In the RC Church history, there are over 200 levitators.  I've read as many 
biographies as I could get my hands on.  In all cases, the prerequisite 
ingredient is out of body travel, what the Saints call "Going into Ecstasy.".
 Thus, there is 1. Frogic travel, 2. Yogic travel, and 3. Out of body travel.
 Typically, the Saint having gone into Ecstasy (while at prayer alone in a 
room, or in Church at the altar)), is unaware that such an experience is taking 
place.  An observer may see the Saint in a kneeling position or lying down. 
Some have reported that in the case of the 17-th century Saint Stanislaus 
Papczynski, his eyes rolling up and down, back and forth uncontrollably and 
apparently unconscious.

 Second necessary ingredient in the case of the RC levitators is devotion to 
Jesus and or Mary.
 Levitators in the Kriya Yoga tradition have an unsually advanced mastery of 
Breath, leading to out of body travel or levitation.
 It's not surprising that the Dome "levitators" have only reached the Frogic 
stage.  They have no mastery when it comes to out of body travel, are not 
devoted to Jesus and Mary, and have no mastery over Breath, as do the advanced 
Kriya Yoga practitioners.


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