Political Correctness Teaches Humans to Fail the Turing Test by John Hayward 
http://www.breitbart.com/author/john-hayward/31 Dec 201533 
 One of mathematician Alan Turing’s most famous achievements — the one most 
people associate with his name, although a recent movie 
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2084970/?ref_=nv_sr_1 did much to change that — was 
his formulation of a test for artificial intelligence. Passing the Turing Test 
has become pop-culture shorthand for a machine passing the test to prove it’s 
self-aware.  Another recent film, Ex Machina 
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470752/?ref_=nv_sr_1, did a good job of examining 
the Turing Test’s flaws and proposing a clever modification to the rules.

 Most people get the basic idea that the Turing Test involves human judges 
interviewing a hidden subject and trying to guess if they’re talking to a human 
being or a very advanced machine simulating human discourse.  In fact, Turing’s 
original proposal 
http://psych.utoronto.ca/users/reingold/courses/ai/turing.html began by having 
a judge communicate with two hidden human subjects, a man and a woman, with the 
latter encouraged to do everything possible to trick the judge into thinking 
she was a man.  Once his readers understood how this “imitation game” would be 
played, he invited them to imagine replacing the contestants with a human (of 
either sex) and a machine, and asking the judge to divine which was the human.

 Turing thought computers would advance to the point where they could win the 
imitation game most of the time by the year 2000, and he got that pretty much 
right.  What he couldn’t have predicted was that political correctness would 
strip away so much of human identity, and make communication so awkward, that 
the millennial generation of humans would begin failing his test.  


 It is very difficult to tell the difference between a Social Justice Warrior 
and a bot program based solely on their discourse.  It would be a simple matter 
to write a program that searches the Internet for certain keywords and 
generates realistic SJW rants.  


 Indeed, online mobs often use tools such as bot programs, fake social media 
accounts, and spam email generators to inflate their numbers and make 
themselves look like a far more formidable presence than the actual number of 
humans involved in the movement would suggest.  Even many of the humans 
involved in these mob actions are essentially behaving as bots — mindlessly 
re-Tweeting rants and hyperlinks, instantly working themselves into a fury 
against people they don’t know, over issues they don’t understand.

 The volunteer enforcers of political correctness are looking for the quick 
shot of euphoria that comes from adopting a righteous, powerful identity.  A 
great deal of their discourse amounts to “signalling” each other — taking 
positions on issues they don’t fully comprehend, for the purpose of displaying 
their own virtue.  Politicized science relies on hordes of followers who could 
not pass the most elementary test on the subject at hand, but believe they can 
signal intelligence and virtue by passionately advocating certain positions, 
while intimidating dissenters into silence by accusing them of being 

 Computer programs can do this sort of thing very easily.  As mentioned above, 
it’s not difficult to program them with keywords to search for and a selection 
of canned responses to pump out.  Frankly, some bots would pass the Turing test 
more easily than young people whose brains have been sandblasted into 
conformity with political correctness.  Human victims of such indoctrination 
often find articulate responses require too much effort, so they sputter out a 
mixture of profanity and childish Internet slang, drop in a link to something 
they approve of, and congratulate themselves for delivering a sick burn.  Bots, 
on the other hand, will never tire of issuing lengthy responses carefully 
written in advance.  


 Try to imagine a Turing test involving a campus activist and a computer, which 
the judge kicks off by declaring that Bruce Jenner is still a man.  A savvy 
judge would spot the human by looking for the responses that least resemble 
human speech.

 This is not a coincidence, because the Turing Test is all about identity, and 
identity is crucial to human interaction.  


 Later theorists built upon Turing’s ideas by noting that identity isn’t the 
same thing as self-awareness, so a computer that does an incredibly good job of 
winning the imitation game hasn’t really demonstrated that it possesses a 
living mind — it’s merely fooled a human judge into granting it human identity, 
by communicating extremely well.  In other words, sophisticated communication 
confers identity.  We make certain assumptions about an unseen correspondent by 
considering what they say, how they say it, and what they leave unsaid.

 Politically correct ideology is all about stripping away identity.  It’s a 
jihad against everything that makes us human, based on the extremely dangerous 
collectivist idea that identity is infinitely malleable — not an inherent 
truth, but rather a series of roles assigned by external forces.  Race, sex, 
family, and everything else that defines us as individuals are merely 
constructs imposed by society, subject to revision. 

 For example, dear reader, you might possess female genitalia, but that doesn’t 
make you a “woman,” unless you choose to be one.  You supposedly have several 
dozen other sexes to choose from.  One of the current crusades of political 
correctness is to deface our language by introducing weird pronouns 
 for all of them… and if you don’t use the right one, certain highly 
“progressive” jurisdictions will punish you with a $250,000 fine 

 One of the greatest progressive evils is tricking young people into thinking 
the loss of identity is liberating.  On the contrary, it is devastating, for 
individual freedom and responsibility are impossible to sustain without 
individuality.  The loss of identity is an essential component of slavery, not 
 If identity can be changed, then it can be erased with sufficient compulsive 
power… such as the threat of quarter-million-dollar fines for using the wrong 
word.  Collectivists salivate at the prospect of erasing individual identity 
and teaching young people to think of themselves as blank slates, upon which 
the enlightened elite can scribble whatever identity they find useful.

 Society loses its vibrant identity as communication becomes impossible.  
People terrorized by politically correct vigilante squads and government speech 
police are afraid to communicate.  When we have difficulty expressing 
ourselves, we lose our individual identity, which is very useful to those who 
demand conformity.  It’s no coincidence that our current generation is so poor 
at expressing itself through the written word.  Inarticulate people are easier 
to manipulate.

 Collectivists work very hard to erase our inherent human traits, creating a 
world as false and flimsy as an Internet chat room, where everyone is known by 
whatever name and avatar they choose.  Much of what the Left passes off as “sex 
education” or “reproductive freedom” is intended to pry children away from 
their families at a very young age, thus removing an important marker of 
personal identity.  


 Few things fill the collectivist mind with more delight than the idea of 
sexually active 12-year-olds, provided with free contraception and 
no-questions-asked abortions, losing all sense of themselves as children with a 
mother, father, and family honor to think about.  Each high-divorce generation 
of struggling single parents, who must marry the State to make ends meet, 
erases a bit more of the traditional human identity… as do barren generations 
who view marriage as an antique luxury, and children as a burden.  People who 
have no sense of where they come from are more willing to go where they are 
 We have been bullied out of asserting or expressing our true identities, 
because there are so many “trigger words” we might stumble across, so many 
thought crimes we could be destroyed over.  The culture of campus 
“microagressions” imposes villain and victim identities with mob muscle. 

  Certain identities — white, male, cisgendered, privileged — are so 
undesirable that young people are encouraged to either cut them out with 
ideological scalpels, or forfeit their right to speak at all in certain 
 Prolonged, uncomfortable silence is a good way to fail the Turing Test, as are 
awkward responses produced very slowly, because every word must be carefully 
screened for trigger and microaggression potential.  The responses of people 
subdued by politically-correct ideology are, in every respect, what Alan Turing 
might have expected from a poorly-written program running on the hardware he 
didn’t live to see, because his own struggle with identity killed him.  


 Nothing in his work suggests he thought the solution to the shameful state of 
affairs in the ungrateful society that destroyed him involved stripping 
everyone else of their identity.  Instead of evolving our machines until they 
can match the complexity of the human mind, collectivists have degraded human 
thought and speech so much that machines are already better conversationalists. 



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