I find timelines can be interesting -- jogging memories of what we
were doing when these events occurred --  and can help in
reconstrucing other timelines like the TMO (this course had to be near
these dates because I remember the announcement about ... dying."

A few key years (many more on link)

Jan 14 - Gathering of the Tribes, First Human Be-In, 20,000, S.F.
Jan 27 - US, USSR, UK sign treaty banning nuclear  weapons in space
Feb - 25,000 US troops sent to Cambodian border
Feb - Beatles release Strawberry Fields Forever, Penny Lane, Michelle,
Mar - Scientist report LSD causes chromosome damage (never validated).
Mar - The Berkeley Barb starts the smokable banana rumor (based upon
Donovan's song "Mellow Yellow")
Mar 3 - Alice B. Toklas dies
Mar 18 - First U.S. supertanker wreck. Torrey Canyon spills 90,000
tons of oil onto English shores
Mar 26 - Be-In at Central Park in NY. 10,000 attend
Apr 5 - Grayline starts hippie tours of Haight/Ashbury
Apr 10 - Vietnam Week starts.  Draft card burnings and anti-draft
Apr 15 - Anti-Vietnam War protest. 400,000 march from Central Park to
UN. Speeches by Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Dr.
Benjamin Spock
May - Paul McCartney announces that all the Beatles have "dropped acid."
May 19 - First U.S. air strike on Hanoi
May 20 - Flower Power Day in NYC 1967
Jun 2 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album by the Beatles
Jun 16 - Monterey Pop Festival
Jun 21 - Summer Solstice Party in Golden Gate Park
Jun 25 - Beatles sing "All You Need Is Love" on TV 1967
Jun 30 - 448,400 US troops now in Vietnam
July - The Summer of Love in San Francisco
July - Summer of Rioting in the US.  Blacks take to the streets in
Chicago, Brooklyn, Cleveland and Baltimore
July 1 - Sgt. Pepper hits #1
July 11 - Newark riots start long hot summer
July 24 - 43 Die in Detroit rioting, worst in U.S. history
July 26 - H. Rap Brown arrested for inciting a riot in Maryland
July 29 - Door's Light My Fire and Procol Harem's Whiter Shade of Pale
vie for #1
Aug 26 - Jimi Hendrix's "Are You Experienced" hits the charts
Aug 27 - Beatles in India with Maharishi informed of Brian Epstein's death
Sept - Richard Alpert meets Bhagwan Dass at the Blue Tibetan in
Katmandu, stays in India & follows him until he meets his guru.
Sept 15 - Donovan performs at the Hollywood Bowl
Oct 3 - Woody Guthrie dies
Oct 8 - Che Guevarra killed in Bolivia by US-trained troops
Oct 12 - Big Brother and the Holding Company's Cheap Thrills with
Janis Joplin at top of LP charts.
Oct 20 - Seven KKK members convicted of conspiracy in 1964 murders of
three civil rights worker
Oct 21-22 - Anti-war protesters storm the Pentagon
Oct 21 - "Diggers" exorcise the Pentagon.  35,000 Demonstrate, 647
Oct 26 - Draft deferments eliminated for those who violate draft laws
or interfere with recruitment
Nov 14 - Air Quality Act provides $428 million to fight air pollution
Nov 20 - National Commission on Product Safety established
Dec - Beatles release "Magical Mystery Tour"
Dec - 486,000 American troops in Vietnam, of the 15,000 killed to
date, 60% died in 1967.
Dec - "Stop the Draft" movement organized by 40 antiwar groups,
nationwide protests ensue.
Dec 5 - 1000 antiwar protesters try to close NYC induction center. 
585 arrested including Allen Ginsberg and Dr. Benjamin Spock
Dec 5 - Beatles open Apple Shop in London
Dec 8 - Otis Redding records "Dock of the Bay"
Dec 10 - Otis Redding dies in plane crash
Dec 22 - Owsley busted, stops making acid
Dec 31 - Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Paul Krassner, Dick Gregory, &
friends pronounce themselves "Yippies"

