Who can say? As yet, no-one has reliably documented the effect on individuals 
from group meditation practice of any kind. 

 The simple research proposal I made to John Hagelin a few months ago hasn't 
been done yet, at elast partly because research on microstates during TM hasn't 
been published yet.

 IF the research on microstates shows that there's some microstate pattern 
associated with TM, and more importantly, with pure consciousness, it may be 
possible to do "interpersonal" microstate studies.

 IF such interpersonal studies found something interesting, then they could be 
replicated by other researchers.

 IF such replications actually found something, then obviously researchers into 
other traditions would want to see if there was some kind of measurable "field 
effect" for other meditation practices as well.


 That's a lot of "IF"s...

 But wouldn't it be fun if...?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 5,000 people are gathered together meditating out West right now at the 
Yogananda [SRF] annual meeting, their annual convocation. They are doing these 
large silent group meditations of three hours at a stretch each day with 5,000 
meditators in attendance. 

 A question is if they, the Yogananda meditators, are not showing the EEG Alpha 
coherence like the TM meditation does, are they kidding themselves and wasting 
their time sitting there? The Ontological Experiential Report coming directly 
from out there at the convocation is that the experience is very powerful as a 
field effect spiritually.

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