Mr. bin Laden the eighties, was trained by the CIa against the Russians in Afganastan...
He was trained in 'Mindwar Psyops used by all administrations since that time 
And just like the Russians were defeated in Afghanistan, by these techniques;
Once again, history repeats itself.
As the U.S. drains all if it's resourses and prestige on this misadventure into madness.
The CIA concluded in 1980, around the time of President Reagan's election;
Around the time that the CIA hostage mission failed, embarrassing, then President Carter; and then on the minute of Reagan's inauguration, they were suddenly released.
That the United States had a unique opportunity to spread our way of life, 
At that time we controlled all of the world's media.
A document entitled: "Mindwar" was passed around the government at that time;
And it seemed to conclude three things, in this new policy:
!. That it was possible to 'brainwash' a population, through media control, and repeating the same message over and over, so it becomes a sort of true.
2.You wear down the population, both foreign or domestic, by various stressors; so that the will of the people to resist, becomes weakened.
3.You make it seem in all ways possible, that the you indestructible, and justified in any battle it undertakes, that is on our God'side, and we are too powerful and righteous, to be defeated or prevailed upon by any other power, whatsoever.
So, in the same way Mr. bin Laden has used the same tactic, of invincibility, brainwashing subverting his population to believe in the infailability of his cause, and  wearing down the will and he health, of his very culture and people.
The timing of his broadcast help to continue the war on both sides; while the innocents contunue to die; and he is nowhere to be found?
Fact is stranger than fiction...
R.Gimbel  Madison,WI.

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