Yesterday Governor Sara Palin gave the world a speech.  A speech in which she 
spoke of many things,
she spoke of her time in the city council of the Alaskan city of Wasilla.   She 
spoke of Senator Barack Obama’s time as a
community organizer and proclaimed what she did as mayor of Wasilla was equal
to if not greater than being a community organizer in the city of Chicago.    
population of Wasilla is approximately 7000, the population of Chicago 2,833,321
the ethnicity breakdown of Chicago is 42% White, 36.8% Black, 26% Latino, 4.3%
Asian, 2.9% mixed, .4% Native American, 13.6% Other.

The ethnicity breakdown of  Wasilla 
88.46% White, .59% African American, 5.25% Native American, 1.32% Asian,
.13% Pacific Islander, 1.32% other.

There is no comparison between being a mayor of a population
of less than 10,000 people to being a community organizer in a city of more
than 2,000,000.   


The total population of Alaska
is less than 700,000; where as the total population of Illinois is more than 
12,000,000.   There is NO COMPARISON.   This brings me to the question of; Why 
is it
that the Republican Party and the Right Wing seem to believe that Americans are
going to be continuously stupid enough to believe whatever they choose to tell
us?   Sara Palin has no experience in
American Government.   Why? Because America is a mixture, of various races, with
representation of these groups in local, state and national government
therefore an experienced politician in America has at least some
interaction with a multitude of people.   Governor Palin has no multi ethnic
experience, and therefore no American experience.  


In 1994 Governor Palin was a member of the Alaskan
Independence Party (She was a registered member and the records of that
registration disappeared.  Yet Her
Husband Todd was a registered member for more than 10 years.) The main purpose
of this party has been the sovereignty of the state of Alaska.   When I went to 
the AIP website I saw a word “Links”   I clicked on links and found that there 
many such organizations throughout the United
 States and Canada.   One such group is the Southern Party, the
objective of the Southern Party is the emancipation of the 16 southern States
giving resurrection to the Confederate.


In Other documentation I learned that the AIP( Especially
its founder)  was involved with the
Klu  Klux Klan and even the Nazi Party. (
He worked with COORS and others in support of George Wallace)   Well ok then in 
other articles I found
mention of Sara’a church and Sara’s Pastor Rev. Paul Riley as a member of the
AIP.  Imagine Obama’s Pastor was radical
but he was not a member of  any group
that has ever participated in hate crimes. ( Read what Sara thinks about Hate
Crimes)   So you may say this is crazy
Sara is a good Right Wing Conservative not a klan’s woman?????   I don’t
know that.   Everyday everyone finds out
something new about Sara.  


So I questioned what is it that would make the Republicans
attempt to pull this on America?
  Well the right wing, want to change America.  They want to reduce the size of 
America and to
control the Supreme Court.   Therefore
Sara Palin is a pretty face and charming like a snake.  She is full of lies and 
has been exposed and a
continual attempt to deceive America.


As an American Citizen I am appalled at the idea that John
McCain would make this desperate attempt to take advantage of trusting people.  
 My Friend Lane she may
have ideas that I don’t agree with but she is not one to go hanging people.   
friends hang and shoot and believe that they have right to superiority.   Lane
is one who told me George W. Bush was going to be a great President before his
first term, but she believed that, she is not one who believes that we should
bring back the confederate.  Sara Palin


After all of my research I thought well now I have the info.
  Then I learned that her son was given a
choice jail or the military.   Sara Palin
is pretty poison.   We must not be fooled
and John McCain has made himself un trust able.  How can we trust a guy who 
tries to hide a
pregnancy, and attempts to make us trust in someone of the AIP?


We must pay attention and NOT SLEEP…….


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