The assumptions here delineated are JUST OVER over 75 % correct I note ! for 
further unclassified details email mein respect & more can then follow! Col RET 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Atwood <>
To: rcarrington <>; lmc3 <>; jahodges 
<>; Everett15 <>; dftwyman <>; 
marco.boyce <>; rwball <>; tgh6 
<>; Egurry <>; kim.fourman 
<>; wleed3 <>; bgil7007 
Sent: Sat, Jul 1, 2017 8:13 pm
Subject: Re: My Hometown Is Gone.

The CPS worker who investigated me was Muslim.
So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the 
administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the 
nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These 
are positions of authority that wield a lot of power.
Are you starting to get the picture?

Yeah!   The picture is that we've avoided public spending on education for 
years, so that now more and more key jobs now are necessarily going to people 
who come from outside the US.

But, of course, it's a win-win situation.  The politicians who won elections by 
reducing education spending can now win more elections by being outraged at the 
number of Muslims and other foreigners who are in those key jobs.  And people 
do go right on voting for those clowns!  


-----Original Message-----
From: rcarrington <>
To: Logan M Cheek III <>; jahodges <>; Keith Alan 
Everett <>; David F. Twyman <>; Marco Boyce, 
RLA, ASLA <>; rwball <>; tgh6 
<>; Emily Cheek Gurry RN <>; Kimberly 
G. and Brian Fourman <>; George Thomas Atwood Ph. D. 
<>; wleed3 <>; bgil7007 <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 1, 2017 5:26 pm
Subject: Re: My Hometown Is Gone.

Sad intolerant person... assumes the worst of people who aren’t of her old 
Catholic background. They just must be up to no good.... 
So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the 
administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the 
nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These 
are positions of authority that wield a lot of power. Are you starting to get 
the picture?


From: Logan M Cheek III 
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2017 12:04 PM
To: ; Keith Alan Everett ; David F. Twyman ; Marco Boyce, RLA, 
ASLA ; ; ; Emily Cheek Gurry RN ; 
Kimberly G. and Brian Fourman ; George Thomas Atwood Ph. D. ; Robert Andrew 
Salamida ; ; Rick Carrington ; 
Subject: My Hometown Is Gone.


Interesting blog from a Cornell alum, forwarded from a cousin of mine in 

Don't think she acquired this mentality from her days on the Hill.


Sent from my iPhone=

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