
Because, from the start, the hierarchical structure was so obvious.

I wasn't an initiator for starters, so right there, I knew I wasn't an insider.

Then when I got to be an initiator, by then, I knew that Jerry Jarvis et alia 
were in a whole 'nother class of folks -- they had access.

And also, I saw a parade of rich folks getting access -- there's one incident 
that still burns in my mind:  a rich person came to our Majorca course and sat 
next to Maharishi and held his hand while being interviewed.  HELD HIS HAND!  
Up to that time, I'd only heard that Maharishi had done that ONCE while walking 
with Tat Wala Baba.  Yet a rich guy had not even been informed (warned) about 
movement protocols such that he showed such outrageous familiarity.

And then there was the course office goons who made it their thing to put 
everyone in their place.

Nah, I never was "important" to the movement even after 2,000 people 
taught.....my reward:  they took away my five thousand dollars worth of earned 
credits towards ATR and advanced techniques.  

And then after moving to Fairfield, MSAE turns out to be run by the rich 

And then the raja thingie pretty much topped it all off.

Note:  even Jerry was kicked out of the movement.

Nope. Not a one of us was ever really in a movement at all -- not when the 
movement always saw one as expendable.  

Yet I tried to belong for 29 years.  I never once got to do anything but look 
up the noses looking down at me.  


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