50% of Christian Evangelicals [read: Bible Belt] are Addicted to Porn

"The poll results indicate that 50% of all Christian men
and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography,"
said Clay Jones, founder and President of Second Glance

"We directed over 100,000 inquiries to Second Glance Ministries
in one year," stated ChristiaNet.com's President, Bill Cooper.
"We are seeing an escalation to the problem in both men and women
who regularly attend church."

~~~ The poll was conducted by ChristiaNet.com. ChristiaNet.com
partnered with Second Glance Ministries in evaluating the poll. 


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~ Red States Lead in Divorce, Teen Pregnancy and Online Porn ~

See chart: 

While conservatives fight to "defend" marriage from gays, they can't keep 
theirs together. According to the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract, states 
that went Republican in November accounted for eight of the 10 states with the 
highest divorce rates in 2006.

Conservatives touted abstinence-only education, which was a flop, when real sex 
education was needed, most desperately in red states. According to 2006 data 
from the Guttmacher Institute, those red states accounted for eight of the 10 
states with the highest teenage birthrates.

And, a study titled "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?" 
that was conducted by Benjamin Edelman, an assistant professor of business at 
Harvard Business School and published earlier this year in the Journal of 
Economic Perspectives found that subscriptions to online pornography sites were 
"more prevalent in states where surveys indicate conservative positions on 
religion, gender roles, and sexuality" and in states where "more people agree 
that 'I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage.'"

They could avoid this hypocrisy by focusing more on what happens in their own 
bedrooms and avoiding the trap of judging what goes on in everyone else's.

Read full article here:

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