Re: [FairfieldLife] Revolution by Russell Brand review

2014-10-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
All this just proves Brand is the perfect poster boy for the Movement - wealthy 
idiot claiming to know whats good for the rest of us and whose own life and 
behavior is a mess.

 From: eustace10679 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Revolution by Russell Brand review

Revolution by Russell Brand review – the barmy credo of a Beverly Hills Buddhist

The comedian’s desire to lead a global revolution is undermined by his smug, 
shallow manifesto

[‘He discredits leftwing thought’: Russell Brand addresses anti-austerity 
demonstrators at a rally in London in June. Photograph: Rex Features]

Nick Cohen
Monday 27 October 2014 05.00 EDT

The rich can buy anything in Britain, and they have now brought us their own 
opposition. Russell Brand is the voice of the discontented wealthy. He tells us 
that money can’t buy you love – which I already knew – and that only the 
complete overthrow of the existing system and embrace of mysticism can take us 
from “the shallow pool of the known” to the “great untamable ocean” beyond.

I was prepared to dismiss Revolution as the swollen ramblings of a jaded celeb. 
Brand leaves you in little doubt that he is trying to escape the ennui that 
follows trying everything once except incest and folk dancing. “It’s only 
because I decimated my life by aggressively pursuing eating, wanking, drinking, 
consuming and getting famous that I was forced to look at spiritual 
alternatives.” Inspiring a revolution – for such is his ambition – is one of 
the few thrills to have escaped him. “The revolution cannot be boring,” he says 
as he encapsulates his thoughtlessness in one phrase. “We’d all be a bit 
disappointed if utopia and ditching capitalism boiled down to ‘We want to be a 
bit more like Germany’ – fuck that.”

His writing is atrocious: long-winded, confused and smug; filled with 
references to books Brand has half read and thinkers he has half understood. At 
one point, he discusses whether our perception of reality is a mentally 
constructed illusion (don’t ask me why). “So,” Brand says in a conclusion 
worthy of a Thought for the Day vicar, “when Elton John said Marilyn Monroe was 
‘like a candle in the wind’ he was probably bloody right, and if he wasn’t 
we’ll never know.” At another, Brand argues that spirituality is the road to 
revolution, a belief that would have baffled every revolutionary leader in 
modern European history. “We’re all doing the same thing, dreaming the same 
dream, in the words of Belinda Carlisle,” he announces in a sentence that is so 
syrupy a Barbie doll might have written it, and worse – much worse – misquotes 
Ms Carlisle.

For all that, Brand is worth taking notice of because he is the nearest Britain 
has to a revolutionary populist. The right and far right have Nigel Farage. The 
Islamists have George Galloway. Scottish nationalists have (or had) Alex 
Salmond. These demagogues boom out certainties that make the tentative policies 
of conventional leaders appear pale and timid. “Get out of the European Union.” 
“Get out of the Muslim world.” “Get out of Britain.” Get out, and with one 
convulsive act of renunciation, you can escape the complexity that blights your 

Television news producers are as world-weary as any burnt-out celebrity. They 
want Brand to be their new Farage and draw hundreds of thousands to their 
failing programmes. I am not saying that there is not a need for a left 
populism to confront financial power and environmental degradation. But Brand 
is a religious narcissist, and if the British left falls for him, it will show 
itself to be beyond saving.

His book tells us much about him and little about the rest of humanity. Brand 
says that he is qualified to lead a global transformation, not because of the 
quality of his thought, but because he has transformed his private life. “I may 
not have overthrown a government. But [I have] navigated myself from one set of 
feelings where drinking and drugs were my only solution to a state where I 
never drink or take drugs.” It is perhaps too easy to reply: “Well, bully for 
you.” I accept that freeing yourself from addiction and finding inner peace can 
have more beneficial effect than any political programme the powerful can 
implement. But Brand is offering his Beverly Hills Buddhism as a political 
programme, not a self-help guide. Everything is corrupt, his theory runs. All 
politicians are the same. Reforms won’t do, and no one can expect him to 
relinquish his fortune until there has been “systemic change on a global scale” 
(a useful condition that
 last one).

