[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-25 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
New Morning et al snipped :
But my view doesn't include a "SHOULD", its more of a visionary

Absolutely agree. But in order to spring fully into the could I find I
need to see the perfection of what IS and not as a static IS but an
everchanging, ever perfect IS. As one friend recently commented. The
only thing he is absolutely sure is the very next moment. After that
all bets are off as IS likes to keep it all in ever changing change.

New M et al:
Thats a nice poetic vision. But clearly you are not offering it up as
an inevitable, tightly honed causal relationship.

Tom T;
That is exactly what I am saying and that was the message I heard from
her. It is also my experience of how I live my life. Since this all me
the closest and most effective place to work on the could is right
here at home inside (or outside depending on the day)the one thing I
have the most knowledge about and the greatest place I have the chance
of seeing my could is right here and now on my obvious defects of
character. Change it here and it changes there. Really too simple and
the easiest place to focus. Find out what part of me the could can
come to life in and then see what happens to the rest of Me.

Sort of parallel to, greatly paraphrasing,  "the consciousness of
christ stretch so tightly over the entire surface and scope of the
universes it makes you shiver. -- per  larry of madision.

Actually it is scary as heck. It will change how you see the creation
when it is all You. Enjoy Tom

PS: Will be traveling for 10 days starting Thursday so I may not a
chance to respond for a while.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-22 Thread new . morning
Tom, thanks for you reply. Thoughts (not arguments) below.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> New Morning et al: writes snipped
> ___Thus, for example, I understand, directly, that thoughts, and
> the subset of thoughts called desires, is not from any
> individualities' effort. Thus, the nuance, that "might" be sympathetic
> and understanding of Jim's and Rory's apparent position of: they don't
> desire the end to suffering in Iraq because they are not in control of
> such a desire, and such a thought never arose in them.
> (On of the several things that is odd, IMO, here is that EVEN if the
> thought to end suffering did not arise in them, at all, through
> natural observation and interaction with the world, then at least it
> was introduced to them as a possibility in the on-line discussion. And
> yet "the thought to help the suffering in Iraq never arises in me,
> thus how can I fulfill that desire" is the thought that still arises
> in them.) 
> TomT:
> In the past I have shared here an experience at the end of a Byron
> Katie weekend workshop where she asked three questions of the 100+
> folks on the weekend. 1. Who is Happy with their weight? 2. Who is
> happy with the way they look? 3. WHo is happy with their life?. If you
> are happy leave your hand down, if you answered No to any of the
> question then put up your hand. There were only three hands down in a
> sea of NO's. most folks were unhappy with their lot after a full
> weekend of focusing on Loving What IS.  

Its a nice story and demonstrates a good point. And, as in prior
discussions, there are a number of things to love in what IS. I choose
to love the IS that IS -- AND for which i see has inherent -- deep
within itself -- power to constantly and eternally change, and
transform itself in to ever new possibilities. The forms of life,
superficial or deep, will always change. 

Pick your flavor perhaps.

I sense others, from their words, love a more static IS. Thats their
POV and "choice". I wish them well.  

My view, its certainly open for discussion, is that we can also choose
to direct that eternal change, in our little domain of things, towards
the "positive". 

I know that statement is setting of 5 -alarm sirens in your head
because, to you perhaps, that choice implies a "should", a bad ,bad
word in your vocabulary, I know.  

But my view doesn't include a "SHOULD", its more of a visionary
"could". In simple terms, what I view as positive, and any skills and
resources which I have to enable change towards the positive, I have
three choices with regards to deploying such: to use, not use, or do
the opposite -- that  is, work for what  i believe to be negative

I am not offering up my view of the "Good" as Truth, or without good
alternatives. To me its a "Wisdom of the Crowds" dynamic which has
received a lot of substaniation in recent years. In this application,
the the Wisdom of Crowds -- where everyone choosing to make a positive
contribution -- may result in may different types of actions, some of
them, many perhaps being contradictory. But as a whole, errors tend to
cancel out and a greater good is achieved, a smarter decisions is
made, than even if the smartest, brightest single person in the
universe made it and said "this Should Be". That is another aspect or
flavor of what is Perfect in the Now and its eternal unfoldment

Thus per your example, I AM ecstatically  HAPPY with my weight,
appearance, and life. These are three things are the current outcomes
of a fantastic, miraculous ancient journey through what I view as a
result of utterly stunnning )"perfect if you will" evolutionary
dynamics () of matter and soul) (which may include a lot of random
factors, I am not talking determinism). What could not be more Perfect
that what is currently at that current, yet always changing end-state?
  At the crest of that wave? 

But is this Perfect Now going to change? In form, yes, of course,
always, eternally. "Fasten your set belts its going to be a bumpy ride
"as the Seer BD cognized.  The manifest form of the wave will/ It will
always be changing,

On the other hand, there is eternal satisfaction and glee of always
being on the crest of the wave of Now.  That perfection and the
"surge" from riding the eternal Now will Never change. 

All sorts of possibilities exist for that change. My weight could
balloon to 400 lb. Or shrink to 90. if that happened, then the forces
behind it would be "perfect". But I can also nudge the wave, put a
little slight pressure, an indentation towards the left or right. 

(Not that I am doing or desiring such -- but thats another theme --
where do thoughts really come from and are they mine?)

