MZ having  a most peculiar view of God  "witnessing" the actual death of
the supernatural context of creation.
Is trying to get mystical experiences after the Allied Bombing of Mt
Cassino, really ambiguous at best?

Is it not "strange" for a Christian/Catholic not to believe in
resurrection?Or is it just a hero style pose a la Nietsche,''To give
style'' to his character --  certainly a great and rare art according to
Friedrich Nietzsche? [;)] *
Something given and allow for  (y)our altering mystical experiences:

History:The Bombing of Monte Cassino
TIME:Monday, Feb. 28, 1944,9171,796392-1,00.html
Error led to bombing of Monte Cassino

Monastery destroyed after translation slip by British intelligence

So may be just a "balls-up"
BTW.If the actual German message received by the allied radio operator
contained as many grammatical errors as the German in guardian's
article, I'm not surprised confusion ensued
e.g.'Ist Abt in Kloster?' and was answered, 'Ja in Kloster mit Monchen'.
="Ist der Abt im Kloster?"-"Ja im Kloster mit den Moenchen" etc etc
The translation  was then 'Is the HQ in the abbey?' - the word 'Abt'
being taken as an abbreviation for 'Abteilung' (a battalion) rather than
The key point is that all language contains built-in "redundancy" - we
hear only a proportion of any verbal information that reaches us. In
contrast of course  to all sorts of mystics, who, fairer and
foolisher(Nietzsche), talk of "inspiration"and vision without any 
"redundancy" ? [:D]

*But giving "style to one's character" may applies to the
life-form of the individual and its identity. As soon as we talk about
`form' (like in `life-form'), we certainly talk about
the task of forming. And as soon as we do not assume that life-forms are
something given and allow for our altering them, we are authorized to
raise the question of what kind of `stylesheet' applies to the
task of forming.
Does all pose of a "stylesheet" as though his real opinions had been
discovered and attained through the self-evolving of a cold, pure,
divinely indifferent dialectic , whereas, in fact, a prejudiced
proposition, idea, or "suggestion," which is generally a heart's desire
abstracted and refined, is defended by  with arguments sought out after
the event?

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