One of the most amazing guys I have come across lately is this hobo
harmonica player named Peg Leg Sam.  He represents one of the most
irrepressible human spirits I have seen.  Whatever life throws at him,
he just reframes it and moves on.  When he lost his leg hopping a
freight train, he strapped on a fence post with a belt and kept on
truck'n.  He saved a woman from a beating in a domestic dispute, and
got repaid by having his face slit from ear to jaw.  He floated
through life totally under radar of society until he was discovered
and filmed. 

In this documentary you hear his life's philosophy and see some great
harmonica tricks. This guy is a one-of-a-kind miracle. 

Give this streaming video a few minutes of your time and I hope you
find it as life affirming as I did!

It comes from this great site for free history of blues videos:

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