MMY never meant to end Religion but for many TM meditators it has
become *TM 'in lieu' of Religion*, and this is a big mistake!  The
guidelines of True Religion
are inestimable in their usefulness for human evolution, after all,
without a guide or map to scale a tall mountain how much longer will
it take you by trial and error? 

Some of the TM'ers I have known have consequently relied solely on TM
to improve their lives and don't even bother consulting scripture or
moral guidelines, after all that's just supposed to happen naturally,
right?  But how long will it take for TM to 'kick in' and deliver what
is promised? 

MMY once said it could take a million years to reach CC unless you
come to courses, that was in Fuiggi.  My advice is, in order to
quicken your spiritual evolution mind the principles and guidelines of
Religion;  in Yoga they are found in the first two limbs of
Patanjali's ashtanga (8) Yoga, the Yamas and Niyamas or the
prescriptions and proscriptions of spiritual life...good luck.

So in a way, inadvertently MMY lessened Religion in meditators lives
by under-emphasizing it's value in spiritual life, unfortunate!  and
why it pays to be prudent in all your dealings with spiritual
'masters' and 'guides', never give up your objectivity less you become
morally lazy and end up reaping the unfortunate consequences at the
end of your life in some purgatorial hell of some sort.....God sent
Religion to save you from such dire circumstances!

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