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FreedomWorks for America

Dear Col Wm.,

Gov. Scott Walker's
huge win in Wisconsin last night is further proof that grassroots
committed to freedom can defeat Obama's machine, his liberal
allies, and Big
Labor cronies.

Wisconsin was the
first battleground in a war of world views: will Americans continue to
entrenched government interests to lead us down a path toward fiscal
ruin, or would we start anew on a
path toward fiscal sanity? Thanks to
Americans like you, our grassroots model made sure fiscal sanity
carried the

But the Left won't give up and neither can we.
Please help us take our successful grassroots model in Wisconsin
across America
so we can win in November.

<A href="http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=D6sXk7UjB4df3_fKyg4fjw"; > 
http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=D6sXk7UjB4df3_fKyg4fjw </A> 

Walker video.png
I agree with Gov.

<A href="http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=NmZXzDJH-ct74KtmtQtQUg"; > 
http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=NmZXzDJH-ct74KtmtQtQUg </A> 

"Let this be our time in history,
when we can stand up and say, 'We helped not only move Wisconsin
forward, we
helped move America forward.'" 
Gov. Walker's speech

<A href="http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=WJFpHvnywNIEfpBxLhEkGw"; > 
http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=WJFpHvnywNIEfpBxLhEkGw </A> 


This is
our time in history.
After huge wins in Indiana, Texas, and Wisconsin, we are poised to
elect a new generation of fiscal conservatives like Scott Walker in

Please help fund our massive
effort to educate voters, distribute critically-need campaign
materials, and
mobilize activists across the country.

won Wisconsin, let's win America!

Please click here to donate today!

<A href="http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=dMaomqK6OhLavgAZbc2LMA"; > 
http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=dMaomqK6OhLavgAZbc2LMA </A> 

Thank you.

In Liberty,


Matt Kibbe

Connect with us online!

FreedomConnector: <A 
href="http://secure.freedomworks.org/site/R?i=Q6GCS8iUHHdxUS2QJFq6FQ"; > 
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Facebook: <A 
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FreedomWorks for America and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's 
committee. Contributions to FreedomWorks for America are not tax-deductible for 
federal income tax purposes. www.FreedomWorksforAmerica.org


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