Concerning a recent post viewed only in Yahoo
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Re: Because torture is so sexy <../../../message/232848>  This is the
sort of thing that Liberal Dude Nation would say is unimportant - that
it has no effect on reality, these glamorized images of torture.
Bullshit. ...

I think it is useful to remember that the person
making this post (which I assume that she didn't
really write because frankly she doesn't have the
chops to come up with her own rants, and only
reposts the rants of others) is the person who has
made by far the most "torture fantasy" posts on FFL.

If I were to do a search, I'm pretty sure I could
come up with dozens of posts in which Raunchy
has fantasized about cutting men's balls off,
cutting their dicks off, and torturing them in
other ways unimaginable to most of us. The
*detail* with which she constructs her torture
fantasies of the things she wants to do to men
on this forum shows clearly 1) that she's put a
lot of thought into how she would torture men,
and 2) that she feels there is nothing the least
bit wrong with posting these detailed fantasies
in public.

It's OK in Raunchy's book when she does it,
fantasizing about torturing men, but not OK
when marketers use S&M images with women
in them to sell products. Welcome to Raunchydog
World, where hypocrisy reigns almost as supreme
as it does in Edg World.

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