This beautiful quote is from Viktoria Luhaste, European Mother Divine

That intensified state of love, which unites in a very intimate manner the 
devotee and his God, when the uniting quality of love reaches a level where 
disunion is just not possible, then love gains the value of devotion. One is 
devoted to the other, and this is beyond the possibility of separation.

This is the fulfilment of devotion. The subject is so devoted to the object 
that the object is evaluated in terms of the subject. The eternal unity of the 
so-called two is transformed into the realty of one. And this is brought about 
on the increasing degrees of love. Culture of the heart is at the basis of this 
laudable growth of perception.

It is not that sympathy, love, devotion have to be cultivated, they grow quite 
naturally once the fetters of stress which constrict the heart have been broken 
on attaining Cosmic Consciousness. Cognition of God leads to devotion, which 
results in union.

—Maharishi, Press Conference

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