To Reflect...

  When the New Year Arrives

  "... I have trusted in the LORD without wavering" (Psalms 26:1).

  "Are there resentments you would like to remove from your heart?

  Some old sins that continue your soul to hurt?
  Gather them together today and throw them far away,

  when the New Year arrives.

  Bad thoughts are heavy and difficult to bear, my friend,

  and life is too short, from beginning to end.

  Be generous with yourself alway - keep nothing bad for another day --

  when the New Year arrives."

  There are only a few days for the New Year to arrive. What are we storing up 
for it? The bitterness, the frustrations, the incessant battles, the anguish of 
the passing year, the accumulated uncertainties, the tears and the lost hopes?

  No! With firmness and assurance, No!

  Things past and ugly should be left behind, burnt in the fire of 
forgetfulness. After all, they should have served for our edification, growth 
and spiritual strengthening.

  The New Year is coming and we should begin to exercise our faith, to open the 
parcels of our hopes, to light the lamps of the trees of our dreams, to plant 
the seeds that enable us to reap the fruit of the blessings for which we so 
anxiously hope.

  When the New Year arrives, everything will be different. That is what we 
desire, it is what we need to believe. The Lord will be with us, guiding our 
footsteps, holding our hands, celebrating with us each victory gained.

  When the New Year comes, our world will be more colourful, the sun will shine 
more intensely, there will be more smiles on our face, and our joy will be 

  Do you continue harbouring the deceptions of the old year, or have you 
already cast everything away, leaving room for everything good that God will 
give you in the New Year that is about to arrive?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

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