From: Ken Chawkin <>
Subject: MUM's Fred Travis will be interviewed by Dr. Sherrill Sellman this 
Date: November 21, 2013 2:29:28 PM CST
To: Friends News Group 1 <>

Dr. Sherrill Sellman Interviews Fred Travis, PhD, on her program, What Women 
Should Know, broadcast on the Progressive Radio Network today, 
3-4pm CT. 

Topics include: 

1. How do meditation practices affect thinking and behavior?
2. What are different categories of meditation?
3. Do all meditations have the same affects?
4. How has meditation been used to address the problem of PTSD?
5. Can meditation be useful in schools?
6. What is the relation of brain changes during meditation and successful 
Fred Travis, Ph.D., is the Director of MUM's Center for Brain, Consciousness 
and Cognition.
Visit his website for more information:
He is the Dean o the Graduate School, and Chair of the Maharishi Vedic Science 
Listen live today. If you miss it, I will send out the link after it's been 

Should make for an interesting show. 


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