have become
misaligned with the ultimate goal of existence. The Guru and disciple
relationship is not beyond the law of karma. Only the Love of the 
True Source
which is beyond the law of karma, can take us Home to Yoga.

4: In order to grow spiritually, the basic premise is that sexual 
energy needs
to be transmuted and sublimated to spiritual essence which is 
referred to as
"ojas". Spiritual energy is supposed to rise and stimulate the 
pineal gland.
Fasting, asanas, vegetarian diet, and spiritual practices are 
utilized to keep
the lower three chakras from becoming stimulated and emphasis is on 
the higher chakras. Stagnant force, known as "Tamaguna" is said to 
the lower chakras and keeps one in "animality". One is supposed to 
connected to the upper chakras which are dominated by the sentient 
force of
"Sattwaguna". This is viewed as the path to become divine. This yogic
approach can create conflicts, and splits within oneself. If a male 
or has a wet dream, there is often guilt that he will not be able to 
great spiritual heights and concerns develop that kundalini 
advancement will be
limited. Monks often become frustrated because they have taken vows 
celibacy, yet sublimating sexual energy can be a most difficult 
challenge. From
the traditional yogic approach, dealing and managing sexual energy 
can become a
very big issue that can consume a lot of mental energy, and lead to 
confusion and agitation, not only with monks, but with householders 
who seek
spiritual realization.

5: A common theme in the traditional yogic approach is that struggle 
is the
essence of life. Progress is achieved by learning to calm the monkey 
mind that
likes to jump from thought to thought. The more diligent one becomes 
in there
meditation practice, it is understood that they have to be prepared 
to deal with
a faster ripening of there samskara (karma). So if you go deeper 
into your
meditation, and ripening of karma brings many difficulties to your 
life, then it
is believed that this is a great sign of progress because karmic 
load is
lessening. The problem is that we have accumulated thousands of 
lifetimes of
karma, and the small lessening of the load is minute compared to the 
storehouse of karma that we have. In one lifetime, you can not 
meditate enough
hours to exhaust all of ones karma. Sometimes it is believed that 
the Guru will
take on the karma of the disciples and when the Guru gets ill, it is 
thought to
be the result of karma absorbed from the disciples. Yet the Guru is 
not able to
take on the karma that is involved in the widening of the sushumna 
and opening
of the chakra knots of his disciples. The yogic system is designed 
to do that
over a long period of practice and sacrifice, however from my 
experience and
observation of others, I did not see that happen. In Reiki Tummo, 
allegiance is not to a Guru or lineage, all chakra knots are opened 
and the
sushumna is opened in an instant, due to the Love of the True Source 
which is
the Grace that is beyond the law of karma.

6: The ancient Yogic approach to kundalini does not work directly 
with the
Heart. There is a difference between using the heart chakra as a 
focal point,
and going into the inner layers of the Heart to experience the core 
of ones True
Self. From the traditional yogic approach, the Inner Heart, which is 
the spark
of the True Source in the core of our Heart, is not utilized to make 
moment to
moment choices. Yogic students are not attuned by their traditions 
to access
the loving wisdom of their Inner Hearts. When the experience of the 
Heart is
not the center of what we do and who we are, then we make brain 
dominant choices
which are ego based. Maya or illusion, and more karma are created by 
actions when life is not lived from our Heart. From my experience, 
many believe
they are following their Heart, but in actuality, they are in their 
thinking that they are following their Hearts.

7: From the perspective of the traditional yogic approach, Yoga is 
through the union of "Shiva" and "Shakti" when kundalini flows to 
the crown
chakra. This is supposed to represent the completion of ones 
spiritual journey.
In kundalini traditions this is often referred to as Mahasamadhi or 
Samadhi. In Reiki Tummo, many have come to understand that when 
reaches the crown chakra, it is only a step of the real journey Home 
to Yoga.

8: The traditional Yogic path is often referred to as the "Path of
Perfection". The student is supposed to be a spiritual warrior that 
is willing
to face all challenges and undergo whatever he needs to do so that 
he or she can
achieve the perfection of the seven body layers, and purify 
themselves to a
degree in which they can achieve spiritual realization. The problem 
is, "who is
the one that is seeking perfection". The "I" that is seeking 
perfection can
be seeking perfection for less than perfect motives. The "I" is 
often linked to
ego, and the student is using the effort of the ego to attempt to 
spiritual union that is beyond the ego. Surrender is talked about 
but not
necessarily understood because the Heart is not the core emphasis of 
the yogic
kundalini approach. What needs to be surrendered is being used as 
the main
vehicle to achieve spiritual realization. It's like a fish swimming 
around and
trying to get out of the water and no matter how much it swims, it 
is still in
the water. The result is that the boundary of "I" and "Thou" is not 
able to
dissolve and the enhancement of spiritual growth is limited. Our 
human effort
is not enough to reach Yoga, yet in the traditional yogic approach 
it is the
discipline of our human effort that is being used as the main tool 
to reach

