> Explaining the latest NSA revelations – 
Or you could learn to make a hyper text link using
the Rich Text Editor. That way, your long link won't 
get broken in the post. Alex already told you about 
this and years ago Judy told us about using the free 
<tinyurl.com> to make a long link a short one. 

Go figure.

Anyway, thanks for the link - but I already read
the newspaper.

> Q&A with internet privacy experts
> The  Guardian's James Ball and cryptology expert Bruce Schneier answer 
> questions about revelations that spy agencies in the US and UK have 
> cracked internet privacy tools

> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/06/nsa-surveillance-re\
> velations-encryption-expert-chat
> <http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/06/nsa-surveillance-r\
> evelations-encryption-expert-chat>

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