The systemic change that means the most to Brand is an embrace of meditation 
and pantheism. The greatest villain of Revolution is not a super-rich financier 
but Richard Dawkins. Brand denounces him as a “menopausal” proponent of 
“atheistic tyranny” because Dawkins denies the existence of the

[FairfieldLife] Revolution by Russell Brand review

2014-10-28 Thread eustace10679
Revolution by Russell Brand review – the barmy credo of a Beverly Hills Buddhist

The comedian’s desire to lead a global revolution is undermined by his smug, 
shallow manifesto

[‘He discredits leftwing thought’: Russell Brand addresses anti-austerity 
demonstrators at a rally in London in June. Photograph: Rex Features]

Nick Cohen
Monday 27 October 2014 05.00 EDT

The rich can buy anything in Britain, and they have now brought us their own 
opposition. Russell Brand is the voice of the discontented wealthy. He tells us 
that money can’t buy you love – which I already knew – and that only the 
complete overthrow of the existing system and embrace of mysticism can take us 
from “the shallow pool of the known” to the “great untamable ocean” beyond.

I was prepared to dismiss Revolution as the swollen ramblings of a jaded celeb. 
Brand leaves you in little doubt that he is trying to escape the ennui that 
follows trying everything once except incest and folk dancing. “It’s only 
because I decimated my life by aggressively pursuing eating, wanking, drinking, 
consuming and getting famous that I was forced to look at spiritual 
alternatives.” Inspiring a revolution – for such is his ambition – is one of 
the few thrills to have escaped him. “The revolution cannot be boring,” he says 
as he encapsulates his thoughtlessness in one phrase. “We’d all be a bit 
disappointed if utopia and ditching capitalism boiled down to ‘We want to be a 
bit more like Germany’ – fuck that.”

His writing is atrocious: long-winded, confused and smug; filled with 
references to books Brand has half read and thinkers he has half understood. At 
one point, he discusses whether our perception of reality is a mentally 
constructed illusion (don’t ask me why). “So,” Brand says in a conclusion 
worthy of a Thought for the Day vicar, “when Elton John said Marilyn Monroe was 
‘like a candle in the wind’ he was probably bloody right, and if he wasn’t 
we’ll never know.” At another, Brand argues that spirituality is the road to 
revolution, a belief that would have baffled every revolutionary leader in 
modern European history. “We’re all doing the same thing, dreaming the same 
dream, in the words of Belinda Carlisle,” he announces in a sentence that is so 
syrupy a Barbie doll might have written it, and worse – much worse – misquotes 
Ms Carlisle.

For all that, Brand is worth taking notice of because he is the nearest Britain 
has to a revolutionary populist. The right and far right have Nigel Farage. The 
Islamists have George Galloway. Scottish nationalists have (or had) Alex 
Salmond. These demagogues boom out certainties that make the tentative policies 
of conventional leaders appear pale and timid. “Get out of the European Union.” 
“Get out of the Muslim world.” “Get out of Britain.” Get out, and with one 
convulsive act of renunciation, you can escape the complexity that blights your 

Television news producers are as world-weary as any burnt-out celebrity. They 
want Brand to be their new Farage and draw hundreds of thousands to their 
failing programmes. I am not saying that there is not a need for a left 
populism to confront financial power and environmental degradation. But Brand 
is a religious narcissist, and if the British left falls for him, it will show 
itself to be beyond saving.

His book tells us much about him and little about the rest of humanity. Brand 
says that he is qualified to lead a global transformation, not because of the 
quality of his thought, but because he has transformed his private life. “I may 
not have overthrown a government. But [I have] navigated myself from one set of 
feelings where drinking and drugs were my only solution to a state where I 
never drink or take drugs.” It is perhaps too easy to reply: “Well, bully for 
you.” I accept that freeing yourself from addiction and finding inner peace can 
have more beneficial effect than any political programme the powerful can 
implement. But Brand is offering his Beverly Hills Buddhism as a political 
programme, not a self-help guide. Everything is corrupt, his theory runs. All 
politicians are the same. Reforms won’t do, and no one can expect him to 
relinquish his fortune until there has been “systemic change on a global scale” 
(a useful condition that last one).

The systemic change that means the most to Brand is an embrace of meditation 
and pantheism. The greatest villain of Revolution is not a super-rich financier 
but Richard Dawkins. Brand denounces him as a “menopausal” proponent of 
“atheistic tyranny” because Dawkins denies the existence of the supernatural. 
He pulls a succession of shabby tricks to bolster his claim that religion does 
not authorise oppression. Anyone who claims that Jesus, Allah, Krishna or the 
fountainhead of any other religion endorses homophobia instead of the “union of 
all mankind” is “on a massive blag”, he says. Brand has to ignore Leviticus’s 
edict that the punishment for men who sleep with other m

[FairfieldLife] Revolution?