In due respect to those who may still be practicing ancient yogic 
systems, I am
suggesting that the traditional yogic path that has been practiced 
for thousands
of years, is an outdated paradigm and a limited approach compared to 
what the
path of Reiki Tummo has to offer. Years ago the traditional yogic 
view of
kundalini, was all that we knew. Now we have a new approach that is 
but in order to appreciate the most profound spiritual gift that the 
path of
the Heart provides, we have to be willing to let go of concepts we 
have read in
books about kundalini and yoga. We have to let go of ideas that may 
have been
told to us by teachers of traditional yogic systems because they are 
invested in
their paradigm and may not realize the limitations of their 
approach. When
we follow an old paradigm as if it is the ultimate reality, then we 
are closed
to what the gift of a new paradigm has to offer us.

In my experience, Reiki Tummo offers us a spiritual gift that has 
never been
available to us before. The potential for greater spiritual progress 
than we
have achieved in thousands of lifetimes, can be realistically 
experienced in
short period of time.

Alumni of Reiki Tummo do not become top heavy because during the 
Level 1
attunement the core channel is connected to the core of the earth, 
and they
become better nourished by the earth's energy. Feeling well rooted 
and grounded
is the result. Health and overall energy levels improve. As one gets 
attunements and goes on to participate in Master Yoga, all of the 
blossom like a lotus. Our energetic system becomes more spiritually 
balanced and healthy. Even while enjoying deep spiritual 
experiences, we can
function in the world and interact more smoothly and efficiently 
with whatever
challenges are before us. During Level 2, kundalini is safely 
awakened, the
sushumna is widened, and during Level 3 the sushumna is further 
widened and all
seven chakras are opened. In Master Yoga, our chakras blossom like 
lotuses, the
sushumna continues to widen, and kundalini reaches new spiritual 
heights. The
question is often asked, "How can this be achieved since the opening 
of sushumna
and chakra knots represents the clearing of lifetimes of Karma?" The 
reason is
that a Guru or energy from a particular spiritual lineage is not the 
source of
the Attunement. Master Irman explains that the Love of the True 
Source is
beyond the Law of Karma, and the attunements are allowing and 
relying on the
Love of the True Source to dissolve karmic blockages without alumni 
having to
receive the karmic reactions from our past actions. To fully realize 
what this
means, we can never be the same again. For so very, very long, we 
have been
wondering through the karmic bondages of time, digging more and more 
holes, and
falling into those holes over and over again. We have drastically 
failed to
realize how far away we have gotten from our original Home. We have 
failed to
realize the depth of our pain and suffering from our separation to 
our Beloved
True Source. We have not known how to get out of the karmic bondages 
that have
kept us enslaved through time. Our karmic debt is huge…and our 
actions and
lack of realization has trapped us into a karmic prison. The rock 
walls of our
karmic prison are so thick and yet we have continued to think we can 
through by our human effort. It's like we are trying to escape the 
prison by
scratching at the rock walls with our finger nails ….and we have 
been doing
this for so long. We have relied on our false selves rather than 
relying on the
Love of the True Source. We have lived with false beliefs, false 
dreams, false
hopes and false priorities. Existence has now shifted. I realize 
that the time
is here for all of us to receive the wake up call…calling us to come 
Home. It
is not hard or difficult, because it is not our effort that will 
take us Home.
The call that we have been waiting for, for millions of years, has 
come. The
Love of the True Source is calling us back to where we belong. We 
just have to
embrace the Love and follow. We don't have to be separate or alone 
The Love wants to break through the Karmic wall of our prison, and 
cleanse us
like a mother cleanses her dirty child. The Love does not want us to 
anymore. The Love wants to remove all of our karma because the Love 
wants our
Spirit to come Home to our Beloved. The Love is our Beloved. We just 
have to
let go and let the Love work with the deepest and complete gratitude 
for the
Love. We are coming Home. This is not just a metaphor....our name 
has been

In Reiki Tummo there is no worship to a Guru or a lineage. The basic 
premise is
that nothing should ever come between the direct connection of the 
core of your
Heart and the True Source. It is understood that worship to any 
being, deity,
or ascended master, is detrimental to our spiritual progress. We 
have no
interest in playing or ascending through the learning dimensions. We 
that only by completely opening ones Heart and following the Love 
and Light of
the True Source, can one achieve Yoga. Only the Love and Light of 
the True
Source can take us Home. This is the direct path that we have been 
all been
waiting, for so very long.

