From: Dana Sawyer


Dear friends,


If you're receiving this message than we have some personal connection and I'm 
sending this to you outside the larger mailing that I'll also do.  I'm sending 
this to get you - some ole buddy of mine - excited about a landmark event in 
the history of Maharishi's journey to the west and its repercussions.


In August (6-11), Phil Goldberg, author of American Veda, and I are hosting a 
"TM Homecoming" at the new 1440 Multiversity in California (more details on 
attached flyer).  As time passes and all of us who ever taught or learned TM 
get older, Phil and I - two residence course teachers from back in the day - 
thought it was time for a family reunion and a chance to be with old friends. 
Please spread the word and help shape this important event.  Let's make it a 
TM-Palooza because we ain't getting any younger!  


Everyone who practices - or who ever practiced - TM is welcome, whether or not 
they learned inside the official organization or not (since for more than 
twenty-five years the vast majority of those who've learned TM have done so 
outside the movement).  Whether you are inside or outside the official org, 
you're welcome.


 No viewpoint will be discouraged but Phil and I will be acting as moderators 
to insure that nobody gets to capture the flag and demand their viewpoint.  
Phil and I both feel we've gained tremendously from Maharishi's teachings but 
we also both left the movement decades ago.  In short, conversations and debate 
are welcome but disruptions won't be allowed.  We want to make sure everyone 
gets to enjoy this event - since it's possibly the last gathering of the tribes 
before some of us turn to dust.


Questions?  Please also send me any brilliant ideas - and pease pass the word 
along to everyone you know.  Why not make this great?


Can't wait to be together - and check out the attached flyer,



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