An old post from 2002. Evidently meditators do not count.


 in, <pwwoods@...> wrote :
 The Importance and the Urgency of Group program
  Dear Sidhas,

 Have you done your program with a group today? How about this week? Or last 
 Maharishi has asked us to do program together at this time, even in groups of 
10 or 20. He has said that it is very important for the world and for us. This 
is our true 'job' as sidhas. Everything else is secondary.
 Please read these answers below by Dr. Bevan Morris to questions about flying 
in groups. Then ask yourself what you can do to fly in a group more regularly.
 Jai Guru Dev 
 Ruth Anne
 How quickly do we need the groups?
   Bevan:     Immediately ! Every candle lit in 
                  the darkness collectively brings a big 
                  light.There is the danger of US starting 
                  a war with Iraq in October
                  "with consequences that we
                  cannot imagine"(Maharishi).
 Should we fly in a group if experiences feel better at home?
    Bevan:     Maharishi is calling for all of us to fly 
                   in groups because 10 sidhas together
                   is like a 100 sidhas separately and 
                   the coherence creating effect is 
                   needed by the nation.
                   "Be in a group at every instance you 
                   possibly can" this is Maharishi's 
                   repeated strong message to the US 
                   and Canada at this moment.
 How quickly will groups improve the safety of the US & Canada?
    Bevan:    From the very first day that a group
                  comes into existence the safety 
                  improves. It is not a question of a 
                  delay or of some future effect. It is 
                  instant and immediate: we will hear 
                  better things and have better 
                  thoughts coming from the 
                  leaders of our countries.

  Please pass this e-mail along to all the Sidhas and Governors that you know.  
Thank you.

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