 From: i...@nationalteapartyalert.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 7/9/2011  2:25:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: NTPA Alert: Does Anyone Have Any  Chocolate Socks?

Does Anyone Have Any Chocolate  Socks? 
Yet more proof of the failure of Obamanomics came out today  when the 
_monthly jobs report_ 
  showed an anemic gain of  only 
18,000 jobs for June. On top of that shocking number, the  April and May 
reports were revised to show 44,000 FEWER jobs than  were previously reported, 
information which was lost in all of the  furor over the surprisingly poor 
In the worst case of foot-in-mouth disease in recent memory,  Obama Advisor 
David Plouffe _had this to say_ 
 , 24 hours before 
the report was  issued: 
“The average American does not view the economy through the  prism of GDP 
or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,”  Plouffe said. “People 
won’t vote based on the unemployment  rate..." 
Meanwhile, National Review's Jim Geraghty has a nifty chart  comparing the 
relation to Obama's absurd rhetoric and the GDP, _along with a great 
  of all of the  ridiculous things prominent 
Democrats have said regarding the  Obama economy: 

The only thing that could make the entire episode more  palatable for those 
Democrats would be a tasty pair of chocolate  socks to wear while inserting 
their feet into their  mouths.

 (http://www.nationalteapartyalert.com/) This  message was intended for: 
_wleed3@aol.com_ (mailto:wle...@aol.com)  
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