Abortion pill question:

Even my mother and other Mother-Earth feminists in scotland spoke of 
ancient knowledge among the people (keltic) of natural ways to induce 
abortion that women had used for thousands of years, and there were 
numerous methods that do not require the intervention of a specialist.

Now there are already abortion pills, and there will be more and more 
of this kind of thing in an age of science. 

Therefore, a law against abortion (which Authfriend pointed out would 
put only the doctors in jail) would have no effect, because women do 
not need a doctor, only a pill or numerous other methods.

So in the 21st century when it will become easier and easier for 
women to get more and more effective pills, how the the anti-
abortionists intend to deal with it?

The whole point is, that IT IS A WOMANS'S CHOICE WETHER YOU LIKE IT 
OR NOT. That is the reality. It has been for thousands of years among 
the Kelts and other cultures, and it will continue to be a free 
woman's choice.


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