To Fairfield, Iowa Four decades ago people in a solidarity moved intentionally 
to gather and make a spiritual practice community. In recent migrations 
evidently away from soaring high living costs, climate change, and overcrowding 
in the Western US we have seen people arrive in our little midwest town. Some 
coming without means of support, requiring support, coming only because they 
had heard it is a nice progressive and spiritual place.
 While most who had originally come to make a small progressive spiritual 
community have worked and endured to live here pursuing community living mostly 
as poorer mice to be here. Quite a lot of life-time, resource, human capital, 
and money has been given to the place of the community by folks. 
  Fairfield, Iowa the number one Top City for Meditation.
 30 Top Cities and Towns for Meditation in America
 An article:

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