Somewhat intriguing excerpt from yogashikhopaniSat (yoga-shikha-upanishad):

 Walk through the inner stages of Mantra-, Laya-, Hatha- and Raja-Yoga, ||129|| 
 this is indeed a unique fourfold Maha-Yoga. |
 Exhale with the sound HA and inhale again with the sound SA, ||130|| 
 this way all living beings do chant the Mantra "hamsa hamsa". |
 The other way around the Yogi should recite this Mantra – after instruction by 
his teacher - in the Sushumna. ||131|| 
 "SO-HAM, I am it, ´I am it´ recited this way is called Mantra-Yoga. |
 Through understanding of the Mantra-Yoga the Yogi will be directly born onto 
the path of liberation. ||132|| 
 It is said that in the sound HA the sun is contained, in the sound SA the 
moon. |
 Hatha-Yoga means uniting of sun and moon. ||133|| 
 When the individual and the universal sould became united, Hatha-Yoga |
 then swallows the lethargy, the result of the basic characteristics of human 
beings. ||134|| 
 When the unity is perfected the changeable (Chitta) in the human being is 
absorbed in the Absolute (Brahma). |
 The goal of Laya-Yoga will be reached through the resulting rest of the life 
force (Prana). ||135|| 
 Through the sublime state of Laya bliss will be achieved out of itself. |
 This is localised in the holy shrine in the middle of the Vagina (Yoni),
 comparable with the Hibiskus- or Dupurmoni- blossom. ||136|| 
 Hidden in all living beings the essence of the goddess lies dormant as vaginal 
secretion (Rajas). |
 Hence it is handed down that Raja-Yoga evolves from the unification of male 
semen (Retas) and female vaginal secretion (Rajas). ||137|| 
 If Raja-Yoga is reached, supernatural powers (Siddhi) are achievable. |
 Typical for the fourfold Yoga is always the unification of ascending energy 
(Prana) with descending energy(Apana). ||138|| 

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