Oh ho. Got him, but good.

 (Remember, Barry, you don't dare respond to this.)

 Listen, you ridiculous phony, do you have any idea how dopey you look 
criticizing the behavior of others on this forum? You ain't in no position to 
criticize anybody given your own consistently appalling conduct--especially 
toward the women here. Shall I repost your "Open Message To Share: SHUT THE 
FUCK UP" from back in August? Here's how it begins:

 "We get it that you don't care how unintelligent you come across, and
 that you're trying to single-handedly prove the contention of anti-TM
 critics that TMers are blissninnies without a brain cell in their thick
 skulls who will believe anything if they're told its Woo Woo enough."

 Clearly you consider Share NOT YOUR EQUAL.

 How about your "SERIAL FARTHING" attack on me? Shall I repost that as well?

 Not to mention "dumb cunts too stupid to live." And many others like it 
directed at the "Mean Girls" (the name you came up with, BTW, and of whom you 
claimed I was the leader).


 Virtually every criticism you make of someone else's behavior is to be found 
even more prominently in your own.

 And don't YOU dare tell ME what I may consider or call myself. You have 
demolished and discredited whatever "authority" you may once have had long 
since on this forum, especially with regard to feminism.

 I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. You do, all the time.

 You even pretend you don't read my posts.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> You really should have watched this video, Barry, before posting about it. 
> Whedon does not attack feminists. You allowed the headline on the blog to 
> mislead you (possibly because the idea of attacking feminists turns you on). 


And *you* should not have tried to reply to a topic about feminism, because 
there is simply no one on this forum less qualified to speak on that subject. 

I watched the video completely before posting it, and posted it with this title 
on purpose, suspecting that some faux feminist such as yourself would get her 
panties in a twist over it. Voila. 

Joss can speak to this subject because he has the one thing that you do not: 
authority. He speaks as a male who *has a track record* for respecting and 
working well with women. He has 1) written some of the strongest female roles 
in TV/movie history, 2) has worked side by side with and furthered the careers 
of many of the women who have starred in or co-written and co-directed those 
roles, and 3) there is simply no one he's ever worked with -- male or female -- 
who wouldn't be willing to drop everything at the drop of a hat to work with 
him again. Add to that the vast sums he (and his fans) have raised and donated 
to causes like Equality Now, and you've got yerself someone with *authority*. 

What have *you* done?

Besides trying to start arguments with almost every man who has appeared on 
this forum, you have done the same thing with many, if not most, of the women. 
You have *consistently* developed dislikes (some would say hatreds) for 
specific women on this forum, and then set about trying to "get them" at every 
opportunity, turning your dislike (or hatred) into vendettas. You have done 
this with Share, with Sal Sunshine, with Ruth, and with others. In so doing you 
have gone out of your way to portray your "enemies" among the women here as 
weak, as not as smart as you are (anyone remember the "Stupid Sal" epithet you 
used for years?), and more than anything else, NOT YOUR EQUALS. 

Do not *dare* to consider yourself or call yourself a "feminist." Your history 
on this forum reveals you to be more of a misogynist than those you hurl that 
epithet at could ever be. 

And now fuck off and die. You can try to turn *this* into one of your endless 
arguments, too, but you'll be -- as you have been a LOT lately -- talking to 

 > Barry wrote: 
> > Of course, it helps that the guy is Joss Whedon, and that he's right. 
> > 
> http://www.upworthy.com/a-room-full-of-feminists-just-applauded-a-guy-who-attacked-feminists-wait-for-it-re2-7a?g=2&c=ufb1
> http://www.upworthy.com/a-room-full-of-feminists-just-applauded-a-guy-who-attacked-feminists-wait-for-it-re2-7a?g=2&c=ufb1
> BTW, how many of these ways of being an ally to women have you adopted? 
> http://michaelurbina.com/101-everyday-ways-for-men-to-be-allies-to-women/ 
> http://michaelurbina.com/101-everyday-ways-for-men-to-be-allies-to-women/

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