--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sure, if you accept the ME as Truth, then whatever happens is good by
> definition, no matter how bad it seems and how much it contradicts
> your predictions.

This is the loop of thinking that I still struggle with after so many
years of attempting to divorce myself from exactly this loop of
thinking I got caught up in-the damned if you believe and damned if
you don't believe cycle. Or the "we have an answer for everything
cycle" the "our belief system can handle all possible responses" in
one fell swoop. The ME effect. If things are good-great we are
responsibile. If things are not good it's either a) normalization
and/or the numbers are down/we are not doing enough.   

There are three instances that stand out in my mind as representative
of the really odd thinking that we in the TM org. came to accept as
"normal" and which I have cycled repeatedly for years trying to make
sense of. 

One was when Bevan, in the dome, probably between rounds at a time
when there were about 1500 people in the domes doing program, and
there were many many more people in FF not in the domes. He was up
there haranguing us for the numbers being low and such and I'm
thinking, "why is he yelling at us, we're here in the domes?"

Another was in India, at the big Vedic Science course in India. There
we were on the other side of the world, hundreds if not thousands were
really sick, we were sitting in this amazingly crowded room listening
to Byron Ribgy and Geoffrey Clemens drone on hour after hour about THe
Hamiltonian, you'd walk by the makeshift kitchen and see one of the
cooks actually dunking his head in one of the pots to wash his hair
right in one of the pots where the lentils were cooking for our
supper, the German door guards were really harassing people, and one
night Maharishi tells us, "The situation in the world is getting worse
and it is our fault...if you are one of the people who are here and
are complaining I don't want you here...you should leave for the sake
of the world...."

The third instance of real reality disconnect also involved Bevan.
There were rumors of Bevan and the Zimmermans having gone to Santa
Cruz to see the UC Santa Cruz campus supposedly checking out buying or
leasing a part of campus and moving MIU there (something close to
this). A close friend of mine was Stuart Zimmerman's personal
assistant and she told me to my face (not second-hand) it was
absolutely true as she had arranged the plane trip. So one afternoon
after program, in the shed, Bevan gets on the microphone and says,
"Everyone should have their bags packed and ready to move to Egypt. We
are moving to the Temple of Cheops..." (again this is a paraphrase but
close enough). He-Bevan-went on to say that he heard the rumors of the
UC Santa Cruz thing and they were absolutely false. Which they were not.


 I just don't remember floods, tornadoes, wildfires,
> warfare, etc. being enumerated as part of the Golden Age of Ram Raj,
> but maybe I was asleep during that tape. ;)
> >  
> > > OTOH, perhaps there's a negative correlation between ME numbers and
> > > well-being, and so many people sitting for so long with blank minds
> > > invite in the negative forces to wreak DEVA-station on the
nation. Who
> > > woulda thunk--maybe Bronte was right? 
> >  
> > Um... Bronte thinks the world is controlled by reptilian,
> > shape-shifting aliens. AFAIC, she's the last person to seek out for a
> > reality check.
> >
> You know that was a joke, yes?

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