On 12/9/2014 6:04 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
As I have said before, the original holy men were guys who had left regular society because they were too lazy to work so they sat in the forests smoking ganja and having realistic daydreams like George Hammond.

When someone would come along and ask them "What you doing sitting here in this forest?" they would reply "I am a holy man!"

"Oh really, tell me holy man about your life."

"Well, there is the unseen energy that is EVERYTHING and I have become one with it, and I've got all sorts of amazing powers!"

And so the myths began.
Is that anything like a lonely guy sitting in a trailer house in the middle of the winter at a large religious university, smoking ganja and having daydreams about being a spiritual teacher, when someone comes along and asks him "/What are you doing sitting here in this trailer?/ He would reply, /"I am on staff in food service."/

/"Oh really, tell me about your life."/

/"Well, there is this guy named Bevan who gave me this job to learn how to set tables and he is EVERYTHING and I have become one with it, and I've got all sorts butt-bouncing powers!"/

And so the myths began.
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