Jan 16 - Youth International Party (Yippies) founded
Jan 18 - Eartha Kitt visiting LBJ at White House speaks out against
the war
Jan 22 - B-52 carrying H-bomb crashes in Greenland
Jan 23 - USS Pueblo seized by Korea
Jan 31 - Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive
Feb - Timothy Leary evicted from Millbrook house
Feb - Beatles go to India to visit Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Rishikesh
on the Ganges river.  Mia Farrow, Donovan follow.
Feb 8 - George Wallace announce candidacy for President on law and
order platform
Mar 12 - Eugene McCarthy wins 42% of New Hampshire vote in
presidential primary
Mar 16 - My Lai massacre 200 - 500 Vietnamese villagers killed
Mar 16 - Robert F. Kennedy announces candidacy for President
Mar 31 - LBJ announces decision not to run again and offers partial
Vietnam bombing halt
Apr 4 - Martin Luther King shot and killed in Memphis
Apr - The week following Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder sees black
uprisings in 125 cities across the U.S.
Apr 6 - Oakland Police ambush Black Panthers. Eldridge Cleaver
arrested with a bullet-shattered leg. Bobby Hutton shot and killed.
Apr 8 - Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs established (DEA)
Apr 11 - LBJ signs civil rights bill banning housing discrimination
Apr 11 - Major call-up of reserves for duty in Vietnam
Apr 14 - Love-in at Malibu Canyon, Calif.
Apr 15 - Start of Spring Mobilization against the Vietnam war
Apr 23 - SDS lead students take over 5 buildings at Colombia Univ for
a week. 700 arrested
Apr 24 - 300 Black students occupy admin. building at Boston Univ.
demanding black studies and financial aid
Apr 25 - Paul Horn records in the Taj Mahal
Apr 29 - The rock musical HAIR opened on Broadway at the Biltmore Theater
May 10 - Vietnam peace talks begin in Paris
Jun 3 - Andy Warhol shot by woman
Jun 5 - Bobby Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan moments after
winning California primary.
Jun 14 - Dr. Benjamin Spock convicted of conspiracy to abet draft evasion
July 1 - Nuclear nonproliferation treaty signed by 61 nations
Aug 1 - 541,000 U.S. Troops in Vietnam
August 3, 1968 - The first Newport Pop Festival in Costa Mesa,
California to an audience of over 100,000 people. Performers include
Steppenwolf, Jefferson Airplane, Sonny & Cher, Tiny Tim, the Byrds,
Iron Butterfly, The Grateful Dead and Eric Burdon & the Animals.
Aug 8 - Nixon and Agnew nominated during Miami riots
Aug 20 - Soviets invade Czechoslovakia
August 25-29 - Democratic Convention in Chicago  demonstrations &
police riot 10,000 +/- demonstrators vs.  11,000 Chicago police; 6,000
National Guard; 7,500 U.S. army troops; and 1,000 FBI, CIA &  other
services agents  (Humphrey nominated on platform supporting the war)
Aug 28 - Humphrey and Muskie nominated amid violent antiwar protests
in Chicago.  Bystanders and press also beaten by police
Oct 18 - John & Yoko Busted
Nov - First "Whole Earth Catalog" published by Stewart Brand.
Nov 5 - Nixon elected President, Spiro T. Agnew, VP
Nov 6 - Student Strike at SF State

