On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:39 AM, <> 
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October 30, 2013 a project of ServiceSpace  
  When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

- Max Planck -   
The Neuroscience Of Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier
"Consider this: Negative attitudes are bad for you. And gratitude, it turns 
out, makes you happier and healthier. If you invest in a way of seeing the 
world that is mean and frustrated, you're going to get a world that is, well, 
more mean and frustrating. But if you can find any authentic reason to give 
thanks, anything that is going right with the world or your life, and put your 
attention there, then statistics say you're going to be better off." This 
article draws from contemporary neuroscience to make a compelling case for an 
attitude of gratitude. It also offers up three simple practices we can adopt to 
help build this important muscle. { read more }
Be The Change
Commit to building your gratitude muscle! Sign up for the 21-Day Gratitude 
Challenge that launches next week. { more } 

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