One of the tells about how the Fairfield meditating community values the 
technique is that almost all of their children move out of town, stop 
meditating, and don't want to have anything to do with the movement again. 
Heartbroken parents are left adrift with a status of suddenly being a notch 
more marginal in Fairfield life. This is because the kids know bullshit.  Four 
hours a day in the dome, and the parents don't get richer, don't get wiser, 
don't get healthier, don't stay marrieder, don't, don't, don' front of 
those kids.

True, the children of many religious communities, too, do this.  That may be 
the deeper wisdom...our children are not our own, but see?  TM does not have 
the results that make it simple to sell itself enough to overcome the 
wanderlust-of-the-normal-young-adult-psyche -- wanderlust -- that's almost an 
American birthright, and the kids, who are right there in the trenches watching 
a technique affecting hundreds of others that they personally know, what do 
they do?......just skip out the back jack.  (Heh, backjack....I pun without 
even trying.)

Oh, sure, there's the rich believers who spend tens of thousands per year to be 
BIG on campus, and their kids would be stupid to not go along with their 
parents belief systems, since, hey, they're RICH!!  Not that there's anything 
wrong with going-with what woiks.  And, guess what, most of those rich biggies 
have kid problems as any other parents and, of course, they have their dropouts 
here and there.  I know hundreds of TM families "enough" to say, it's running 
about 50/50.  The movement's base is evaporating.

 TL;dr:  TM is too much work -- really put out, and what? -- only end up being 
pretend friends with a bunch of jerks in a fucking cornfield?  Really?  That's 
your sell point?  


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