Cosmic Amnesia and Consciousness Expansion.


Dick Richardson




Margaret Harrell



Hello Margaret;  regards to your most interesting questions on these two specifics with reference to transcendent mystical experiences.  Let me first try and elaborate more on the phenomenon of consciousness expansion – and which indeed came first, at the beginning of these events in my case.


When writing the actual exegesis of those events (the initial transcendent experience) I had to write as like a living diary of how it was and what it was like.  To have interjected concepts and knowledge from later aspects in life would have spoiled the actual story of the journey.  I tried to make it that people could try living it with me, and what I felt at the time.  That, as you obviously realise is why it is written that way.  Much of the remainder of the book goes on to talk of things in depth – but not the depths to which you push for answers :- ) and which I find admirable.  Anyway, I will begin with the expansion phenomenon itself.


The Expansion of Consciousness into the Soul.


Without any shadow of doubt (and I am not the type that frightens too readily) this was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced.  Not really frightening in the sense of deep fear but rather more in total and utter shock and bewilderment, and the unknowing as to what was happening or why or where it was going to end.  It was literally, and without any warning, like blowing up on the inside – in all truth I think some people might have died of fright, but I do not know.  It was just like my head blew out into the size of the universe (not into the universe, for this was inner space – hidden space).


So what was it an expansion of consciousness into?  I would imagine that some groups of people might perhaps assumed it to be the mind of their deity or creator.  But no.  This stuff was to do with me personally, and beyond any shadow of doubt as far as I am concerned.  Hence there is no question of it.  So what was it?  It was me.  I later came to call that part of ourselves (within the double vortex of our emanation) the soul; our own individual soul: the subconscious mind would be a synonym as far as I am concerned.  But wow, it is big.


It became clear to me that this aspect of our being contains much data of a personal ‘record’; the place where past experiences (and perhaps more) is stored, for the record. Moreover, this aspect of ourselves can and does communicate with our normal daily consciousness (the incarnate personality). It is plainly obvious to me that most of the experiences which people put down to religious experience, contacts with the deity, out of the body experiences, ghosts, visions, near death experiences, are all a product of this realm, this part of our own being.  And each persons soul or subconscious being unique to them; and hence the varieties of experiences which this level can generate – even to the point where the consciousness can exist within the picture created. 


This aspect of the soul I call the Arkon Realm.  All of its manifestations are symbolic, every one of them.  They are not real entities as seen and lived in, they are done to create an effect on the top-side consciousness and personality.  Thus they are real symbolic Arkon Image Emanations, but that which you see or do in them is simply for the learning of and message contained within the actual effect of them.  They alone are capable of changing a persons life for ever.  Hence, my music made of light experience, and the boy, were symbolic emanations of communication with one part of the mind to the other, and for effect.  All these experiences (therein) are symbolic of something else, and something much deeper in the nature of our being and creation itself.  But their function is for effect, change, modulation; they are gradually turning a pint jug into a quart jug; and a pigs ear into a silk purse; or a Homo Sapien into a Homo Ensophicus.


So the expansion (unless everything I have ever learned is wrong)  is like a small drop of  water dropping back into a vast pond and becoming the whole surface area of that pond – and I emphasis only the surface area, NOT the depths of the pond itself, or the side walls (which are dangerous, and contain the incarnate survival kit of the species in encoded data (the psychic department of the double vortex).


I have to re-emphasise that whilst at the level I still had all my mental faculties of the outside world personality: memories; personality; sense of humour, and all the rest of it; just simply no body and no connection to it.  I could not have returned to ‘normality’ by choice or intentional activity.  I was there and there was nothing I could do about it.


Given that your other question related to the phenomenon of Cosmic Amnesia I will say no more about the soul and its other depths and functions other than to say that it is something oh so very different to our essence (or spirit) of our being, the eternal enduring part.  But it does seem to be the case that the soul, and its records would put into some kind of cosmological cold storage for the purposes of reincarnation, and hence a re-attachment to all our past experiences (although kept sub conscious) in future emanations of our being from that of pure spirit; in order to start off where we left off at last time around.


Cosmic Amnesia.


That which I call Cosmic Amnesia is (a)  Nothing to do with normal amnesia as in known in peoples forgetfulness after an accident or whatever; and (b) it is something both very different and infinitely more profound.  And to me it seems to be tied up very much with unconditional love, and existential needs whilst alive on earth – MOST of the time.


