Hi Curtis:  Hey, I was just responding to Xeno on his psychological rape
post and this spontaneously came off my fingertips:
"nor did I [feel psychologically raped] recently, when Curtis referred
me to the gang rape lyrics of a song he posted.  I probably should have
then, come to think about it, but I just figured I had crossed his
boundary again, unknowingly, like I did the first time.  I was teasing
him; he got angry...."
God bless it, were you trying to publicly PR me?  Did I not pick up on
that?  I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, it's true.  You never
did explain to me why you referred me to the lyrics you did.  If you
were, than I say "Fuck you, man, fuck you."  If you weren't than maybe
you could explain it to me.  Am I right in my assumption above?
I know you ain't a country guy, in terms of music, but here's a song
from George Jones - RIP, that may bring you back to a performance period
that would be best left forever.

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