Here's a good article / TED Talk based on the neuroscience of arguing,
what it does to the human brain, and why it's such a dumb idea.

I pass it along because a number of people here on FFL seem to be
*addicted to* arguing. Given the findings discussed in this article, one
can only assume that the reason they endlessly try to start and
perpetuate arguments is that they're addicted to their brains
functioning without logic and reason, and to the "rush" they feel from
the fight-or-flight response.

This article gives some advice on how not to become one of them:

"In the heated election campaign of 2004, the researchers found 
supporters of presidential candidates George Bush and John Kerry and 
took MRI pictures of their brains as they watched video footage of their
favorite candidate completely contradicting himself. So what happened 
in people's brains when they saw information that contradicted their 
worldview in a charged political environment? As soon as they recognized
the video clips as being in conflict with their worldview, the parts of 
the brain that handle reason and logic went dormant. And the parts of 
the brain that handle hostile attacks — the fight-or-flight response
—  lit up."

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