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<> A cloudbuster
<> : (seen at bottom, right of
center, not the sculpture) a device intended to influence weather,
supposedly by altering levels of "atmospheric orgone".
Orgone energy <>  is an
idea which was proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst
<>  Wilhelm Reich
<> , who originated the term
to describe a universal life force
<> .[1]
<>  The idea was
quickly discredited and dismissed.[2]
<>  The current
consensus of the scientific community is that orgone theory is
pseudoscience <> .[3]
<> [4]
<> [5]

Reich, originally part of Sigmund Freud
<> 's Vienna circle, believed
that Freud's concept of libido <> 
had an actual biological basis,[6]
<>  and developed
a therapeutic practice that was ostensibly designed to open up this
bodily energy in the belief—following Freud—that healthy
psychological state derived from uninhibited libidinal flow. This
biophysical theory eventually developed into the concept of orgone (a
word coined from the same root as "organism" and "orgasm
<> "): which Reich saw as a massless,
omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous aether
<> , but more closely
associated with vital, living energy than inert matter. Orgone would
coalesce and create organization on all scales, from the smallest
microscopic units—called bions in orgone theory—to macroscopic
structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.[7]
<>  Reich's
follower Charles R. Kelley went so far as to claim that orgone was the
creative substratum in all of nature, comparable to Mesmer
<> 's animal magnetism
<> , the Odic force
<>  of Carl Reichenbach
<>  and Henri Bergson
<> 's élan vital
<> .[1]
<>  Reich believed
that many diseases, and particularly cancer, were caused by deficits or
constrictions in the flow of orgone in the body, and developed specially
designed "orgone accumulators" which supposedly charged the body with
orgone collected from the atmosphere.[8]
<>  These
devices were distributed as devices to improve general health and
increase sexual potency, and later were adopted into tools such as
cloudbusters <> , devices
intended to stimulate rainfall.

Reich created the Orgone Institute after immigrating to the US, and
pursued research into orgone energy for more than a decade, publishing
his own work through the institute and producing orgone accumulators and
related devices for distribution. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
<>  (FDA)
eventually obtained a federal injunction barring the interstate
distribution of orgone-related materials, on the charge that Reich and
his associates were making false and misleading claims. When Reich
violated the injunction he was jailed, and all orgone-related equipment
and literature owned by Reich and his associates were destroyed.[9]

Orgone is regarded by the National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine
rnative_Medicine>  as a type of "putative energy", a model which some
therapists use for clinical procedures but which is untestable or defies
measurement.[10] <> 
There is little or no support for the concept in the medical
<>  and scientific
<>  communities.[2]

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