Sexuality is not an issue like it often becomes in the traditional 
approach. The reason is that we are not seeking to obtain bliss 
through the
sublimation of sexual energy. Our bliss is experienced by our 
enjoyment of
going deeper into our Heart and dissolving into the Light and Love 
of the Divine
Source. The rising of kundalini is not related to our sublimation of 
energy. As we open our Hearts and allow the Light and Love to take 
us deeper
and deeper into the Love, kundalini effortlessly rises without any 
effects. In fact, kundalini energy helps to clear blockages in our 
bodies. Sexuality is free to be an expression of love with our 
spouse without
confusion or guilt that it will interfere with our spiritual growth

In Reiki Tummo, dealing with the ripening of negative karma is not 
an issue.
Joy is the essence of life because we live in our Heart, and our 
Heart is the
key and the door to the deepest fulfillment that can ever be 
realized and
experienced. As we progress, our life gets easier, even though our 
karmic load
is being lessened and we feel lighter and more joyful. The reason is 
that we
allow the Love of the True Source to work on us completely, and the 
Love wants
to bring us Home. The Love of the True Source does not want us to 
suffer. It
is only because the Love is beyond the law of karma that we can 
progress so
swiftly without any detrimental karmic effects. We embrace the Love 
and the
Love of the True Source dissolves our negativities because the Love 
wants to
bring us closer and closer Home to our ultimate destiny. As we 
become better
and better instruments, the Love wants to radiate in all directions 
to every
being in all of existence. The deeper we embrace and dissolve in the 
kundalini rises in celebration of our deepening union. It all just 
getting better and better….more wonderful and more joyful.

The path of Reiki Tummo is the path of the Heart. The Attunements 
and Master
Yoga program allow us to effortlessly follow the Love and Light into 
innermost layers of our Heart, where we experience spiritual union 
and become
instruments while dissolving into the Love and Light of the True 
Source. We
learn to live Heart Centered lives, and make loving wise choices 
under the
guidance of our Inner Heart. This allows us to function in the world 
accumulating additional karma and becoming Instruments of the True 
Source, the
way that True Source wants us to be. Without a Heart Centered life, 
dominance prevails and creates a tainted reality and personal 

The journey Home does not end when kundalini reaches the crown 
Kundalini has to also pass through all of the learning dimensions 
and it is
crucial that we come to realize and experience the differences 
between Soul and
Spirit. Spiritual growth is growing the Love and Light in our 
Spirit. As our
Spirit grows, kundalini happily ascends beyond the crown chakra.

Reiki Tummo is very different than the Yogic path of perfection. 
Master Irman
says "The best of us will never be good enough". For me, this 
statement is so
deep, and gives me such joy and great relief. I used to think it was 
responsibility to find my way Home to the Ultimate Spiritual 
Destiny. I thought
I have to seek more, and do more, to achieve greater spiritual 
growth. I felt a
pressure and a responsibility that I have to be the one to achieve 
and obtain
perfection. Yet, where did I get with all of my efforts, not only 
from this
lifetime, but from all my lifetimes? Where did I get from the 
thousands of
hours of time I invested in meditation practices? In Reiki Tummo, we 
attempt to be perfect. We just enjoy our Heart by enjoying the Love 
of the True
Source. We allow the Love to be our guide. We do not have to rely on 
our own
efforts and achievements, because we realize that all efforts 
results from our
brain identification. Our Atma (Spirit) is in the Core of our Heart, 
and the
most direct path to Yoga, is to follow and embrace the Love. We 
enjoy and allow the Love to bring us closer and closer Home. It is a 
step by
step approach beginning with the attunements in Reiki Tummo 1 and up 
into the
Master Yoga program, that allows this spiritual evolution to occur 
naturally and
easily. I feel that what our souls and spirits have dreamed of for 
so very long
is right here before us. Some Reiki Tummo alumni may not fully 
appreciate the
gift they have been given because they have read stories about Yogis 
in the
Himalayas, or about the siddhis or yogic occult powers that can be 
Yogic powers have nothing to due to with the True Realization of the 
Heart. For
those who may have an allegiance to a Yogic path, I respect your 
dedication and
commitment. My intention is to offer an understanding that a new 
approach for obtaining Yoga is now accessible to us, in a way that 
has never
been available to us before. I feel that any ideas or practices that 
say we can
get Home and achieve Yoga other than by following the Love and Light 
of the True
Source, need to be re-examined. It does not make sense to follow 
something for
so very long, thinking it can give you a specific result, when in 
reality, it
does not lead you to where you think you are going. I hope that my 
sharing will
help spiritual seekers to appreciate what Reiki Tummo offers us. The 
key and
the greatest gift that we have all been looking for, is the key and 
door of our
own Heart.

Ed Rubenstein
November 10, 2005

Visit our official web site:

Kundalini and Reiki for health, sprituality, Open Heart and Perfect 

Dedicated to my spiritual teacher and my Reiki Tummo Master, 

Mr. Irmansyah Effendi MSc., on his 34th birthday (14 June 2000).


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