Dear Emptybill, you sneaky SOB.  I think you may have set me up and I fell for 
it, and in the process, I inadvertently threw my friend Ravi under the 
proverbial bus, which is not a very friendly thing to do.  I am writing this 
post to make a formal amends to Ravi, now that the line between FFL and 
personal life has been crossed with respect to he and I.  

 Ravi has always dealt with me honestly, sincerely, and without prejudice.  He 
took the time, back when I first posted here of my experience with Amma, to 
respond and discuss it with me clearly and objectively and he has always 
treated me with respect and consideration.  He has taken the time to explain 
things to me I was curious about, given my ignorance of all things "India" and 
"Hindu."  Last summer, he was coming through Seattle, and we met in person and 
spent several hours walking along the waterfront, shooting the breeze and 
looking for shade, on one of the hottest days of the season.  There will be no 
pictures posted; I wouldn't want to give Share an opportunity to disparage my 
looks and choice of clothing in a fit of mean-spirited pique. 

 Ravi is an open, friendly, warm, perceptive, accepting, highly intelligent 
person with a quick wit and a generous spirit and I was glad to meet him.  He 
has integrity as a human being and works hard to support his family.  

 To set the record straight, the post I replied to 2 days ago that you 
addressed to me included allegations against Ravi that were above and beyond 
what is fair and decent to ascribe to another person. I replied in a neutral 
and inane and selective and self-centered way to the post because: 1) I had not 
followed the conversation between the two of you beyond the point where I 
acknowledged his presence back on FFL and; 2) I was mentally fatigued and 
energetically compromised after spending most of that day participating in 
trying to explain the concept of "common human decency" to Share. I did not do 
my friend Ravi justice in my reply to you.   

 Conversations on FFL give rise to many types of communication styles. It is 
not a communication mode that would lend itself to approval in certain 
environments, such as the corporate one.  I know this; I spent many years in 
that environment and yes, depending on the job position one might be applying 
for, they would check one's online presence, Facebook page, etc. and they would 
not likely understand the context of this forum. 

 With respect to myself, I am admittedly, moderately paranoid (depending on the 
day and situation) about my privacy; I was lynched more than once in the world 
of corporate politics.  I do keep a subjective boundary between FFL and my real 
life; it is internally less rigid than it first was, but it is there and it 
will remain, as a general rule.

 Now, to address these recent posts.  Emptybill, one thing that I value in 
others is a level of integrity that allows for honest, if not always easy 
conversation, when feelings are hurt and behavior is perceived as suspect.  It 
breeds trust and a maturity that allows for forgiveness when we, as human 
beings, screw up.  Ravi and I have corresponded about my response to you, given 
what I know of Ravi, and his words to you about me, given what he knows of me.  

 First, the easy things.  1) Emptybill, you and Ravi corresponded offline; that 
is between the two of you.  You posted a private email last night (yes, Ann, 
you were correct) to FFL without acknowledging it as such. This confused me; I 
thought it was one of the posts I had missed and I was annoyed that it breached 
my boundary between my personal life and FFL. Re: the following statement of 

 Re:  "And don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of mine and she 
knows me very well, and she's laughing behind your back - Don't embarrass and 
humiliate yourself." 

 What I said last night in my response to this is true.  I was not laughing 
behind your back, nor was I involved in any way in the correspondence between 
the two of you. Ravi has acknowledged that he exaggerated this point, because 
he was so upset at certain of your allegations (which I will get to), and he 
has apologized to me.  I accept his apology.  

 2) Regarding my posts back to you on the now deleted thread.  I don't have 
these to refer to, however, in those posts you alleged or at the very least, 
implied, that Ravi had, in a sinister fashion, emailed your wife offline and 
you intimated that he was harassing and stalking you and your family, also 
offline.  You presented what you said, as I recollect, by asking "how I would 
feel if this were to happen to me and my daughters." In my response to you, I 
wrote a reply that, in general, empathized with the fear of losing one's 
privacy.  I took the easy route out that night, in the wake of my fatigue in 
dealing that day with Share's incoherent mind and lack of integrity.  

 This was a fuck-up on my part, because I do *know* Ravi and we have been 
*friends* and certainly, his situation and the allegations towards him should 
have been a priority for me, as I value his friendship and I also consider 
myself, normally, a loyal friend, and I am careful about who I let into my 
circle.  Ravi meets the bar. By my lack of action and my not opposing or 
questioning  or calling you on your outrageous allegations against Ravi, I 
failed to support or do justice to the man I know.  I do not feel good about 
how that went down, in my heart or gut. Those allegations spoke to his 
integrity as a person and they rise to a level that greatly exceeds my 
annoyance around the breaching of my FFL boundary.  

 For the record, I do not believe that Ravi engaged in such behavior with you, 
your wife, or your daughters.  Your allegations imply a pattern of behavior 
that could  or would have occurred over time, offline, that does not jibe in 
any way with who Ravi is.  (Note: I do not perceive the FFL-style sparring as 
anything but that.)

 I do not condone the manner in which you subconsciously played on my fear 
around my privacy and my family.  My generic reply to you appeared like a tacit 
acquiescence that such a thing could be true of Ravi and that is where the hurt 
occurred between the two of us (he and I). It was a grievous error on my part, 
because I do know him. My responsibility to him as a friend is higher than that 
of an anonymous online acquaintance. 

 Your implied and real defamation of Ravi's character and integrity as a human 
being was unwarranted and unfair and inaccurate in scope and definition. 

 I would like to extend a formal and public apology to Ravi for my behavior in 
this matter; I fucked this one up.  Sincerely, Emily. 






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