Intro to Supreme Science

Leonard Jacobson used to be a judge 
and so truth expresses through him with clarity and simplicity

The two dimensions of ego 

True Awakening, Part 2 

"Hi Evuliennka, The sudden awakening that you experienced is a blessing and a 
gift. But it can also make living in the world difficult at times. That is why 
I teach a two step path of awakening. The first step is Presence. To be present 
is simple and immediate. At the deepest level, it is the fully awakened state, 
which reveals Oneness and Is-ness. The second step is Mastery of your mind and 
ego! This is a process which occurs over time.
It involves bringing consciousness to all the ways you are involuntarily pulled 
out of Presence. It includes the resistance of the ego, judgment of yourself 
and others, repressed emotions, and losing yourself in others. Mastery of the 
mind and ego enables you to become fundamentally established in Presence. It 
enables you to play easily in the world of time without getting lost there. It 
is a process of integration and it is essential in true awakening. Blessings, 
Leonard Jacobson" 

The ego's surrender 

The Healing Power of Presence 

Liberating Jesus, DVD trailer of Leonard Jacobson's provocative one man play


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