  Beetle in my pill 
Thursday August 30 2007 19:30 IST 

Maneka Gandhi
  I use homeopathy a lot. But when surfing the internet, when I came across 
this line: “The Secretary, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani 
Siddha and Homoeopathy, is fascinated by the use of cockroaches in homoeopathic 
dilutions”, my heart sank. Even more when I found it really happens. In India, 
cockroaches (blatta orientalis) and American cockroaches (blatta Americana) are 
used to treat chronic bronchitis, a form of asthma characterised by suffocation 
with an accumulation of mucus and acute cough and this medicine is standardised 
in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. 
And that is not the only insect. Cantharis prescribed for burns and urinary 
tract infections is made from Spanish Fly, a beetle. Coccus cacti — prescribed 
for whooping cough — uses another beetle. European spiders are sourced for 
preparing tarantula hispanic for nervous disorders. The honey bee is used for 
insect bites and allergies. Lachesis is derived from cobra poison and is 
prescribed for all blood infections, blood poisoning and blood decay. The 
ladybug, Coccinella septempunctata, is used in neuralgic pains of the teeth, 
gums and mouth; the honeybee (Apis mellifica) relieves sore throats and insect 
bites. The Red fire ant (Formica rufa) is used for arthritic conditions, 
itching and crawling sensations upon the skin. The Black Widow (Latrodectus 
mactans) is a remedy for ailments of the heart including angina. 
Homoeopathic drugs are are not just made from vegetables and minerals. 
Unfortunately they also use animals — 300 different substances have animal 
extract. According to the main manufacturers in this country they breed the 
animals and insects they use — which I am not sure they have made legal by 
asking for permission from the government, which means there are laboratories 
in this country growing lice, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, wasps, red 
ants, and scorpions. There are 300 substances of animal origin in the pills, 
granules or liquid granules, gels, syrups, pills or collyriums. 
Some of the whole animals crushed and used live include jelly fish, lice, 
American cockroach, the Indian cockroach, mosquito, honey bee, bed-bug, red 
ant, wasp, spiders, scorpions, snails, locusts, caterpillars, scabies mites, 
kissing bugs. red starfish, roasted sponge, yellow viper, copperhead snake, red 
coral, rattlesnakes, coral snake, purple fish, cobras, leeches, and skunks. 
The whole animals that are used dried include Spanish fly, beetle, and green 
Some of the secretions from animals used are Orchitinum (from the testicular 
extracts of man), Ophorinum (from ovarian extract of cow), Hippomanes (from the 
amniotic fluid taken from an unborn or newborn horse), Moschus (from dried 
secretions of the male musk deer), and Oleum morrhuae (from cod liver oil). 
There are products of animal glands/hormones too. Examples are pancreatinum 
(from pancreas of beef), pepsinum (from the stomach of pig), pituitary (from 
the posterior portion of the pituitary gland of sheep), thyroidinum (from whole 
endocrine glands of sheep or calf), oophorinum (from the ovary of cow, sheep), 
thyroid gland of sheep, and lecithin from animal brains. 
The brief list I have given is only a small sampling of completely bizarre 
ingredients. The rest you can find at any Homeopathic Meteria Medica or ask 
your homeopathic doctor and watch him squirm around as he tries to answer. 
The origins 
The word Homeopathy is taken from the Greek, ‘homoios’ meaning like and 
‘pathos’ meaning disease. It was established in 1796 by the German doctor 
Samuel Hahnemann who posed that injecting a substance with similar effects to 
those of an illness and which would be toxic at a high dose could cure that 
same illness with the use of an infinitesimally small dose. Thus coffea (based 
on coffee) can be used to treat palpitations and insomnia. 
Hahnemann used the same chemical drugs, animal parts, herbs, reptiles, insects, 
metals, minerals, acids, and radioactive material which are still employed by 
modern homeopathic and allopathic doctors. He believed that the remedies took 
on the spirit, especially in the case of the animals, reptiles, and insects. A 
common practice of his was to suffocate live birds into the alcohol to capture 
the spirit of the animal into the remedy. This is still practiced today in such 
homeopathic remedies as Formica Rufa or Myrmexine, used in the treatment of 
arthritis made from crushed live ants.

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