On 12/10/2014 12:54 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/Nicely said. That's essentially my view as well. Karma is no more mystical than the reaction that follows every action. EVERY action, including those of "the enlightened." /*
*//The theory of karma on the physical level is dirt simple - cause and effect. However, whether or not karma or deeds work on the mental level of thinking has not been established - it's just a theory.

We know that if we toss a pebble into a still pond there will be ripples spreading out to the edge of the pond. We do NOT know how thoughts or ideas can effect other individuals. So, it has not been established that there is a karmic moral reciprocity.

According to the theory of karma as deeds, people who do good acts should be rewarded with good karma; people who do bad things, should be the recipients of bad karma. But, we know that the world does not work that way because often good people who do good things have bad things happen to them.

Apparently Barry has not thought this through, or he is confused, because he just agreed with the ME. Go figure.//*

*From:* "anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2014 4:27 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever known

The way I look at 'karma' is it is just action, what comes to you, what you do, and the effect of past life, what happened then, cultural conditioning, etc. One does not even have to think of it as 'past lives', just 'past life'; ten minutes ago could be past life. Maybe you insulted someone and felt badly about that. That becomes part of the effect of past life. Maybe you got clobbered by a falling tree, but survived. That becomes part of past life. There are things you can do to maximise unloading the effect of past experience, but that does not mean it will be comfortable, or quickly, or completely disposed of.

From what I hear, most people who 'awaken' are not completely free of the effects of the past, and they can still do admittedly stupid things, be jerks, and don't know all that much, but now they can see past a lot of the conditioning and work toward a more pleasant state of experience. That is the real value of 'awakening'. It is not you are some cool or mystical state, but that you have the ability to navigate better, become more perceptive in moving toward doing this or not doing that. That is because most of the most problematic baggage you brought into the spiritual path has been modulated to some extent, and the baggage of the spiritual path itself is seen to be, well, not what you thought it was, so most of that mental baggage can be discarded and the load is much lighter.

With regard to the external world, I have never heard of a spiritual luminary coming up ideas like quantum mechanics, biological evolution, higher mathematics, or even basic physics. It does not appear the internal world and external world sync up all that well as far as practical knowledge of the exterior world.

When M was learning about biology and DNA, he seemed to be completely in the dark about what it was all about, but improved somewhat with time in his ability to manipulate such ideas. People have this idea that as soon as you are awake, in 'unity', you will know everything and you will be absolutely free. This is hogwash. What you will find out is what freedom is and what its opposite is and how they relate, and this makes it easier to navigate through life, but the body is still constrained by action in the world, and the functioning of the components of the body. People still get old and weak and sick, and eventually die. What you get is to watch the process of life with minimised fear and with clarity, and that makes it much more enjoyable.

Does anyone know if Maharishi ever learned to drive a car? I did hear once, he surprised people by ordering his own aeroplane tickets.

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