Right on Buck & all

In a message dated 12/22/13 14:42:57 Eastern Standard Time, 
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com writes:

Whoa, Spiritually 'We die as we live'. This is actually a good reason that we 
should not let people be unkind to each other here on FFL, “Woe is they”.   

You know, friends should not let friends be unkind. For good spiritual reasons 
we really should do more to keep people from being unkind here with one 
another. I am entirely in favor of enforcing strictly the yahoo-groups 
guidelines against unkindness on FFL. This certainly should be an example 
spiritual place for strict moderation and strict moderation should certainly be 
the norm here on FFL especially.

Of our spiritual subtle system energetics, 
“Hopefully we haven't torn things up too much in our life-times and weighted 
down things with too many knots in the fabric of the subtle systems and we are 
settled and straightened out before leaving this life. A life well lived.” 
-Buck in the Dome

Buck> wrote:

“A life well lived.”

Yep, and evidently as we leave.. “One dies as one lives”.   It is interesting 
to see. The subtle-body energetics are so such like this old adage.   If people 
would only take the time to explore and visit this particular spiritual area of 
subtle systems before they would leave planet earth it would be time well spent 
and they should really then come to a sober up in life before they leave while 
they got still a human form . Life spiritual certainly as a birthright is for 
the living while you have it. Make good use of it for good whiles you got it. 
Like, even if anyone would live in Fairfield, Iowa or in some place like Paris, 
France then take the time to come meditate in the Domes; The age old message, 
forewarned is to be well-armed.
-Buck in the Dome    

By forgetting your nature, you get submerged in the sea of sorrow.
"Just once take a look and ask "who am I?"
What ever you have experienced in samsara (human life), all that is different 
from you.  Body, mind, breath, and so on -all these things you see as your own. 
 It is said, "my body, my mind, my intellect, my breath."  Clearly, you are 
master of these things you consider as your self, but your existence is 
different from them, like your house, or your temple.  The temple is yours; but 
you are not the temple.  Similarly, body, mind, intellect, breath, and so on- 
all these things belong to you, but they are not you.  You are different from 
them.  You are Sat, Chit, Ananda -being, consciousness, bliss- a ray of 
Paramatma.  But due to lack of discrimination, due to ignorance, you have built 
up such a strong association with the body-mind-intellect and so forth that you 
have started thinking these things to be your true form. 
-Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

Share, you might like this:
The Causal body - originally Karana-Sarira - is a Yogic and Vedantic concept 
that was adopted and modified by Theosophy and from the latter made its way 
into the general New Age movement and contemporary western esotericism. It 
generally refers to the highest or innermost subtle body that veils the true 
soul. -Wiki

It is also where strong thought energetic forms can reside that may lift out 
and go forward embedded with the light body of the soul as like a bundle from 
this life carrying a mark in the works. I like Wgm's description here of 
interpenetrating energetic form to describe the flow of the energy bodies. That 
is useful and very good as a way of looking at it. Activated in the human form 
they drape as flowing fabric like fields. In life we use it all and might give 
dents to the fields that can interrupt things in life and beyond too. And then 
it is in the realm of spiritual practice as works in life here that pat things 
down and smooth out the frays. Hopefully we haven't torn things up too much in 
our life-times and weighted down things with too many knots in the fabric of 
the subtle systems and we are settled and straightened out before leaving this 
life. A life well lived. 
-Buck in the Dome     

sharelong60 wrote:

One healer who visits FF twice a year says he's never seen so many top heavy 
causal bodies as he sees here. Lots of spiritual refinement, but ungrounded!

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 1:28 PM, wgm4u wrote:

The subtler you get the more tenuous forms become until they become arupa, or 
formless consciousness and light. The cut off is the mid-causal above which all 
things are formless, expanded, consciousness and light. There is no need for 
forms at those higher levels.

Most people's causal bodies are very undeveloped but are apparently a glorious 
thing to see in an enlightened soul. All the bodies interpenetrate from the 
physical within which we have the etheric or pranic body, within that is the 
astral and within that is the causal body, beyond these bodies, all 'bodies' 
are shared in common one is fast merging towards the Buddhic or unity of all 
things. However one can still incarnate at any of the lower planes at will, 
like Jesus Christ demonstrated.

That's why MMY calls the Devas (shining ones) creative intelligences of nature.

sharelong60@...> wrote:

Thanks, wgm. How is the causal body different from the astral body?

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:28 AM, wgm4u  wrote:

Yes, absolutely, the astral aura and world is supposedly full of color, your 
aura can be a beautiful pink (love), yellow (intelligence) and even purple or 
violet (devotion), OR it can be a hideous mixture of browns (greed/lust), greys 
(depression) and black (hate, evil), depending.

sharelong60@...> wrote:

wgm, one site I visited equated Kama rupa with the astral body. Does that jive 
with what you know?

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:46 PM, wgm4u  wrote:

Kama=Desire,  Rupa=form; i.e. the form of desire or the desire body! Usually 
referred to in the after death state where the unfulfilled desires are left in 
what the Catholics call 'purgatory'. This kama-rupa (as opposed to arupa or 
formless) is the suppository of all your worldly desires, if evil it takes on a 
hideous form and is attracted to hellish conditions, if good the outcome is 
happiness, even heaven or what the theosophists call Devachan.

Noted often in Theosophy and Vedic literature.


sharelong60@...> wrote:

Richard, what do you mean by Kama-rupa?

 Richard J. Williams <punditster@...> wrote:

Apparently all the TM mantras are feminine aspect mantras. There is no Shiva 
without Shakti. MMY fully supports the yantra as a golden dome, as pure vastu - 
an enclosure to realize pure consciousness; vastu is almost pure Shakti 
symbolism, and represents the universal womb. MMY is a proponent of yantra and 
Indian vastu and that's why the golden dome has an east-facing entrance with a 
nice fence around it - east is the traditional location of Kama-rupa. They 
don't call it "Mother" India for nothing.

A 'yantra' can be any image, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Yantras are 
tools for facilitating yogic enstasis, that is, a meditation that is 
transcendental. In tantric yoga, there are mental techniques and tools, such as 
mantra and yantra, asana, puja, etc., used as aids to meditation. A yantra is 
any design that symbolizes a void with the bindu at the center. Shakti is in 
fact, listed as a progenitor in the Guru Dev puja, right after Naryana.

"Shaktism's focus on the Divine Feminine does not imply a rejection of 
Masculine or Neuter divinity. However, both are deemed to be inactive in the 
absence of Shakti. As set out in the first line of Adi Shankara's renowned 
Shakta hymn, Saundaryalahari (c. 800 CE)..."

Read more:


On 12/15/2013 6:38 PM, yifuxero@... wrote:

Interesting, but MMY discarded this aspect of Devi worship; thus not following 
in the footsteps of Guru Dev. I've not encountered any instances of MMY 
promoting Devi worship, Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra pujas, or for that matter, the 
knowledge of Tantric symbols, or any related practices, aside silent repetition 
of the mantras.  No japa or worship of the Sri Yantra, or the 
Lalitasahasranama. .
OTOH, Ramana Maharshi - even though regarded as a "pure Advaitin", had regular 
daily Sri Chakra pujas conducted at his Ashram.  So go figure....MMY is a 
Sabateur.....effectively putting an end to Devi worship in that particular 



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