2014-10-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Conny Berghäll - Revolution 
 Conny Berghäll - Revolution Song: 
Revolution Written by Conny Berghäll Guitar: Furch D40-CM
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Berghäll: pronounce approx. barry-hell [really!]

[FairfieldLife] Revolution and the Art of Living, ! Radical Peace Now !

2013-12-22 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Deploying Radical Peace, Maharishi 1967: 
 Look this ain't just some theory or theology of peace.  This is practical 
science that should be public policy everywhere today.  This is peace-activism 
as direct-action; disciplined practicum as mediation and practical in the 
world. Deeply spiritual and scientific at the same time. Only ignorant 
science-haters can deny the facts of peace-making now. It is time to deploy 
peace-making mediation meditation all around the world.

 The updated mediation meditation of Love is here now. Love is downloading even 
as you read this if you are open to reading and then transmitting Love beyond. 
There has been long ago that old humankind testament in covenant of causality 
with the Unified Field and then updated with the Jesus testament of love and 
also the vector of Compassion the Buddha has taught.   

  It is quite time to download, update and install the New Love now, the Love 
vector of the Unified Field as a mediation of meditation in of the age of 
science now. All we are saying is give peace a chance, it is time for the new 
Love of mediation meditation with others. Love thy neighbor, it is time for 
group meditation as mediation in the world,
 -Buck in the Dome 

 Misery in the East China Sea, what could any of us do to regenerate 
spirituality there in that part of the world? Download and send the vector of 
Love.. as a field effect of love coherence for the planet and its people. Love 
thy neighbor in mediation of meditation. Demonstrated now by even the evidence 
of science, clearly by mediation of meditation any of us could help 
individually and any could redouble their influence by joining with a group 
nearby in meditation of mediation. The old teaching is updated. One need only 
have the intent, attend to it in heart and sit with it in consciousness. This 
is the simple teaching that Nader Ram now comes with as modern scientific talks 
about Ved and physiology. This is about the modern revolution of 'Love Thy 
Neighbor'. The world can not afford to have old meditators by themselves 
sitting this one out in the cold. This was Maharishi's scientific revelation to 
the modern world, the modern update of George Fox, Francke, Spener, Emerson, 
Jesus and all great transcendentalists through time.  It is time for the 
revolution of Love, the modern update to take the place of the old love.   It 
is certainly time to come to meditation for everyone but especially now for 
those who know better.
 In Love it is time to march together to the Domes to meditate
 and send an update of Love as a truly yahoo kind of kindness by wireless 
spiritual ethernet
 of the human heart to these places and these people on the earth who suffer so 
in the hand of their unkindness,
 -Buck in the Dome  

 ---In,  wrote:


 In a message dated 12/15/13 20:06:14 Eastern Standard Time, Buck... writes:
 It certainly is time to update Love on the planet. It is time to mediate the 

 Is Buck the only peace-activist on FFL? 
 Has anyone else here read the absolute theory of Peace?
 Had no experience with it?
 -Buck in the Dome  

 (French: procédure d'approbation tacite; Latin: qui tacet consentire videtur, 
"he who is silent is taken to agree", "silence implies/means consent") 

 A textbook on diplomacy describes the silence procedure thus:
 ... a proposal with strong support is deemed to have been agreed unless any 
member raises an objection to it before a precise deadline: silence signifies 
assent – or, at least,acquiescence. This procedure relies on a member in a 
minority fearing that raising an objection will expose it to the charge of 
obstructiveness and, thereby, the perils of isolation. Silence procedure is 
employed by NATO, the OSCE, in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security 
Policy of the European Union (EU) and, no doubt, in numerous other 
international bodies.[3] ..and otherwise implies, chickenshits? 

 All we are saying is “give peace a chance”. 

 Like hey, are there no other real peace-activists besides Buck on this FFL 
forum here? Not even a shout-out here 

[FairfieldLife] Revolution’s Kindling

2011-02-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Revolution's KindlingBy Raj   on
02/11/2011 in featured 
I wrote this yesterday for the NY Times' Room for Debate
  series, before today's
momentous news
 . Watch
this space for more on Egypt…

The last time we heard of a record prices was 2008, and food inflation
is back for many of the same reasons: the demand for meat has returned
with the recovery of middle-income economies; the price of oil is up,
which both raises the cost of food production and transport
 , and stokes the
diversion of food crops into biofuel production
  are taking pounds of
flesh in the commodity exchanges. And, of course, there have been freak
weather events 

disrupting production in key export zones.

