Q:I want to work with more than one mantra at a time, because I want to work 
on several things at once. Is this a good thing to do?
  A:For your first experiment with mantras, I recommend you work with only one 
mantra for a full forty-eight day discipline. After that, work with any 
combination that makes sense to you. Remember, mantras work with energy - both 
yours and what you bring in from the universe - so if you work on more than one 
thing, try to keep them at least in the same general area.Here We have given 
some Powerfull mantras

  Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha
  Q: I sometimes say mantras silently when I am around other people. Is this OK?
  A:Ultimately, saying mantras silently is the most powerful way to say them. 
The silent repetition stimulates the corresponding petals of the chakras so 
that energy is brought into the subtle body.

Q:I have heard that one must receive a mantra from a guru for it to work. Is 
this true?
  A:Those who have unwrapped the power of a mantra through many repetitions 
achieve something called "Mantra Siddhi." This means that they have attained 
some measure of power and proficiency with the mantra. At this point, they may 
give a mantra to others "with power," meaning that the recipient will achieve 
results faster than doing it without having received it "with power." However, 
Sanskrit mantras are your spiritual birthright since they are directly linked 
to the chakras. They will work even if you read them from a book and begin 
The minimum number of repetitions to achieve Mantra Siddhi is generally 
recognized as 125,000.

  Q:I want to do a mantra on behalf of another person. Is this OK?
  A:Praying for another person is a good thing to do for anybody at any time. 
However, Sanskrit Mantra is not exactly prayer because it is pro active and 
specific, whereas prayer leaves the mechanism of an answer up to Divine 
authority. Therefore, I recommend that wherever possible you ask permission 
from a person to undertake mantra work on their behalf. If this is not 
possible, then start with a prayer that this energy be used for their highest 
good and begin. I also recommend that you begin with the declaration that while 
you are performing this mantra on someone's behalf (state their name) that you 
are by no means taking their karma.
Parents have an automatic right as well as responsibility to perform mantra 
work on behalf of their children.
  Q:When we repeat durga ashtottaram for example can we have the image of 
baalaa , or lalitaa or kaali in our mind or do we need to have only the form of 
durga in our mind.Can we recite durga satanaama as addressed to lalitaambika.
  A:The shastras say that "Aaavahitha devathaa anyath devabhi na archayet". 
i.e, we should not worship the gods with anyother mantras, other than the ones 
meant for the invoked god. However, this rule takes a backseat, when we say 
Lalitha sahsranamam, and worship any female god, or Vishnu saharanama for any 
form of vishnu.
  Q: Can we have the image of lord shiva while repeating any devi ashTottara 
and image of devi while repeating shiva ashTottara , in our mind.
  A: There is no harm to have the image of shiva or shakthi, while worshipping 
either of them or another. again the shaastraas say that "Aavayorantharam 
naasthi candracandrikayoriva....." . There is no difference between 
them(devi(lalitaa,baalaa,miinaakshi, durga),lord shiva) like moon and moonlight.
  Q: How efficient are mantras, and is it a problem if we recite them less than 
  A: A learned Brahmin, from Guntur who was a ghanaapaaThigal, went to the 
acharya of sringeri and poured out his woes. He said that he married 3 times 
till then, but some how all his three wives died soon after marriage, and he 
being a grahastha into yagnas and yagas, could not be without a wife , as a 
wife had certain important functions in a yajna. He told the acharyal, that he 
recited the sapthashathi daily, in addition to his japas and pooja. The 
acharyal, an unparallel Srividyopasaka, went about and divined the problem. He 
asked the ghanaapaaThigal to repeat the kavacha of sapthashathi. The 
ghanaapaaThigal, told the same and acharyal, pointed out the reason for his 
wives death. GhanaapaaThi sundara shastri avadhanigal, was telling "baaryaam 
bhakshathu bhairavii"... instead of "rakshathu bhairavii", which lead to the 
wives death. I hope this illustration gives us a picture of mantra shastra and 
its importance. Likewise when saptashatii is learnt from a sat guru and if
 recited properly it is equally capable of bestowing bhogaa and moksha.
  Q: Is Shrividya of Vedic origin? Are there any references to the devis 
lalitaa , baalaa , tripura , sundari in the vedas. atleast in the atharvana 
veda? Are there vedic references to shrii vidyaa?
  A: Regarding lalitha, bala, tripura etc.... The vedas including Rig and Yajur 
have so many references, you cannot even conceive. There are upanishads in the 
atharvana , like tripuropanishad, tripurataapinupanishad, etc.... The aruna 
prashna, speaks volumes of Lalitha. Vedic reference to Baala, is found in 
Rigveda, in the khila bhaaga of srisuktha,sudhaa suktha, etc tripura and 
sundari, in atharvana veda, yajur veda, etc.. Tripura appears some 70 times in 
the vedas." Regarding the origin of shrii vidyaa, the rigvedic hymn, "Chatvaari 
vak parimita....." etc, gives details of srividya mantra and its esoteric 
meaning. Reference to srividya and its mantra derivatives, have been made 
atleast in 20 places through out the vedas. Especially Yajur and Rig veda. 
Srividya, originates from three mantras of the vedas. 1. jatavedase rik. from 
durga suktha yajur veda 2. gayathri mantra, rig veda 3. mrityunjaya mantra, 
yajur veda These three together are known as shatakshara vidya or
 shatakshara gayathri, as they have a 100 letters in them. This is the basis of 
srividya. " These are only some of the references quoted. There are many 
references.It is thus very clear that shrii vidya is totally vedic in origin .I 
also heard that the above three mantraas are said to represent the very essence 
of vedaas. so there should be no doubt about the vedic origins of shrii vidya 
however hard some western tantrics may try to argue. Moreover what is available 
to us of the Vedas now is only about 10% of what was available in the remote 
past! Some sections may still be 'secret' in some families. I remember seeing a 
book many years ago, of Shri Ganapati Muni's 'finding' sections of Rig Veda 
while in deep meditation in Gokarna.
  Q: I almost meet with the insistence that a guru must initiate us in order 
that we may perform some of the devi poojas. With most of the traditional gurus 
being people of a particular community who guard these upaasana know-hows with 
utmost secrecy, I am feeling discouraged as I get the feeling that low castes 
will never get initiated.OR is there a way out?
  A: A good Guru should not divide Shishyas by caste or sex. No where in vedas 
it is taught that mantras are not to be used by low caste people. Hindu system 
has formulated caste by the practice of profession and not merely by birth. 
Every hindu has the right to learn the sastras and mantras. If the disciple is 
true and devoted the Almighty will send a Guru for him to learn the mantras and 
sastras. So, for a start,
let us be true,
let us be devoted,
let us have love for the universe,
let us respect the elders
let us not speak ill of our neighbours
Rest assured is that JagadambA will jump to embrace you in a way that you can 
see for yourself, because She is "avyAja karuNA" - Honest compassion.

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