It occurs to me that the match that lit
the fire under Barry's current meltdown--
although part of it was a hangover from
his crashing and burning the previous
week--was that I wouldn't go along with
a claim Nabby made:

Re: Coming to Fairfield, seek to learn. 

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > Barry's been messing around with one technique
> > after another, one guru after another, for 
> > decades and hasn't found anything he wants to 
> > settle down with and commit himself to.
> This, obviously, strikes at the core of the 
> frustration and pain the Turq displays on FFL.
> Guru-shoppers tend to end up frustrated and 
> confused. And after a couple of rounds with 
> different Masters, serious Gurus won't have 
> anything to do with them. They are denied access.
> Have you heard this story about Barry before, say
> in the late '70's, in California ? Yes you have.

Never heard of Barry before I encountered him on
alt.meditation.transcendental in 1995.

After all the abuse Barry has piled on me and the 
vicious lies he's told about me in the past 15 
years, here I had a chance to throw some dirt at 
him and give Nabby some credibility by pretending 
to have heard a nasty story about Barry 30 years 
ago, and I wouldn't do it.

That was so contrary to the way Barry behaves, it 
was intolerable. He'd been trying to provoke me 
with his Dick and Jane bit, and it hadn't worked. 
He proceeded nonetheless to claim it *had* worked 
in a post addressed to Mike, but he could do that 
only by grossly misrepresenting what I'd said.

So in response to my comment to Nabby, he took a 
desperate swipe at me by conjuring up the past, 
making a big deal about my having been slightly off 
with the date of our first encounters, and 
implying--knowingly falsely--that I'd started our 
feud, in a post to somebody else:

"...she recently claimed that she hadn't
encountered me until 1995. But she was *already*
in full 'Gotta Get Barry' mode back in 1994.
Google still has the posts."

And it all went downhill for Barry from there. 
While continuing his attacks on me in other posts, 
he went rummaging around on Google to find 
something he could use to back up his lie. All he 
could come up with was a post in which I pointed 
out, in some detail, the deliberate misstatements 
*he* had made about an email exchange I initiated 
with him in an attempt to explain to him why I 
maintained TM was the most effective meditation 
technique currently available for householders, for 
which he had been putting me down repeatedly, in 

I had tried to respond reasonably but couldn't get 
through to him. I thought we could talk it through 
amicably if I could discuss my stance in terms of 
TM's private instruction; I didn't want to do that 
in public.

The post of mine he reproduced details what 
happened from that point on--his gross intellectual 
dishonesty in the email exchange and then his 
public misrepresentation of it.

*That's* what started the feud. I realized he 
couldn't be trusted, and he realized I wasn't going 
to meekly submit to his dishonest bullying. He 
quickly bailed out of that discussion, but from 
then on he had me in his sights.

Anyway, in the present, it was my refusal to 
confirm Nabby's story that really set him off. That 
meltdown was seriously aggravated by his continuing
failure to get me to "perform" for Mike, and then
his humiliation at the post I stumbled across of
his from 1994 in which he denounced the TM critics
on alt.m.t in terms he heatedly rejects today.

And he's still melting.

He simply cannot get it through his head that he
can't "win" by lying. He's also never figured out
that his pose of not taking anything seriously is 
repeatedly belied by these meltdowns; they just
demonstrate what an abject phony he is.

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