But what makes the weather matter? This is hardly the first La Niña
weather cycle, after all, and every human civilization has understood
the need to plan for climate's vicissitudes. Over centuries,
societies developed the tools of grain stores, crop diversification and
`moral economies' to guarantee the poor access to food in times
of crisis. International economic liberalisation discarded these buffers
  in favour of
lean lines of trade. Safety nets and storage became inefficient and
redundant – if crops failed in one part of the world, the market
would always provide from another.

Climate change turns this thinking on its head. A shock in one corner of
the world now ripples to every other. The economic architecture that
promised efficiency has instead made us all more vulnerable. Little has
changed in this crucial respect since the last food crisis. But this
isn't simply a re-run of 2008.

While the recession has turned a corner for some, unemployment remains
stubbornly high for many, and hunger has trailed it. There are 75
million more people food insecure 
 now than in 2008. At
the same time, governments are cutting back on entitlement programs for
the poor as part of austerity drives to fight inflation. Urban families
are unable to afford food and fuel, and governments are unresponsive to
their plight. Under such circumstances, as Egyptians know too well, food
prices and climate change are revolution's kindling

[FairfieldLife] Revolution: for you boomers with individual retirement accounts

2008-09-13 Thread shempmcgurk

Are you in the age range of 45-60?

Do you have an individual retirement account such as IRA, 401(k),
403(b)?  Or you have some money that is not in a qualified retirement
account but that you want to use to generate income in your retirment

If so, I gotta tell you about a product that's only been introduced a
few years ago but it is pretty much the most exciting thing I've seen in
the estate planning/insurance business since I got into it 12 years ago.

And you don't have to worry that I'm trying to sell you something 'cause
I couldn't even if I wanted to as I would have to be licensed in your
state in order to do so (and I'm only licensed in Arizona).  I show this
simply as an outlet for my excitement over this product and, more
importantly, to get your feedback on it.  Why?  Because I'm so taken
with the concept I am still scratching my head as to what I may be
missing; what the catch is.  So I welcome any comments you have on it.

Actuaries in the insurance industry are continually trying to come up
with new concepts or new ways to market old horses, so to speak.  So
they sit in their offices with their spreadsheets, calculators, and
actuarial tables and try to come up with new ways to package old stuff
and, hopefully, it has "sizzle".

Well, I think this is the ticket.  And as far as I can tell, it is the
real deal and the best thing you can possibly do with your retirement
money assuming your needs gell with the features of this product...if
they don't then it is not for you!

If you have money that you want to use solely or primarily for
generating income for you and/or your spouse during your retirement

If this money is not earmarked for being transferred to your kids or
other beneficiaries after your death;

Then this is the best thing you can get if you want something that is
guaranteed to do what the illustration below says it will do (and in the
insurance industry, regulation is very strict about what you can call
"guaranteed").  You owe it to yourself to take a look at this.

It's called Life Income Benefit Rider (LIBR) and it is an option to be
added to a special kind of tax-deferred savings instrument called a
single-premium annuity.

This example is for $100,000 that a single 50 year old invests in this
program.  It works for any age from about 40 to 80 but is best for the
ages of around 45-60.

Take a look: the left-hand column are years 1-20 after purchase; and the
column next to it is the owner's corresponding age.

The third column called "Income Account Value" is the most important: it
tells us how much is in a special account that is available to the owner
solely for the purposes of income...but not, I repeat not available to
hand down to your non-spouse heirs.

The final column "Guaranteed Annual Payment" is the amount you can take
out each year for the rest of your life when you start the first payment
in any year from year 1 to 20. For example, if you start in year 7 when
you're 57, you can take $7,540.83 each year for the rest of your life. 
If you start in year 15 when you're 65, you can take $17, 446.93 each
year for the rest of your life, guaranteed, and you can never outlive

Take a look at how much is available to you in year 20: your $100,000
has grown to $512,705.29.  That's a guaranteed 8.5% return on your
$100,000 over 20 years.  And if you start your payments that year when
you're 70 (which is the year when Required Minimum Distributions must,
under IRS rules, start), you are guaranteed $30,762.32 every year for
the rest of your life.

