So scared of being busted

[ I call my self my name, my teen mother discovered I could not talk, so
she gave me a name, which I still arbitrarily use. When I grew up, I
selected my own name! Isn't that something!!

To you who espouse that you are a mystic, I suggest that 'guru buster'
with no attachment to it. You are not a guru/mystic or whatever and
neither am I, nor do I ever mention it. I walk silently about what I do,
however, please defend your claim to be a mystic, and that it's a
special position, at least from your writings you seem to think it is? I
have several friends who claim they are 'enlightened' - my response is,
I've seen enough of the 'enlightened' to know that's one of the last
'things' I would wish upon myself! Take away certain mental
proclivities, and all I've seen is self aggrandizement. Peace be upon

Arhata  ]

Oh botherrations and suffering suffertags I am so worried about being
busted by a guru buster that I had better quit and keep me cake hole

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,

Gone are my friends from the cottages away,

Gone from the earth to a safer place I know,

I hear their gentle voices calling  Mer Lin O.

I'm coming, I'm coming, for my beer is getting low,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O

Why do I sleep, when my heart should fight and strain,

Why do I sigh when my friends come not again?

Saddened for forms now departed long ago.

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

Where are the hearts once happy and so free?

The children so dear that once sat on my knee?

Gone to  a place where my self now has to go,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

I'm a-coming. All down one leg and a bootfull.

But until I do go then let us get at em!  Actually it was NOT I who said
I was a mystic or a guru buster or a gnostic or called myself Merlin. It
was others. You should have been where the action was at years ago :- )
I am just a snotty nosed know nothing kid from the slums before the war.

Merlin (due respects to a very fine old song)

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