Moments of High Saturation

Whilst still on the subject of Quality. Let us liken this to ourselves
being like a jug, a pint glass, and that a pint glass is only being
fulfilled and fulfilling life when it is full up to a certain level with
the stuff that goes into a pint glass.  Let us say that the stuff which
is going into the pint glass is called Wonderment. In this I do not mean
sitting wondering about things I mean wonderful – full of wonder.
You know what I mean well enough.  What is the daily dose of this nectar
for the average person on earth?  How full is their glass on an average
day?  Nobody can know that but for themselves, for it is private stuff. 
Let us say that if the glass is half full then one is living a wonderful
enough life.

Let us say that perhaps on any average day the average person is running
on one quarter full, and that is fine, OK, good enough. Let us say that
if it runs down to one eighth full then one is thinking about doing
something to try and brighten the day and cheer themselves up. What if
the glass is empty?  What if the glass is empty day after day for a long
time? How do they feel then? What do they do then?

How does one feel when the glass is three quarters full?  How does one
feel on the day when the glass is full up to the brim and cannot take
any more?  How does one feel when there is a cloud burst of this stuff
and the glass is not only full up but it is spilling all over the top
running down the outside and the glass itself is standing up to its neck
in the stuff, inner and outer? I only knew that once, for about one
hour. It was too much and I could not take any more of it, I could not
handle it; could not cope with it. Not up to it. In the book I called
that day the Consummatum Incarnate. You can read about it there if you
are interested.  But since that day the glass has always remained full,
every day. Albeit not splashing all over the sides, for I cannot cope
with that. One day maybe, if I am ever turned into a two pint glass. But
even that would have overflowed that day. How much of this stuff is
there?  Where does it come from?  Well, I found a few of the answers,
but let us not go into that here.

But this of course raises the question as to what if the glass has a lid
on it, and the glass itself refuses to open that lid or let it be
opened.  Then plainly none of the stuff can get in.  However, you think
about that if the cap fits. But life cannot get in unless it is allowed

A good measure of this stuff on an average daily basis is half full.
Why?  Because we have things to do, things which we have to get on with
out of needs must. The grass must be cut, the hay gathered in, the kids
fed, the dishes washed; so many things. And with the glass half full
then one can get ones mind and concentration around other things, and
get them done. One cannot do that yet with a full galls. Fully fledged
Home Ensophicus could cope with that. But not Homo Sapiens.

But despite all that, and true though it is, it must be reasonably
common for all people to have those brief moments in life where the
glass is more of less full up; and if only for a moment or an hour or
two. You must have known such moments sublime amid the day. That alone,
and without all the mystical and transcendent highlights, is enough to
keep one going.  A good many people commit suicide for this or that
reason usually known only to themselves, and it can get black and empty
at times for all or at least most people. Why don't they all kill
themselves? I don't think it is really due to a fear of doing it but
rather due to the hope that tomorrow, just around the next bend, the sun
might be shining. For they have tasted it before. It can and does come
back. And we can leave this world with a smile when that time inevitably
comes of its own accord. Never fear, for the STUFF is near, and the
river flows back to the sea.

Dick Richardson

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