I can nudge towards losing 20 lb or gaining 20 lb. Or more. And that
inherent possibility in this Moment, nudge Eternal change, is Very
Perfect. It is an inherent part of what IS. The Eternal sameness and
the eternal changiness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-18 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis" 
> Some additional things that came up whilst the eyes were closed. In
> chapter 2 of Patanjali verses 34 and 35 (close quess as my copy is
> still in a box somewhere). #34 goes like this. When the person is
> established in truthfulness all actions achieve the desired 
> #35 When the person is established in integrity all riches flow. 
> this not a prescription but rather a description of how the 
> unfolds.
> Toms Take: 
> Until we are established in truthfulness about our dark sided 
> how can we achieve the desired result of saving the earth. First we
> know the truth about who we are light and dark both and then we 
can be
> in integrity about our actions. Until we are willing to tell 
> the truth about us raw and uncensored we can not achieve the 
> result. We don't have to tell others but we need to discover the 
> for our own self. Tom
I feel like the guy in the Southern Baptist church shouting, "amen 
brother!"-- seriously, been focused on just what you are talking 
about, lately. And finding that by seeing clearly who I am, vs. who 
I wanted to think I am, I am more easily able to chart my course, 
having more freedom with regard to each sequence of events that I 
undertake, and how I can manage their unfoldment. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-18 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
Some additional things that came up whilst the eyes were closed. In
chapter 2 of Patanjali verses 34 and 35 (close quess as my copy is
still in a box somewhere). #34 goes like this. When the person is
established in truthfulness all actions achieve the desired results.
#35 When the person is established in integrity all riches flow. Again
this not a prescription but rather a description of how the awakening
Toms Take: 
Until we are established in truthfulness about our dark sided monsters
how can we achieve the desired result of saving the earth. First we
know the truth about who we are light and dark both and then we can be
in integrity about our actions. Until we are willing to tell ourselves
the truth about us raw and uncensored we can not achieve the desired
result. We don't have to tell others but we need to discover the truth
for our own self. Tom

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-18 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis" 
> 45. When a Shiva-yogi is completely established in God 
> he experiences this state spontaneously within and without or both.
> I take verse 45 to mean that some will see all things inside them.
> others will see all things as me but appearing to be outside as
> opposed to inside me, and some will have it both ways. Rory and I 
> into it one day in a conversation as he definitely sees it all 
> him. I on the other hand see it as all me but my inside is 
> all over creation so it feels like it is outside. When I finally 
> the above reference in verse 45 it all made sense and we both could
> then understand the other. TOm T
> PS by the way verses 41 and 42 are not a prescription but a
> description of how it goes down.
Hi Tom, Thanks for this invaluable bit of research. My view is like 
yours in that it is all me, but distinctly outside. I've been 
contrasting mine with Rory's for awhile ("not that there's anything 
wrong with it..."), and kept reaching the same conclusion as you 
did, vis a vis verse 45.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Self-Annihilation of Everything Worth Anyth

2007-09-18 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
New Morning et al: writes snipped
___Thus, for example, I understand, directly, that thoughts, and
the subset of thoughts called desires, is not from any
individualities' effort. Thus, the nuance, that "might" be sympathetic
and understanding of Jim's and Rory's apparent position of: they don't
desire the end to suffering in Iraq because they are not in control of
such a desire, and such a thought never arose in them.

(On of the several things that is odd, IMO, here is that EVEN if the
thought to end suffering did not arise in them, at all, through
natural observation and interaction with the world, then at least it
was introduced to them as a possibility in the on-line discussion. And
yet "the thought to help the suffering in Iraq never arises in me,
thus how can I fulfill that desire" is the thought that still arises
in them.) 

In the past I have shared here an experience at the end of a Byron
Katie weekend workshop where she asked three questions of the 100+
folks on the weekend. 1. Who is Happy with their weight? 2. Who is
happy with the way they look? 3. WHo is happy with their life?. If you
are happy leave your hand down, if you answered No to any of the
question then put up your hand. There were only three hands down in a
sea of NO's. most folks were unhappy with their lot after a full
weekend of focusing on Loving What IS.  By the way Byron announced to
the entire group that when they could be happy with the hand that was
dealt to them then the War in Iraq was over for them. There seems to
be an understanding that comes with the knowledge of who you are that
it is all me and the only place I can fix is in me. The only place I
have any control over is in me. The best thing one can do for all of
creation is to deal with my monsters inside me and see how that
changes me and the universe. The final verses of the Shiva sutras
states it in a way that I find appealing.
Third awakening from Swami Lakshmanjoo version 

40. By the slight appearance of individual desire, one is carried far
away from the state of God Consciousness.

41. By firmly establishing one's own Self in the state of Turiya, all
desires disappear and individuality is lost into universality.

42. Such a yogi is liberated in life and as his body still exists, his
is called bhuta-kanchuki - having his physical body as a mere covering
just like an ordinary blanket. Hence he is supreme and one with the
universal Self.

43. After remaining in this state of universal Transcendental God
Consciousness, the functions of inhalation and exhalation
automatically take place with the object that this whole universe of
action and cognition is united in God Consciousness.

44. When one contemplates on the center of Universal Consciousness,
what else remains there to be sought in the practice of prana, apana,
and sushumna?

45. When a Shiva-yogi is completely established in God Consciousness,
he experiences this state spontaneously within and without or both.

I take verse 45 to mean that some will see all things inside them.
others will see all things as me but appearing to be outside as
opposed to inside me, and some will have it both ways. Rory and I got
into it one day in a conversation as he definitely sees it all inside
him. I on the other hand see it as all me but my inside is splattered
all over creation so it feels like it is outside. When I finally found
the above reference in verse 45 it all made sense and we both could
then understand the other. TOm T
PS by the way verses 41 and 42 are not a prescription but a
description of how it goes down.