Some readers will already be familiar 
with my obsession with 'smooth' things, 
i.e., cargo cults, some tantric cults 
involving sexual thaumaturgy, deviant 
cults, and cults with supposed access 
to the Axis Mundi or Materia Mater, that 
is, the abject physical objects which 
man deems worthy of highest veneration, 
e.g., up-rights, ridge-poles, cave holes, 
trees, stones, rocks, fire fetishes, body 
parts, and various and sundry man-made 
structures of wood or brick in which is 
housed, within the holy of holies, the 
grotesque likeness of the demi-urge, who 
raped man's ability to reason, when the 
demi-urge, by force of arms, expelled Eve 
from the Garden, off Erewhon Street, that 
is, east of Eden, because she had read 
from the Book of the Knowledge of Good 
and Evil, and had rejected it, in favor 
of the Staff of Hermes, or Life. 

Go figure.

"By Allah, I know you are but a stone, 
but I saw the prophet kiss you."*

Disclaimer: STOP! What you read here may 
be disturbing; if you have any spiritual 
sensibilities, please go no further.

*Omar Ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph of Islam.

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