[FairfieldLife] Etymology of Vladimir (Putin)!

2014-09-01 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Max Vasmer in his Etymological Dictionary of Russian Language explains the name 
as meaning "regal". Folk etymology interprets the meaning as "person of the 
people" or "the one with peace on one side". This confusion is introduced by 
other meanings of the Slavic word "Mir" or "Myr" – peace, people/community, and 
the world.[2] There was no ambiguity prior to reforms of Russian orthography in 
1918. The spelling of the two words was миръ (peace) and мiръ (the 
Universe),[3] and the name was spelled the third way, Владимѣръ,[2] of Gothic 
-mērs (great), meaning "Great in His Power"[2] (compare: Theodemir, Valamir). 
but Russian speakers understood and understand the meaning as "Peace Rules" or 
"World Peace". 

[FairfieldLife] Etymology of Vladimir

2014-03-19 Thread cardemaister

 Etymology Max Vasmer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Vasmer in his 
Etymological Dictionary of Russian Language explains the name as meaning 
"regal". Folk etymology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_etymology interprets 
the meaning as "person of the people" or "the one with peace on one side". This 
confusion is introduced by other meanings of the Slavic word "Mir" or "Myr" – 
peace, people/community, and the world.[2] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_%28name%29#cite_note-Vasmer-2 There was 
no ambiguity prior to reforms of Russian orthography 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reforms_of_Russian_orthography in 1918. The 
spelling of the two words was миръ (peace) and мiръ (the Universe),[3] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_%28name%29#cite_note-UnAmbig-3 and the 
name was spelled the third way, Владимѣръ,[2] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_%28name%29#cite_note-Vasmer-2 of Gothic 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_language -mērs (great), meaning "Great in 
His Power"[2] 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_%28name%29#cite_note-Vasmer-2 (compare: 
Theodemir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodemir, Valamir 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valamir). but Russian speakers understood and 
understand the meaning as "Peace Rules" or "World Peace".