There are two forms of Cosmic Amnesia, but which are really two aspect of the same phenomenon.  They are Incarnate Cosmic Amnesia; and Essential Cosmic Amnesia. When we come into this world as a child, in conscious terms we are a clean slate and remember nothing (but the soul/subconscious seems to know it all); but the baby and child knows and remembers nothing at all. Just a few have claimed memories whilst in the womb, but as to whether it is true or not I have no experience of it; but it could well be I guess, especially sounds and music from the outside.  But we have no memory of what are referred to as the perennial questions: What are we: Where do we come from and return to: and What am I doing here !  kind of thing.  That then is what I call Incarnate Cosmic Amnesia.  This phenomenon also gives us existential freedom to act unconditionally of anything which we (our soul and personality) innately is.  Without such forgetfulness we would be biased in our actions by love and wisdom.  Thus, this manifestation of forgetfulness is essential to our own natural growth incarnate – the soul has to evolve through incarnate experiences and thence become the sum of all our doings and learning’s, goals, ideals, aspirations, loves and hates.  The soul evolves, and there is proof of that found in the many kinds of latter day psychic experiences (I could elaborate but will not do so here).  But the soul evolves and the spirit/essence of being does not evolve.  For the spirit is the life force and the dynamo of our being and without which we would not exist – for we are IT, we are not our soul, we are an emanation of the spirit which has the soul as its outer emanation and record of events and becoming the more; but spirit is spirit and the same thing always; the life force of our own unique existence (not the creator of creation or the life force itself – just our bit),  But the spirit IS made in the likeness and of the same stuff as the life force itself.  And the power which emanated man in its image – or one should say mind in its image.  For that is what we are, minds and consciousness, not simply physical bodies.


However, the Essential Cosmic Amnesia.  As you know I call that Transcendent realm by various names at times: Paradise; Home; The Mono-Pole Reality more often than not.  But the ground of our essential being is what it is.  It is where our own bit of mind and self consciousness is made, constructed, and always resides.  Spirit cannot leave that realm and journey forth – it is a prisoner of paradise; and it is a very part of what paradise is.  Paradise could not be paradise without ‘me’ The spirit of the life force.  Without ‘me’ (personalised spirit and created consciousness) there would only be ‘no thing created’ – no emanation from the point of no duration and no extension.


Thus it is that whilst in spirit we have no memory of the outside world or any past experience of anything at all.  Moreover we cannot even think and would have no understanding of words and meanings anyway.  The ground of being would not be a paradise condition is we had any of the attachments which are not pure spirit, pure essence, and time and memories are attachments.  It is because of the purgation of attachments that it is a mono-pole reality, all good no bad, all now no past of future, all understanding no thought or contradiction, all beauty no ugliness, all joy no pain.  The real instigators of religions (not the churches and priestcraft) knew something about this place, and that is an axiomatic fact.


So anyway, that is what I call Cosmic Amnesia, and there is no better name.  When in Paradise we know nothing of earth: when on earth we know nothing of paradise – UNTILL IT happens - Redemption of lost knowledge and memory. I and others who have known it walk the earth in memory of both the world and that place – WHY ?  Paradise can never ever know the earth, BUT earth can know paradise WHY?  Because it has to in order for us to become an incarnate manifestation of what we are in there.  You cannot love something and be moved by something which you do not know.  ‘Something out there is in need, and you must BE WITH IT – with the knowledge and memory ! 


In due course all incarnate human being must be with it, the knowledge of their divine selfhood – and come to act and love accordingly.  Telling people cannot have any effect, not real effect anyway; they have to eat of it to be changed by it; nobody can eat their food for them and grow for them.  All this stuff is within the vortex of their own being, and to make contact seemingly takes a little love, a little sacrifice of time, a little questioning and a lot of caring about the true nature of reality, and a deep passion for it. These thing do not happen by accident and they are not random.

I have no idea as to what extent past existences might have to play in this scenario, for I have learned nothing about past lives; and I do not think for one moment that we need to; for all this stuff works well, like clockwork – spirit and soul work.  It might be argued that life has taught me and revealed to me a whole pack of lies that do not relate to the nature of reality at all – but in which case then it is most odd that it works indeed :- )  And that would be a thousand and one coincidence too far; for it works in others as well.


I hope this may go some way towards giving you a better understanding of my own comprehension of these two aspects of our being; Cosmic Amnesia; and the Expansion of Consciousness into the Soul. And these of course are simply two aspects of the many which are not even mentioned in religions and academic metaphysical philosophies – because they simply do not know; and do not know what it is they are talking about.


Love, Dick



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