Jan 28 - Santa Barbara, Ca. oil well blowout
Feb - Massive strike at U.C. Berkeley for ethnic studies
Feb 11 - 200 students smash computers with axes & set computer center
on fire during sit-in protesting prof's racism at St. George Williams
College, Montreal
Feb 13 - 33 students arrested at admin bldg sit-in at Univ of Mass.
Feb 18 - Students seize building and  boycott started at Howard University
Feb 24 - Students occupy Admin bldg at Penn State
Feb 27 - Police charge student picket lines, club and arrest two
Chicano leaders at U.C. Berkeley
Feb 27 - Thousands rampage thru nine buildings at U of Wisconsin,
Madison over black enrollments
Mar 12 - Paul McCartney marries Linda Eastman
Mar 20 - John & Yoko fly to Gibraltar,  get married then fly to
Amsterdam for one week "lie-in" for peace
Mar 20 - James Earl Ray sentenced to 99 years for murder of Martin
Luther King Jr.
Apr - 543,000 US troops now in Vietnam
Apr 4 - Smothers Brothers tv show canceled because it is too controversial
Apr 9 - 300 Harvard students led by SDS seize Univ Hall and evict
eight deans
Apr 10 - Police called into Harvard, 37 injured, 200 arrested
Apr 11 - Start of 3 day student strike at Harvard
Apr 22 - Harvard faculty votes to create black studies program &
  give students vote in selection of its faculty
Apr 22 - City College of NY closed after black & Puerto Rican students
lock selves inside asking higher minority enrollment
Apr 23 - Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for murder of Bobby Kennedy
Apr 24 - U.S. B-52s launch biggest attack on North Vietnam. Protests
in 40 cities
May 15 - Hippies in People's Park in Berkeley attacked by police and
Nat'l Guard
July - Stephen Gaskin starts The Farm commune in Tennessee.
July 3 - Brian Jones of Rolling Stones dies
July 14 - Easy Rider premieres
July 20 - Men walk on the Moon
July 27 - Police raid on gay bar in Greenwich Village, NYC results in
Stonewall Uprising. 2000 protesters battle 400 police, start of Gay
Liberation Movement
Aug - Blind Faith forms, with Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker from Cream
and Steve Winwood from Traffic.
Aug 9 - Sharon Tate & LaBiancas found murdered by Charles Manson & Crew
August 15 - 17 WOODSTOCK Festival 500,000 people gathered for three
days of music and peace that changed the world
Aug 24 - Movie 'Alice's Restaurant released with Arlo Guthrie
Aug 26 - FBI reports 98% increase in marijuana arrests from 1966 - 1968
Sept 3 - Ho Chi Min, leader of North Vietnam, dies
Sept 24 - Chicago Eight trial begins. Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry
Rubin et. al charged with conspiracy to incite riots
Oct - Is Paul dead? Beatles controversy
Oct 8-11 - The Weatherman "Days of Rage"
Oct 15 - Peace Day. 500,000 protesters nationwide. First Vietnam
Oct 21 - Jack Kerouac, beat author of "On the Road" dies.
Oct 30 - Supreme Court orders desegregation nationwide
Nov 15 - 500,000 + march in Wash. DC for peace. Largest antiwar rally
in U.S. history. Speakers: McCarthy, McGovern, Coretta King, Dick
Gregory, Leonard Bernstein. Singers: Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Peter,
Paul, & Mary, John Denver, Mitch Miller, touring cast of Hair
Nov 17 - First round of SALT talks in Helsinki
Nov 20 - 78 American Indians seize Alcatraz Island and demand its return
Nov 20 - DDT use banned in residential areas
Nov 24 - Lt. William Calley charged with murdering 102 So. Vietnamese
civilians at My Lai
Nov 25 - President Nixon orders all US germ warfare stockpiles destroyed
Dec - Over 100,000 US troops dead or injured in Vietnam.
Dec 1 - First draft lottery since W.W.II held in NYC
Dec 8 - Raid on Black Panther headquarters in LA - four hour shoot-out
Dec 24 - Rolling Stones "Altamont" concert erupts in violence, one
spectator killed

January 1 - Nixon signs National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Feb - Timothy Leary sentenced to 10 years for Texas/Mex marijuana bust
Feb 4 - Riot in Isla Vista, Calif.  protesting Chicago verdicts
Feb 4 - President Nixon proposes environmental cleanup - EPA
Feb 18 - Chicago Seven acquitted of conspiracy charges
Feb 19 - Chicago Seven Trial verdict: Dellinger, Davis, Hayden,
Hoffman, & Rubin found guilty of crossing state lines to incite riot
Feb 19 - Explosions in 3 office buildings in NY; and in Calif; Wash;
Maryland; Mich, possibly done by the Weathermen
Feb 25 - Isla Vista Riots, Santa Barbara Bank of America bombed
Feb 26 - U.S. Army discontinues surveillance of civilian
demonstrations and files of demonstrators
Mar 6 - Three Weathermen blow themselves up in Greenwich Village, NY
Apr 1 - Cigarette advertising banned on radio and TV
Apr 7 - Referring to student unrest, Ronald Reagan, Gov. of Calif: "If
it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with."
Apr 10 - Paul McCartney announces breakup of Beatles
Apr 22 - First Earth Day.  Millions participate
Apr 30 - Nixon sends troops into Cambodia
May 4 - Four College Students Killed by National Guard at Kent State
University, Ohio
May 5 - Nuclear nonproliferation treaty takes effect
May 8 - Construction workers attack antiwar demonstrators, Wall St., NY
May 9 - 100,000 attend antiwar rally, Wash. D.C.
May 14 - Police kill two at Jackson State during violent student
Jun 15 - Supreme Court OKs conscientious objector status on moral grounds
Jun 18 - U.S. voting age lowered to 18, now old enough to kill and
vote. (see Mar 23, 1971?)
June 11 - Daniel Berrigan arrested by FBI for kidnapping/bombing
Sept 12 - Timothy Leary escapes prison (San Luis Obispo) with help
from the Weather Underground, joins Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers.
Sept 18 - Jimi Hendrix dead at age 27
Oct 4 - Janis Joplin dies
Oct 13 - Angela Davis arrested on kidnapping, murder and conspiracy
Dec -  Paul McCartney sues to dissolve Beatles.
Dec 2 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) activated

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