As much as there is a business-page story about meditating Fairfield as an 
economy which focuses on the several multi-million dollar companies which have 
been created. Another part of the Fairfield meditating story are those who have 
adjusted their standard of living to be able to pursue long meditation in life.
 -Buck in the Dome



 fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :
 I carry no debt at all, so I am in great shape. I pity those who have been 
seduced by the empty promises of consumerism, especially the very wealthy. Talk 
about a cult!
 You got it right.

I live among the wealthy in Manhattan, but that is well balanced by workers. 
Adds some sanity.

The Village near my country house is an economically distinct as possible. Not 
---In, <> wrote :


---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Government policy now heavily discourages saving anything. Interest rates are 
so low, way below even one-tenth of 1%. The banks get their money for free from 
the government, so there is NO incentive to raise more capital from individual 
investors. This is designed to flood the *risky* stock market with cash, and if 
you lose it all, tough turkeys. Yes, monetary policy favors just the super rich.
In are being looted.
The Fix is in.
I was there.
---In, <> wrote :


---In, <jedi_spock@...> wrote :

The 'public space' needs to be protected from the onslaught 
of the Liberals.

The 'private space' needs to be protected from the onslaught 
of the Conservatives.

It's a paradox. In other words, you need two distinct set of 
laws to deal with issues of 'public space' and 'private 

Coming to the issue of hyper-sexualisation of girls, it 
prevents them from having a normal healthy childhood, the 
previous generations had.

This kind of crass commercialism and consumerism can be 
prevented if you tax consumption, instead of income. 
'progressive consumption tax' forces people to consume less 
resources, purchase less goods, and put their money in 
The issue of Public Space and Private Space has been treated be creating laws 
around "The Commons" to be the purview of Government

Distorted Capitalism and Captured Government have distorted this. 

The Commons are now looted by the Owners of Government.

Also, don't put your money in Banks. I was a Banker for 30 years. 

The Fix is in.
> > --- <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 > > It is demonic. Done for the money. The earlier children can be sexualized, 
 > > opens up more marketing possibilities, legal and not. We will debase 
 > > ourselves completely, as a culture, if it means a buck can be made. 

> --- <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


 > I was at a trade show one year down in Florida and in the hotel there 
 > happened to be a beauty pageant for young girls. I was astounded. The time 
 > and energy put into making very young children look like they were 
 > prostitutes was really creepy. The mothers are all bustling about with 
 > suitcases of costume changes and these little made up dolls (their 
 > daughters) with big. lacquered hair and blingy outfits were a sight to 
 > behold. Madness.




 > > > --- <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 > > > Bhairitu, I never minded about beauty pageants. Until I heard about the 
 > > > pageants for VERY young girls. Who wore make up and high heels. 
 > > > Something about that seems very icky to me.



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