You can start or stop payments at any time and take any principal left
over from your cash account (different from the Income Account Value)
and walk away (with some surrender charges in the early years).  What is
ever in the cash account goes to your kids on your death.

Questions and feedback welcome!  Also, if you'd like me to draw up an
illustration just for you for your age and for the amount you want,
please let me know 'cause I need the practise with the software!

[FairfieldLife] 'Revolution #9...'

2006-06-01 Thread Robert Gimbel

Originally Sent By: "Milson Macleod" [EMAIL PROTECTED]     I have been traveling extensively for two weeks preparing to deal with business matters outside of the United States.  Just in the past two weeks I have met with people in Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Ontario, Canada, Vermont and Maine.       Some of these meetings are with former military personnel and officers, matters regarding 9-11, matters involving my business, and coordinating matters that address the resolution of the $27.5 trillion that Ambassador Leo Wanta is recovering.  One of the meetings was with two former CIA people that got their fill and left the CIA – Ranch.     We are also coordinating with a group outside of the U.S. to make a major dent in the Official Lies put forth by Bush and the crowd of traitors in
 Washington, DC.  They have a surprise and a just reward coming on 9-11-2006, the Fifth Anniversary of their Treason.     Do you know what one of the primary objectives of the CIA is?  Gathering intelligence to protect the United States?  Gathering knowledge on bad folks to defend liberty and freedom?     No, one of the primary missions of the CIA under the past three presidents is to steal secrets from other nations and people so that the Wealthy Elite and major corporations in this nation can have a competitive advantage and "stay number one".     Now Bush, in his paranoia, wants to have the CIA spy on Americans with increased intensity.  Why all the NSA, DoD, CIA, FBI activities against US citizens?  Because they know that the mood in America is turning against them for good cause.     Their other primary mission at CIA
 is upending unfriendly governments so that the commerce can flow freely and the Wealthy Elite make big bucks while the government fools the American public that it is all about protection.  It is protection but it is a protection racket and it is all about money.     Did you notice the ripples in the markets over "the intentionally weak dollar policy"?  Try to imagine the paradox of intentionally weak dollar and we are number one chest thumping.  It is many things, including hollow and shallow.  When you are seething or feeling the financial hurt as you gas up your car, remember weak dollar equals high oil prices if the world is to stay on the petrodollar.     If you have been paying attention to the recent release of the alleged 757 that hit the Pentagon, that story is back firing in the face of the folks in DC and the polls are showing that FINALLY
 Americans are growing suspicious about what the Bush Administration is hiding.     If the Arabs really did attack WTC and Pentagon, they should be plastering those photos and videos for all to see.  They are not doing so because it is all a lie that was cooked up years ago.     The truth is a clear delineation, not the twisted fact and logic put out by Washington, DC.  The truth does not have to hide from anything, lies and liars do.     If one dissects 9-11 to its least common denominators, our government was directly involved and it was planned along with the 20 Year War Plan, the CIA renditions, and this nation being the terrorist on behalf of the financial interests of the special interests.     We need to decide as a people if that is the future and the lifestyle that we find appealing and acceptable.    
   The subject matter of this email will also be an interview with Derek and Sharon Gilbert that will be posted some time after June 2.  Go to somewhere around June 3 and you can listen in as we discuss what you are about to read.      The email update today is sort of a twist because we are addressing what led up to 9-11 and the Iraq War.  It will soon lead up to the Iran War that has been in planning since at least 1989 when GHWB took office.  That is how the soldiers were exposed to DU, so it is relevant.       It is also relevant because the world knows Bush lied us into the Iraq War and before all is said and done the entire world will know he lied about 9-11 and why Afghanistan was attacked too.     Many know
 that George W. Bush has implemented a sort of Bush Family Secrets Forever doctrine since he entered office.  He classified his father's involvement in the Reagan Administration regarding Iran and Iraq and Iran Contra.     He classified key documents in the GHWB Administration so Americans would not have at their disposal the facts to prove that what we see in Afghanistan and Iraq today has been on the drawing boards for many years.     Bush has impeded every investigation into 9-11 and is now trying to impede investigations related to the Jack Abramoff affair and the highest level Republicans on Capitol Hill.  Soon enough you will learn that DNC leaders were also involved.     Would it surprise you to learn that Bush (both of them) lied to America regarding Iraq and are now doing so regarding Iran too?     It should not surprise you
 at all, yet many Americans will receive this email and they will either see